d r . h. G A R N J O B S T ,. P H Y S IC IA N AND H»l»«y Items E. L. STIFF and SON “The Shasta” SU R C eO h Brownsville and Drifted Snow Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregon Hour at D H Sturtevant’s, i For Dental Work—Dr. IE. W A nwr A. Tlissi ng A New Train Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. LA W Y E R AND NOTARY Phone or write for appointment. B rownsville , O regon Clover seed for sale at G V/ a »“ * J -L » - ■ ■■in . . .. **< ■« -r M -a a a O T M n Momhinweg’s. S h oe R ep air Shop Mavberry & Frum shipped a “T he S h a sta ” is an all stan d ard sleep ­ Two doors north of the hotel. car of hogs Wednesday. in g ca r tra in w ith o u t E x cess Fare. Cusper Cooper of Plainview, Am prepared to do all kinds of Leaves Portland at 4:00 p. m. shoe repairirg. Satisfaction was a Halsey caller Sunday. Arrives at San Francisco 10:00 p. m. following evening. Mr and Mrs Pennell of Shedd, guaranteed. Im proved s le e p in g car serv ice JEWETT the COBBLER. were Halsey callers Tuesday. Mrs Geo Hayes was an Albany TO . ‘ caller h riday and Tuesday. - A A Z .V /A Z A \y^ San F ran cisco and Los a \n g eles. W H Kirk and family were A ll Shasta Route trains handle through standard sleeping cars Albany visitors last Friday. $ G L A S S E S F IT T E D Seattle, Tacoma, and Portland to San Francisco. W J Ribelin is reported on the J EY Through standard sleeping car to Los Angeles sick list. G RADUATE Leaves Portland at 8:40 a. m. R B Mayberry was reported O P T O M E T R IS T A rrives Los Angeles 8:15 second morning. sick the fore part of the week. P R IV A T E O F F IC E Winter Excursion Tickets t H Robison and daughter F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S ate on sale to were Albany callers Friday. P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E S O U T H E R N C A L IF O R N IA Raymond McCullough from California'» bright and warm »nn»hine will help you take on a new lease of lift. F. M. F r en c h & S ons Albany, was a caller in town Spend the wintry day» be»ide »uumiery »eas; on »port) golf course» dr well kept ALBANY OREG. tenni» court»; motor over »plendid highways; ¡these and many other outdoor Friday. W L Wells returned Friday eve­ pleasure» await you in Sunny California FREE on request "California tor the Tourist, ” a new ning from Alban ywhere be serv­ booklet graphically describing the different resorts. THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE ed as foreman of the grand jury. Inquire ot local agt for fares, routes, sleeping oar reservation and the Mrs Austin Bond, formerly of and train service or write . . . ■, Halsey, has sold her place at OREGON FARMER Riverside and has bought a place S O U T H E R N PA C IFIC L IN E S one year for $1.65. in Albany, where she will make JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. her home. Mrs Lou Perry of Seattle, is here visiting her father John A lbany A M an 's G ift S akun McNeil who is quite low with pneumonia; Mrs C W Simon of O ught to com e from a Eugene, is also visiting there. m an’s sto re. The Rebekahs initiated .«six F irst Door W est of St Francis Hotel. M ost men who we sell members Wednesday night. A f­ Phone C O D Orders 77 are very pa: tie u lar about ter lodge a banquet in the dining RETAILERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES th e ir dre.-s ¿.ml lor this room and a social in the hall was enjoyed. $ 2.65 2 cans Del Monte toma­ reason com e to this store News comes to us that Mrs L i­ Olympic flour 2 55 Princess flour toes .35 which is exclusive but da Stewart was married last Sat­ 2.15 Snow Flake flour 2 cans shrimps .55 not e x p e ii' . e. urday at the Methodist parson­ BREAKFAST FOODS 12 cans shrimps 3.15 age in Albany to Ray Grant of .28 1 pound can medium red Salem, Rev Spencer officiating. Olympic Wheatherrts salmon No 10 bags Olympic Wheat - .25 They will make their future hearts .80 2 cans oysters .45 home in San Luis Obispo, Cali. No 10 bag Oats .65 2 cans Monopole clam9 .35 For Sale—Two fresh Jersey .55 16 cans Otter clams No 10 bag Graham .85 ciws, high testers, and two fresh No 10 bag Pancake flour .80 2 cans Campbell’ s soups .25 large Durham cows, heavy m ilk­ No 10 bag Corn meal .45 2 1-2 size pineapple .45 ers, three full blooded bronze No 10 bag Pastry flour .60 2 1-2 size yellow cling turkey hens and one gobbler, a Olympic Pancake flour .30 peaches .35 full blooded Duioc boar, and 2 Shredded Wheat .28 Diamond W jelly powder s ’ ne black faced ewes to let out 2 Puffed wheat .28! 