DR. K «ARNJQBST,. 1 C h n a U a n C h u r c h N e tc « ¡¿.ijbi buv* prevented The wcltet i l l a»>d Mrs# VV (' Curry were E. L STIFF and SON PHYSICIAN AND SURSCOb Albany callers Saturday. o n c e s«*i »'<>> ! tionai Bank Buildin, Albany, O regon. JEWETT the COBBLER. ---- . G Working and .... Mr ___ and Mrs F Workinger Leader, A lfred Savage. „ Ing above It. either flr tree or trim-1 were Albany callers Saturday. Without pain, Late nerve- A t 7:30 Mrs Benton w ill speal mlng. Then as the tree Is denuded we watch carefully the fast-disappearing William Marsters from North but the topic has not been giver candles. Sometimes one of them, near­ blocking method. Powder, Oregon, arrived Tues­ to us. ly burned down, w ill topple over or be The services last Sunday wer merely a »park of flame, but near to day for a visit with home folks. something Inflammable and he a men­ Mrs Byerly’ Mrs Taylor, Mrs ducted by Mrs Benton, a forme ace. EARL A. BRAMWELL Prop Hugh Leeper, Homer Mornhin- pastor here. There was a goo< Suits Cleaned And Pressed. weg, were Albany callers Tues­ attendance both morning am evening. day. LAUNDRV SENT AM AV c ii M1>N1>AT While cranking his automobile Lake Creek To Have Extension GOOD TURNS ON CHRISTMAS Monday J W Moore got a cut over School. Chance for All to Aid the Friendless In his left eye. Those automobiles Having Happy Yuletida A t a committee meeting in th< W1LDEY LODGE NO. «A. Season. w ill kick if they have half a Lake CreeK church Friday o Regular meeting next S a tu r­ chance. E A L purveyors of Christmas cheer last week tentative plans wer. day night. may often find a m arket fo r their Guy Bramwell and family from made for the second communiij THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE precious wares outside the pale of Brownsville, were over Monday extension school. A number o charity, for all homeless people are and the to attend the funeral of Mrs committees were appointed t< not necessarily poor, and neither are childless homes necessarily unhap Electric Haircutting. Massaging Grant Taylor. Mrs Taylor was arrange fo r the various phase all OREGON FARMER py. Housekeepers who are short on and Shampooing. Mrs Bramwell’s stepmother. of the work and comfort of th« homes may combine these two lacking« one year fo r $1.65. and make Chrlgt raav day a merry de­ Laundry. Cleaning and Pressing attendants. Miss Nora Pehrsson went to light for the grown-ups In spite of This year's school is to be o Shedd Wednesday night to ride E. C . M IL L E R these unfortunate conditions. H alsey Item s There Is always something peculiar, the Eastern Star’s goat. We three days’ duration and accord ing to preliminary arrangementi ly pitiable In the Idea of any one Brownsville and D rifted Snow understand it is a wild one, but “flocking aloue” which should appeal no broken bones have been re­ the first w ill be "Farm Crop to the home-maker without a fam ily, flour at D H Sturtevant’». Day,” second. "P oultry Day, so that this should be the occasion for ported. For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W and third, "B e tte r Stock Day’ her to gather In all the bachelor maids C E Gulliford and family left and homeless men of her acquaintance Barnum, Harrisburg. Oregon. for the men’s division. The wo give them a Joyful opportunity to Phone or w rite fo r appointment. this morning for Portland to men are devoting their entir. and Halsey Station? "flock together." Even the Scrooges, spend a week w ith J P Wilbur If she knows any, should be rescued Sophia and Anna Heinrich time to dress making and m illi and family. The ladies at any from their lonely bowls of gruel snd were Albany callers Tuesday. persuaded to open their shut-up heart« rate, w ill stay a week, but M r nery. Lewis Skirvin expects tOBpend The committee is working un and wear them outside for general In­ Cosh buyers of ('rtam Gulliford expects to come back his vacation at Gresham. der a serious handicap on ac spection, a< VMckens says. "F o r Christ­ Sunday. mas daws to peck at." Therefore, col­ Eggs and Poultry. Mrs W H Robertson spent the count of the resignation of Coun lect six or eight of these birds of a For Sale—Two fresh Jersey ty Agent Smith. However, th< feather who are destitute of near-by week end at Tangent. caws, high testers, and two fresh Mrs E C M iller was an Albany arrangements are to be taken ui kith snd kin and make your Christ- large Durham cows, heavy m ilk­ L .W . BY EHL Y, Ag<»Mt mus feost a center of good cheer for visitor Saturday, returning Sun­ directly with the Extension Ser all the charmhig aolltalrea yon are ers. three full blooded bronze yice of the Oregon Agricultura able to draw w ithin Its radius.