-*• --- »-=»■ *■ O«r Scraoaetu Mrs Ids Halsey si The rr and Mips nized Wt parsortay tor of the T. V. I Saturday morn ¡K- J WO chased a moved to Monday, XMAS CONFECTIONS for the tree, atockinga or pre? ente. Good to look at, good ti e a t Our candies are pure ant wholesome. Try ua for candy satisfaction. Please yourself and your friends by buying ours (L A R K ’S CONFECTIONERY. Cross & White WIDOV URGE Heating Stoves and Stove Boards at re­ duced prices. wn In $lat trj^s V A real assortment of G ranite Roasters for the holiday dinner. A word in turnon, how good i a: a word tidy spoken it like ap­ plet of gold io picture» of silver rov 15 23, 26: 11. We are to rernemlier, « hen taili­ ng with those who have an ear it ear and are inquiring the way ol 'he Lord, that there are great 'irises in the lives of men, mo­ mentous occasions, in which one word may be more valuable, more potent, than would be a hundred words or a thousand, worde at ■ nother time under different cir­ cumstances; and we are to be in­ stant in the Lord’s service, wheth­ er seasonable or unseasonable to ourselves,— gladly ready to lay down our 'lives for the brethren. We are to distinguish, however, between out-of-season to ourselves, if it be in season and opportune for them. We are not to intrude even the gospel ittelt at inoppor­ tune times, however convenient the occasion may be to ourselves, -Many other article» in keeping with the season. S a # 0> Wömei Might Cross & White ? o . w . FRUM Î Albany Furniture Exchange You’ll Always Find” A apes* S h i s ,* tjir liig .fisc* llu III th e BIG SUBSCRIPTION OFFER 1 Í Murphy’s Seed Store f Albany, Oregon. $ Albany Salem BUSICK’S F i r s t Door W e s t o f S t F r a n c i s H o te l. Mrs Pray received a letter from Phone C O D Orders 77 her daughter in Honolulu, Mrs Morrow, from which we take tLe RETAILERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES following excerpts: Dec 2. Dear Mother; I guess These Prices Good All This Week. I am a good sailor for I have nol Open Friday Until 8.00 O’Clock P. M. been a bit sick nor have I missed a single meal. Candies and Nuts 3 pounds jelly powder .25 We left San Francisco yester­ 1 pound plain mixed 16 pounds small white beans LOO day noon, and at 3 o’clock we bit 3 pound lots per pound Oranges 40c, 50c, 60c and .70 a storm all right, and the boat 5 pound lots per pound 2 packages dates .45 sure did roll, but tonight it is Broken mixed per pound 15 ounce package raisins .28 W ill chop Tuesdays, Thursdays and S atudays.^ not so bad, and by tomorrow they 3 pound lots per pound 11 ounce package raisins .25 tell me we will be in the warm 5 pound lots per pound 11 ounce package currants .25 zone. I am enjoying every min Peanut Brittle per pound Good celery .10 ute of the trip and I guess if I could 3 pound lots per poun 1 Good head lettuce .10 keep well in the storm we had, I 5 pound lots per pound 4 pounds sweet spuds .25 will be able to stand it the rest of No 1 soft shelled walnuts 12 pounds Ja p rice 1.00 the time. 3 pounds soft shell walnuts 11 pounds head rice 1.00 They bad a movie on the ship No 2 soft shell walnuts 2 pounds peanut butter .26 tonight in the social hall and it 3 pounds soft shell walnuts 5 pounds peanut butter ’ .60 was pretty good. 1 Ih fresh roasted peanuts 5 pounds Dark Karo .45 Dec 3. All day there has been 2 lbs fresh roasted peanuts 10 pounds Dark Karo .85 a hard wind and the spray came 1 pound salted peanuts 5 pounds Light Karo .50 over the ship so that it was cold 2 pounds salted peanuts 10 pounds Light Karo .90 and damp outside, and tonight 1 pound soft shell almonds B IG R E D U C T IO N S IN M A T T R E S S E S 5 pound Marshmallow .60 pound*, all cotton felt $15.00 vaine now only J9.S5, just at supper lime the boat began 3 pounds soft shell almonds .90 10 pounds Marshmallow 1.20 5<> pound» all cotton felt $25.01) value u n » only $18.00 rolling go that it threw every thing 3 pounds mixed nuts .80 3 pounds M J B coffee 1.20 55 pound» beat quality, felted »ilk flu»» now $21 65. "ff the table or nearly so, and 1 pound filberts .25 5 pounds M J B coffee 2.00 w s w Yum Yum springs now only $4 25. some of the people off their seats. 