Mrs Idi Halsey s< The .ir and M tfs nized Wt parsonag tor of the T. If. I Saturday mcrniRg. J WO' chased a moved to Monday. WIDOV URGE wtl In Stat trJsV jftef T he Halsey Enterprise Aa ladepondont Newepajior PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY CHAS. BALLARD, Editor Entered *• »«cond-cln»» matter Oc­ tober 8, 1012, at the pootoffico at HaL awy, Ovefon, under the Aet of March 8, X879. Devoted tu the material upbuilding of Halsey and earrounding country and Linn County generally Subecnptlea la te 81.50 per year in advance. BRYANT PARK PLACE Stock Farm, Registered. SHORTHORN CATTLE DU ROC SWINE Write, or call when at Albany. Farm adjoins city. Some bull« of serviceable age at price! y©« ran afford to pay. C. C. Bryant, Prop. J. M. Wagner, Sup’t. FIRST Moon” with pleasing little exer­ will ?r*’ ring revival °erni':n. which and Miss Cook, are taking the cises. teachera’ examination at Albany o do it. and to show uim by our would have helped all who were this week and the teacher’s Come! You will enjoy it. profnptnoM that wo delight to do not there could they have heard training class are getting good his w ill, tbo bettor end the more it. Bra Danford is strong for Brownsville Cannery Burns. q u ietly will wo find our charac­ evangelism and is very firm in practice as substitutes. hia belief that the gospel light of The grades and the high school The Brownsville cannery was ters estsbliahed on proper lines. ar? going to have little Christ­ totally destroyed by fire yester­ Extension Instruction Course At | Jesus Christ is the only thing mas programs. The children day morning with an estimated that will bring to life and use­ Lake Creek. fulness the lives of dying men are so anxious to celebrate San­ loss of $35,000. Residents of the Lake Creek and women. Shall we get under ta’s coming that a private Xmas The origin of the fire is un­ •onunanity will meet Friday af­ the burden that Bro Cook is program is being prepared- known. It was discovered by ternoon at 2 o’clock to decide bearing to bring a revival th a t1 Come! Where? Don’t you a son of Dr Kent about 3 o’clock upon what subjects will be peti­ will illuminate the darkness of know? Havn’t you heard about yesterday morning, who, after tioned for a three days’ exten­ sin in this town? the High School play next Fri­ calling the alarm, rushed to the sion school that will be sought day evening? Of course you building and broke into the office In the quarterly meeting that by the community this year. followed E B Pen land and Beu­ have and you are coming too to and began removing the books Last year a two day extension lah Miller were elected on the see the "Old Oaken Bucket.” and records. These with the school met with such »uccess board of stewards and Beulah The old maid with her corkscrew rest of the contents of the office that another one and a longer Miller was elected collector an 1 curls will be there, and little were all that were saved. one is being requested this year. treasurer of the Centenary fund. sunshiny Teddy too. Lack of water pressure made The courses are provided by the the water system practically use­ Besides all the serious and hu­ School N otes extension department of the morous characters in the play, less, but the prevailing damp­ Oregon Agricultural College. William and Collin Carver you will see fair Japanese ladieB ness prevented the fire from Further than that the women glide and sing. Little moon fai­ spreading. At this writing the want a course in millinery and were absent from school Monday ries arrayed in green spangled amount of insurance carried is and Tuesday. dress making, the nature of the costumes will sing "Venetian not known. Two teachers, Mrs Kimbrell course to be sought has not yet been decided upon. C R Evans has been selected as the Lake Creek community leader. talvna to Anno ib« THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Renovates and makes feather Chriotian Church Note« mattresses, old furniture and Sunday ocbool at 10 a 00. It is mattresses made like new. hoped there will be a good at­ Bring them in or phone 261-R, tendance in all the clashes. Let 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. us apend a full hour at study and review work in the High School class as examinations will soon be here. Remember the mem­ DR. R. H. HARRIS ory work, 1st and 23rd Psalms. Mrs Mary D Benton will preach for us the remainder of C o s ic a . B a « « Bau.DlMO. Al.aaMT. the year, when Lester Jones will take up the work the first Sunday of the new year. 100 ACRES