— day evening. Ernest Gourley and wife and turkev hens and one gobbler, a College and complete arrange Woman's Home Companion. Minnie Gourley and Pearl Pehrs­ full blooded Duroc boar, and ments w ill be announced later. Dealer in Real Ealale. son were Albany callers last F ri­ some black faced ewes to let out Handles Town and Coaatry Frapet on shares. R B Mayberry. Oregon Holstein Breeders to B< G ive him a call and see if be osa ha day. Good Year for Violets. Honored. The hasKet ball game between Mrs Mary Taylor of Corvallis, Sweet peas have been forced for the you up. ___ ___ » awa Christmas m arket only for many years came over to attend the funeral the Halsey Locals and the High Word has been received by th< past. They must be started blooming of her aunt. She returned Tues­ School that was played last night local Holstein breeders that Pres before the cold weather begin«. Then resulted in a score of 22 to 12 in ¡dent D D Aitken of the Nation they will bloom all winter. Daffodils day. al Holstein Friesian Association do not get In until February, hut a l­ Eldon Cross and w ife and Jess favor of the Locals. This was is to visit the Northwest anc most all the rest ofThe spring flowers, are expecting to go to Hillsboro followed by a practice game be­ that he w ill spend some two hyacinthe, narcissuses, havardla, and 304 Broadalbin St. Albany. so on. are on the Christmna counters to spend Christmas w ith Mrs tween two teams of the High weeks time in Oregon. C R E v­ Easter lilies, too, though r ttb e r cold School girls. Our wonderful root» and herbs Cross’ parents. ans was in Portland Thursday of and white for Christmas, are sold. V i­ Mrs W R an old time Miss Eleanor Bennett, Mr , „ Power, . j last week in conference with a olets. are flue this winter, deeply, are found in the China prepara­ darkly, beuutlfully blue. Some mi­ Jenks, and W illard Maxwell from resident of Halsey, died Monday number of Oregon Holstein men gnonette now comes In enormous tions and have stood the test of » ingent. took in the High School night at Lebanon at 12 o clock. arranging fo r Mr A itke n ’s enter­ sprays. There ur«j carnations but the thousand years to cure Catarrh. as a result of a fall which broke lay last Friday night tainment. He w ill arrive in bright red Christ mas carnation Is the Asthma. Lung Trouble. Caat*r, favorite. Holly .comes from the bills been her hip two days previous, which John Hussey, who had Portland on Jan 23d and the fol­ of Mttryliuid and the south. The wild Rheumatism. Blood Poison. Ner­ hrought on pneumonia. She isiting fo r some time at the li lowing day w ill he the guest of holly supplies the market and there vousness, Stomach, Liver and was 91 years o f age. Funeral , Straley home, le ft Monday the Arlington Club who plan a hat never seemed to he any percepti­ Kidney troubles, also private ail­ ble diminution o f the supply. Great services were held at Lebanon trip over the Columbia Highway quantities of It are purchased by all ments of men and women. Con vening fo r California. Wednesday at 10 o’clock, after The R in g Wo Jacob. Marion, and William which the remains were taken and also a visit to the Pacific In ­ sorts of dealers, ah® decorate their saltation free. stores with It and send out a sprig at­ Chinese Medicine Co. 1’ 0 Box. ternational Exposition building. fhitlatch and the ir fami ics from | Rjyerview cemetery, Al- tached to every Christmas p an e l. The next day and those follow 247, Albany. Oregon._________ oburg, attended the funeral of bany, for . interment. interment. ing during his stay in the state, Irs Grant Taylor Monday- We have received calendars Mr Aitken w ill be thg guest of Henry Seefeld went to Eugene from the Bank, the M V Koontz the Oregon Holstein Cattle Club. »A D F A T E unday evening and returned Co, and Cross & White and they dr . a . R. FIN N E Y His itinerary includes visits to Wooden Sol­ londay afternoon. He is ta- are all works of art. The first is Electrical equipi>ed oflice Astoria, Hillsboro, Tillamook. dier: A fter faith ing medical treatment there Room 4«1 First Nations! H«nk Building a pastoral scene where the shep Corvallis, Eugene. Marshfield, fill ssrvles In Ed Warmoth and wife fro m ; herd is tending his flock beside and Redmond in the order the nursery for Albany Ore. a year, I w ill bs idford, arrived here Sunday , - j,e gtj|] waters. The secord is named. He w ill also visit as cast aside for a attend the funeral of Mrs a picture of a child and a dog many of the herd« o f Holstein now toy this W R IG H T & P O O L E Christmas. ’armoth’s mother. They re­ that have lain down to sleep side cattle as can be conveniently ar- uoi.0 irectors tad Licensed by side. The third is a photo- f aee him one day aat * e* • H of the year. They w ill „ndpgvor to give the fans a high w b d h _________ Ing. tree, says • correspondent In Good H ousekeep- There have bees scores of Christ- tree fatalities to domes and in lough at Chrigtwss. H ere is the p io ture o< the pig the» ** »®l»« «® .’Â -P lie g e o d ® B d ® tte r. killed.' i Altwnv- Oregon $5. Town or Country S5