2 pounds filberts A!1 m ail order» filled prom ptly. .45 3 pounds Nucoa 1.00 I was at a little table that was Eastern popcorn 415-121 W o t .10 No 5 pure lard 1.15 intended for two of us so that I Hip-o-Lite F irst Street .35 Order Vim Flour and get could hang on, but the old boal 2 Del Monte peas .45 the best H ardw heat a sure did roll and toss first on one 2 Del Monte corn .45 Flour per 50 pound side and then on the other. I am 2 Del Monte tomatoes .35 sack 2.60 i o a bit seasick, so 1 am happy— ' say» the Good Judge A * a or a n I afraid’i Some are scared hut I guess there is nothing to the Junior High School gynina- bed for twelve weeks. It is re- T h a t you get m ore Biiim. The score wae 43 10 7 in j ported that the present fracture is fear. genuine satisfaction favor of Albany. s bad, or worse than the firstone, Dec 4. Well we sure did roll at lea« cost when £ Mr and .Mrs C H Davidson were O M Thompson went to Albany all night but it is better today you use this class o f #L Albany visitors last Friday. on business Thursday. We passed the sister ship to this tobacco. Miss Opal Marsh of Albany, ship today so we had something to School Notes A small chew lasts look at. We arrived at 7 a m spent the week end with Miss ------- e*--' '- • y Laurel Pugh. so much longer than Tuesday. We thank you all for your kind Paul Dawson and small sou .. . . . . ’ « big chew of the Dec 6. We had tome wonderful patronage of our play. Didn't ordinary kind. A n d the full, rich real weather here, so warm and nice from Albany, visited with his you like Sappbira in her ancient tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing I got dp this morning to eee the father Tuesday. attire and typical old maid habits? satisfaction. ~ » J W Morgan was an Albany >he was the customary town gos­ sun rise. It is the most wonder­ caller Monday. A n v man who uses the Real Tobacco C h ew 1 ful sight I have ever seen. sip, while Reuben Hardacre cer­ Mrs Charles Arnold and two w ill tell you that. tainly acted hi» part as the uned­ State o f Ohio. C ity o f Toledo, children were Albauy calle/a Mon- ucated old man. Mrs Hardacre, Lucaa County. •«. Put up At rim ntjlu , s , F r y*!* 1 c b »“ »y make» oath th a t ha day. or “ M itthy,” certainly did her a aaalor partner of (be firm o f F. J. Miss Hattie Dannen. who ia vis­ part weil. We are mentioning V> -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco C o * dolB< kuelneee to the C ity of Toledo. County and State afareaald iting in the east, was taken sick and that aald firm will pay the atm at only the principal characters, but O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R » for » , ’ h RIGHT C l.T is a short-cut tobscct ith tonsiiitis, but at the present arid «vary case of C ata rrh th a t cannot be ! every one did splendidly. The W '- v n .in .B r u r o d G o m n m iy. HO/ l i r u j o w a . N e w fo r a C*ty medic I ne * um fr ^ U ? J henlv H W nl ‘ n g 1 S R e ‘, in ii , l o " l f n ic d v next play is the Senior play to l>* Sworn to before ma and aubacribed In -She is visiting her brother B' tija- TTnprr«Iinc*' *hu ,th **’' of Daca®ber. inin in South Dakota jivt now, given the latter part of February. The Athletic Association bad a md expects to visit friend« and , '•«w h ’ s ally i C and atarrh M a d ^ n a " ^ . ^ ’'“* , . meeting Tuesday morning to hear acta thrournpwuw . I_ ... Ball team played the Albany High under the wheels and bis hin rk i raer !><■ píem e« aate o f eararaWe*. — . . . . . . . ;;;■ $ - ■ « tio l A Letter From Honolnlu.. Air Farmer.-— Will you give $7.00 to make one acre of your land produce one-fourth more than it did last je ar? Drop us a postal and we’ll tell you all about it. No chance to lose. We give a money back guarantee,