/ t HALSEY STATE BANK I We are here tn eerre you. The best of pork, beef, and Awb the country afford». We keep a In c of lard and compound alw aw on FROM EVERYWHERE S hand. See us before yen buy. X 1'ho Halsey Meat Market, »a «far The Halsey Athletic’, are on the i & ®°n’ ; HALSEY NEWS NOTES H ALSEY, O REG O N Capital andSurplus $32,000 John Pitman Married. Iut«rest paid on time certificate» o f deposit . W e invite your banking business Married, at the home of Capt program to play the A lbany Moose On W edne'dav, Ja u llfrli tli. theater O Taylor io Eugene, Sat- o n F r u la y m g b tD ee , h h a n d t h ,.i Odd Fellow, w.ll entertain the >rday, Jan 1st, l»2l, John D Pit- have . great expectation's of winninv Rebekahs with a feast . f , „ , h. C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres «»a of Haleey, and Mine Eva A regular session of the Rebekah Barber of Eugene, Elder E V Sti- Kefore »«other ieaue of this pa lodge. B. M. BOND, Cashier >«rt, pastor of the Christian! p”r com*9 out ,hpre "'•* 1« an Mrs Summers Dougherty and her burch at Eugene, officiating. otber meat m arket opened up o I l was a quiet wedding, wit- ^»teey, hut the exact day lb not two sons, who have been visiting PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS Here for a few days, returned neseed only by Miss Lillian Bar- ' known positively yet w, »Altd the "PRE” to payment and will loan yow money for ten at twenty her, a sister of the bride, Mr* E J The Boy Scouts are conducting l*,riilay noon to their hums in year». No to n iu in ia o mortgage, no Life Insurance. Yon can, bat do not fcav Coboru a fneud, the host aud hoe- i recruiting cam paign. They ar.' Portland. to pay on tlx principal annually. less, and Mra Taylor s parents trying to till up two patrol*. After One day last week Mr Steven,on dr and Mrs E C Atkins. he patrols are filled those coming presented us with a large egg. See J. M, and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. After the 12 o ’clock ceremony 'ate will have to wait until there i I Up to the present writing it has < fine dinner was served by Llr a vacancy hefore they can becorn. not been broken hut we suppose it feylor. On 8uuday Mr Pitmai nemliers They have a nice di- has a double yolk. It was ft inches •nought hie bride home and in. day in Koontz store window. ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon around the aides aud A itiehra stalled her in hie home at tin With the passiagof one year and the opening of another, the ocheerssnff Mrs Lou Pe-ry of Seattle, win tround the eads, hut the eurious employee, of this Institution would convey toall patron, and friend, the aid north end of town. has been here for some three part about it n s , that around the yet ever new wish: "a S4»«v c a i i u m i m o a Harry saw vgai," On Monday evening about sixti reeks for the purpoee of taking ' middle there was a creased line A , the year, puss, w e would have this Institution known foe it , SriBIT of Mr Pitman’s friends, includin, •are of her father, John McNeil extending entirely around, as if • » Slavic«. We wish you to realise that io every banking I r a in c U ii, a goodly number of the Odd Eel m a il or large, it i , our intention to be constructive and helpfal. •ook down siek the hitter p a rt of ' s one one had mads a small groove lows and Rebekahs, and some n: 's a t week with heart troul in it. Outside of that it was a Small saving. Banks are furnished tree to anyone depositing ft.00 o» Sin mere in a Saying, Account. ¡he younger element of the city has been quite sick. Het h u e­ perfectly formed overgrown hsuegg £ A L W A Y S A T Y O U * S E R V IC E " met and treated the newly uiar- hand, Lou Perry, arrived llen ied couple to an old faahionen Tuesday to h elp tak e care of the / ’**** skimelton. lick. Mr M cNeil was nt one * No. 1 Red and Alaike Clover J Mr Pitman is a highly respected tim e reported deed, tl.ai J 8eed f° r at lowest price eitiaeo of Halsey. He lias worked was a m istake, hut hut T. J Skirvin, he is quite £ J f»u the section here for going on t< low, never-the-le«n. Clover Warehouse. four year» and he will continue to Last Sunday night it was Join ''* ^**»*.