M ALSEY VOL. 9, NO. 16 HALSEY, LINN ENTERPRISE COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER TH E - $1.50 PER YEAR 1920 We are here to serve you. of HALSEY STATE BANK ALSO ITEMS H ALS E Y , OREGON OF INTERI.ST FROM of.lard and compound always on hand. See us before you buy. The Halsey Meat Market, C arter EVERYWHERE X. Capital and Surplus $32,000 Fruit Growers Meet. I n te re s t paid on tim e certificates o f deposit W e invite your banking business Mr* C II Koontz wae an A lbany caller Tuesday. Guy l .iv lin has purchased a new Dodge autom obile. Mr and M is Hugh Leeper were Albany callers one day last week. Miss Marie Jones was an Alba­ ny caller S atu rd a y . Mr» Pearl Cum m ings spent S a t­ urday in Albany »hopping and visiting with friends. There 1» a rum or that there is to be another meat m arket sta rt hen in the near futlire. A load of crushed rock was un- Growers of fru it in Linn and Benton counties are invited to a t­ tend a m eeting of mem bers of the Oregou G row ers' Co-operative As­ C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-l’res. sociation to be field Friday after­ noon, November 17th, at th e Com­ B. M. BOND. Cashier m unity House in A lbany. T his will be one of the regular PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS m eetings of m em bers of the Asso­ We added the " P R E ” to paym ent and will loan yon money tor ten or twenty ciation but this tim e it is to in­ years. No comm ission mortgage, no Lite Insurance. You can, but do not bace clude all who are interested in fru it growing. to pay on th e principal annually. A large num ber of uneeliuge See J. M. ami 11. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. have been held th is fall and tb eie h 'ld i'd h ere S a tu r d a y au d .'.Io m lu y has been shown an unusual in te r­ and d istrib u ted oyer some of the est, not only in the work of the low places on o u r street«. A ssociation, hut in the latest ideas H I. S lru ley a n d fam ily und ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon in fru it grow ing. ■— — M. V. KOONTZ CO. .,*x**^ I* the Commercial C enter o< North America on the Pacific Coait. where the greatest river nt tlie WeM pours its turbid flood into the sea. An Ideal Home City. A Center of Education. BUY A IlO.UKSITIi NOW while price» are low. You will live here some day, tiY E S T R A IN Is tli Cause ol Many HUMAN ILLS If y o u r eyes give you trouble, or your gl-. ■ c- are annoying SUE I S. We can Relieve You. Consult BEN RIESLAND. Subdi vision Specialist, 104 PLATT HUILDINO, 127 Park atree4 PORTLAND O REG ON . Bancroft Optical Co. 1.1 1st St. V\ Albany, Phone 461 --------- yoj. I f yoti are m aking up y o u r C hristm as shop p in g list and w ondering ju s t what, is going to lx* th e nicest thing for each p erso n you have in m ind, p e r­ h ap s th e se stiggesti 11s will help. FOR MOTHER F elt Bedroom S lippers H ycrest I lan d Bag Ivory Toilet Set Pvrox G lass Silk P araso l Handkerchiefs Smoking Set Suspenders Umbrella Silk Hose FOR BROTHER Hat or Cap Overcoat Bath Rohe Sw eater Silk Shirt Glovea Garters For All The Family « « M . 7 FREE RECORDS, EASY O IS . . -7 ^ ' _ ■J' S tatio n ery Ribbons m .is j o y s : FOR FATHER Is a g rxi place to «kpoMt )« u r Mvin<«. 4 perceut interest on MTiBff« o i uunt ll I run three n Miitb- *i* »lontb» or ■ year. In I'•real pa* 4 ■eim -aunually. .Jewel Box talk O f Clirist- Lakeside Cravat Merite Jewelry ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE' B urlington Silk Hose Silk L ingerie Silk Scarfs Silk Blouse ‘‘The tim e bus Come,’, tlie to y m an said, ... T h e F irs t Savings B a n k o f A lb a n y .O re g o n FOR SISTER Peter Shoes Silverware Of soldiers, dolls and building blocks And d ru m s and o th ­ e r toys. Ti v ia n d ’s full o f jolly gi its F or little girls and boys. ’ G lenn PORTLAND We Have VEH¥ THING O ptical A good old-fashioned Christmas means a Christmas in one’s own home the wholesome, precious-memory making ways of spending the day the opportunity of writing Christmas, 1920 in indelible happines on many hearts that are near and dear to ‘ To and the C hristian church, and Delo» Clark, delegate from the High Schoo!, went to Salem last P riday noon to attend the Y M C A O ld­ er Boys’ conference from F rid ay J W Udell and fam ily from afternoon u n til Sunday afternoon, Linton, Oregon '•nine up one day all of them coming back Sunday last w e e k o n a visit to the Savage night except Lawrence Well«, who family and toG 11 D anilin’s family returned Monday noon. They in Shedd report a tine time. MAKE THIS A 5300 OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS m Lawrence T aylor The High School pupils are very enthusiastic about th e ir play that is Io he pull'-d off tomorrow night. " I h e GId O aken B ucket” is a good one. ; GOODLY SEASON OF CHRISTMAS tä iz n ^ d & g - .¿(T News conies to u* th a t Mr» W alter Hike presented her hu»- hn'nd'w itha bran n r * baby daugh­ ter Dee 4th. Mr and Mr» Rik» live in O rlando, Florida. Geo Maxwell brought u» a twig of a raspberry bush last w»ik with h a lf a dozen nearly ripe raspberries on it. H e said there were more on tfie hushes th a t would probably he dead rip» by Christme*. ------------- - His tra c to r was out of commission and he w is o u t of ground feed for his slock, so G W Moriiiitnweg came to his rescue and loaned him an engine and chopper to work with u n til his tractor is fix ■ 1, A L W A Y S AT Y O J 3 S Z R V IC £ 1 A Son. C harles B allard runs the H al- •ey Enterprise in first class style and find* tim e to teach singing school besides. ■ ■ ■ Brd wus v ille Time*. , • . th e ir co u sin , J o h n H ussey of E m m , delegates from the M etho­ Rodney Savage tiew the (lag of N orth D ak o ta , were A lb an y c a ll­ dist church, Lawrence W ells and distress tlie fore part of the week. ers T u esd a y . W ayne Robertson, delegate» from W ith the p issing of one year aud tile opening of another, the officers and em ployees of this Institution Would convey lo a d patrousaud'frieiids the old yet ever ue . .vish: "x x m v CHmsruvs a . vd a hvpfv nmw V8A.B." As the years pass, we would have this Institution known for its SPIBIT of S k u v ic K, We wish you to realize lhat in every banking transaction, small or large, it is our intention to be constructive and helpful. Small savings Banks are furnished free to anyone depositing #100 or more in a Savings Account. A Th* best pork, beef, and fish the *HALSEY NEWS NOTES* country affords. We keep a line — * ■ - «• JUST THE TIME I for that New Suit made to; •your individual measure; ¡Jthat are being sold at a; II discount of $ $ 20 Per Cent. & 5 /li Christmas Goods Now Onju « Display. X * D. H. STURTEVANT.