ALL UNDER CULTIVA­ The C W B M meeting was TION. Good A room boat«. largo now boro, held at the home of Mrs vV H afternoon, aaU all nrcraaary out buildioga. wall ot Robertson Tuesday thv houw and barn, family orchard, wo- Miss Mary La Rue leading. von wire fence«, l.ocated 8 miles from The entertainment given Sat­ Albany on a good road, this place la the urday night by the young people tw»l boy to the Willamette volley aod of Eugene was very much en­ will not last. Let ua show it to yon. joyed and it is hoped they may 881,00. Term». WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. be with us again in the near fu­ 20.1 tat National Bank Bldg, Albany. Or ture. C E topic “The Spirit of Gen­ erosity.” 2 Cor 9: 6 15. Lead­ C C . BRYANT er, Rena Walker. ATTORNEY AT LAW Church Notes 261 New First Nat’l Bank Bldg,. SUNDAY SCHOOL Albany, Oregon. — ------- .n i)--------- Jesus Feeds the Multitudes. They have no need to go away; give ye them to eat. Matt 14:16. Here was Jesus ready to heli the hungry multitude. This i- the spirit of helpfulness. This Christmas time should tind this same spirit in the mind of every one. On this occasion the an gelic song always comes to u.- and we meditate upon it and F A SENSIBLE FRAME FOR THE sanction it. “Glory to God ir the highest, and on earth peace, OLD YEAR OR THE good will toward men.” Yet to NEW YEAR— Our Zolo frame manufactured the sympathetic heart, and t< with wine or crystal rims, flat the one following the teaching of Christ there is not peace ir, side,comfort cable templea. the world as long as poor suffer x*« w . x J ing humanity is starving by thi millions for food and shelter and . . . . we, in a land which is never vis & p t e m e tr iä L ¡ted by such calamities, fail ti 1 ALtAMf « 0 0 « give as the good Lord prosper Harold Albro. us. The cry of distress ti Manufacturing Optician. save the lives of three and a halt millions of children in Centra Oor ScrnoneSte ______ Europe and thirty-five millioi How long halt yo botwoon two' peopl« »» the famished provinces- opinion«* If (ba Lord be Gad | of Northern China has come tc follow him. but It Boat, follow “A big. tenderheartec him. 1 Kings 18: 21. ) men of our land are organizing We need to have »omo touch-1 for this appeal to be m«d- to ev- Shall we heed it'. ■tone, as it wore, onmo m a tter’ •ry one. Shall we do our Christian duty' Which will help ut to decide, which Do we want the genuine Xma-- w ill enable the mind to reach a, cheer to come to our door? decision quickly. Thia touch-1 stone should lw God’s will; so that ’ Things are beginning to hun to perceive the Lord's wiU in re- j for the Xmas eve entertainmei t spect to any question woald ho to The children’s practices began at •e ttlr it as quickly as discerned the church Monday afternoon Ability to decide quickly aud tv And things will be doing mote decide always on tbs right side, and more until the happy event what the Lord's will is, require» arrives. Watch for further an­ o o lit e experience aud dtaclpllne nouncements. but the aoouer we hegio tbe toon Bro S A Danford, our new ar we will become proficient Tb< Dist Supt, came Tuesday even »or« «D«r|oucaU; *• t«t our-, ing and preached a real soul-stir- forcipi oil in '¿sé dean elisine” \ Chiropractor I MRS I porrei ■ l l l r l II Imi b ■pel» n jiitlon #<>t i h n o h i * . J» “ I In «Bic in 9oii»d »«•ri >re fiii-i' t 3 "Tb Skrorlil W”*” * * ■ Y'fT !. J r— x . — X-RAY tlui Ì ur 'Ili m im i 5>rlng 4 i I m ii » ilo Hi! ih« 1 [1^.. I ZJIS ¡011 ICXKCJM M ÌL C A 3 K \\ y m u . c s r ia & eo jh .->• 'ss miles have you driven w u r car ? fe? /;w p T T OVv m a n y m iles— w ith - JL X o u t c h a n g in g en g in e oil? D irt accum ulates in the oil of every engine—carbon, road dust, fi .c particles c f metal, and gasoline that has escaped past the pistons. T his cirty, diluted oil circulating through y e a r engine causes unnec- c cr.ry w e ar on bearing surfaces. H av e it drained o u t—nou)—and fresh oil put in the crankcase. W e can do th a t for you con’ en- iently, quickly, economically—w ith M odem Crankcase Cleaning Ser­ vice. W e use Calol Flushing Oil, the new, scientific flushing agent, which cleanses thoroughly w ith­ out danger of contam inating the supply o f fresh oil. And to assure correct lubrication we refill the cleaned crankcase w ith Zerolene of the correct grade. Bring in your car today. M odem Crankcase Cleaning Service will give immediate better engine per­ formance. Done regularly it will lengthen your car's useful life. Frank Kirk Garage HALSEY, OREGON.