*-.*>**>.♦ work there. A»»* P itm an's tim e to lead the C hris­ The Enterprise extends its heartiest congratulations to the tian E ndeavor m eeting, hut find­ ing it wouldn t be convenient for newly married couple. VV» B ath him to he i re-ent he asked M E V M R Y THING Mr» L instead Entertains. W hite to he his proxy. When J On New Year’s Mrs A V Urn- stead, according to her usual cue- “*> gave a dinner to all who wera minded to go. It was an ex ceedingly hue dinner. The editor and his wife had an iuvitation but circumstancea were such that they could not bo present. Those present were Dr Philo '1 Starr aud wife, Mt* Ary Miller, Mr« W J Kibeliu, Mrs Pearl Trm end her niece, Lila Dudley, and W 9 White and wife. M. V. KOONTZ CO. O ptical Mr W hite look Ins place, in |, „ apology for being hr fore the eoci- E Y E S T R A IN Is the t ease ot Ma uy ’ ty in the capacity of leader, lie HUMAN ILLS told them Mr P itm an had made a j n jjiif y,,u trouble, at valid Bible excuse for not being a H jo y u o r u r f «¿la, r * a re minoyirg 9 U ’. I s A r m i Rriit vr Vo» oresent, nam clv : “ 1 have married 1 i wife and therefore I cannot 9 Bancroft Optical Co. lu Jst St. U Albany. Plicae 4fcJ -ome. ” Fhe First Savings Bank of A lbany,O regon B 8 Clark wae an Albany caller Monday. 9 H Porter transacted business io Albany Tuesday, R L Bdyeu visited his brother in Albany Saturday. W C and Mrs Bass spent Satur­ day io Albany. The Boy Scouts practice basket hall every Monday evening from 6. 30 until 8. UQ, Mrs George Taylor left Friday fora few days visit iu Portlaupl and Hilldale. O R Bond left Monday for a week or teu days’ business trip to Portland. ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE Is a good pisce to deposit your «seing». 4 percent iaterestea scamata that re» three aMMtlte He montba or a yea, iat«re»tate4 sem ian n u ally. 4> h iie s u s u u iy to * 4> /fil Miss Cleona Smith left Monday /fi for Salem to continue her studies at the Willamette University. The Halsey Athletics played the Albany Moose at Albany last Thursday evening with a score of I 21 to 16 in favor of Albany. /fi Mrs W H Beene left hete /fi Wednesday evening for Bakers­ field, California. She left sooner than she bad intended on account of receiving a telegram announc­ /fi ing the illness ot her husband. Henry D Olseu of Portland, f f Traveling Frt Agt of the Southern Taeittc lines, transacted business in Halsey Wednesday. While in /{ lo r n he dropped into our sanctum 4S sanctorum and we had a very «s sociable chat no diffeient up-to- t e date subjects. /fi /fi 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 • / •ite li f a 4' Try an Ad in the Enterprise i fip Ç 9* O f? S u m m er - / '* l\ - - w P a s tu re s r —''i, As your ar.lmslg e rn e in off f' n ' ‘t ï ■» > r- which nature supplied toke-pll n It’s a I.ig < ■ lacking in the dry fr I - hay , r o.j teaesr—er they wul get “off feed” and o, t of i. ;. Dr. Hess S ock ísmic S u p p l.r ^ th e T o m e» »rum »I n fy. *» fr».» . worm* It It h»•»•!»• th** »tHM-ht* ...I 1 It ry»WH f».r c»Kr|»t It kc« p» • . I t Hie a a , g. '.a ta t u»« - D m r ttin » k • i«« »he ft b»w«ito op» tzp the» milk | . W hy Pay the Feddl r Twice M v Price? If« one lota, Stolen f i t the Dr. H en U ne. Call on a t I). If. STURTEVANT. r«0 os Ao* moth ¡tort m Aoy.-. W> lorn a ta r la te le eaU. Dr. Hess Instant l o^seìò lie r KHr< ' 5