3 for .25 on shares. R B Mayberry. .33 Liberty jelly powder 3 for 2 Puffed rice .25 California I BUSICK’S Hvlsey Encampment No .12 met Tues­ 2 Grape nuts day evening and conferred the Royal Purple degree on nine candidate*. W 3 pounds bulk oats of the Corvallis, team were preafnt,, »l»u 10 pounds good bead rice about 30 patriarch» from gtowrMviIle 3 pounds macaroni After the session was over they sat Fresh crackers per pound down to a fine banquet, which some re­ 45c package crackers port as the finest ever. 20c package crackers 2 for A very enjoyable meeting of the Wo- 3 pounds Mucoa nan’s Studv Clnb occurred Tburaaay af erniwn at the home o, Mrs J W Orin- 2 pounds peanut butter leant with 11 tneiobers prevent who re­ 16 pounds small white beans sponded to roll call with interesting Fresh ginger sn: ps per lb •act» about nature Mrs Mornbinweg Peanut brittle 2 pounds -ave a very interesting talk on the 1 pound salted peanuts Birds of Oregon aud Mrs Lanbner treat 2 pounds salted peanuts e I ¡he subject of Insect Life ia ■" able 'and interesting manner The hostess SPICES was assisted by Mrs Marks in serving 2 cans pepper dainty refreshment». The neat meet - 2 cans nutmeg mg will be at the borne of Mrs I.aubner j G» eney kYATS 1 2 cans cinnamon J »misty ath. , . One day last week while W H t 2 cans sage Robertson was making his regu-11 P°u" d pound An assortm ent of men’s Mixed candy per pound lar trip with the mail, he came ties that, will please, to a piece of road between the 5 pounds mixed candy PRICED No 1 soft shelled walnuts Black place and Henry Zimmer­ No 2 soft shelled waluuta man’s, when he ran across a man s, wuc" “ c T’.’” ~ Fresh peanuts per pound 90c school in the E“ « ™ mu” l*ov The that boy was M i stuck oh rubb«r| $ 1.35 6 pounp9 eastern popcorn boots and the mud came up to of | SYRUPS within an inch of the top o fj S I.80 10 pounds lig h t Karo them. When be would pall up "loot"he boot would" try t o '5 pounds lig h t Karo the 'boy ¡10 pounds dark Karo You will find a b ig f lis - ' m. i-H stay in the other other one. one. Mr 5 pounds dark Karo fount on every thi l>r ’" ,H ,vould try the buy here: this goes 0,1 Robertson took the time to watch 10 pounds Maple Karo right through December t he maneuvers of the boy until 5 pounds Maple Karo 10 pounds Golden Marsh­ and will aid you greatly became convinced he would mallow able to wriggle out af his d i­ in vour Xmas shopping be 5 pounds Golden Marsh- em ma. This story is simply to mallow advertise the condition of some CANNED GOODS of our roads and the urgent 6 cans com LucKily they need of repairs Attention 12 cans corn are not all that way court baa been 6 cans peas l a in n g c ö of the county condition of this 12 cana peaa called to the road by more than one but all to 6 cans tomatoes S ALBANY, CLOTHI ] OREGON. no avail.. 12 can» tomatoea , , .31 Lipton's jelly powder 3 for .25 COFFEE and TEA 1.00 3 pounds M J B .25 5 pounds M J B .18 5 pounds Folgers .40 2 1 2 pounds Folgers .35 3 pounds Royal Club 1.00 3 pounds Dependable .25 ¡5 pounds Dependable 1.00 2 1-2 pounds Schillings .25 l pound Tree Tea .55 l 2 pound free Tea .25 ] pound Folger’s Tea .45 1-2 pound Lipton’s Tea 11 pound Lipton’s Tea .15 50 cent Instant postum .25 30 cent Instant postum .25 BAKIN G POWDER .25 1 pound Foigers .30, 1 pound Cleveland .2511 pound Diamond (W) 1.15 2 1-2 pounds Diamond (W) .30 5 pounds Diamond (W) .25 1 pound Crescent .20 5 pounds Crescent .10 SOAPS .45 3 Cream Oil ¡3 Palmolive .95 1 Fairbanks Tar .50 17 bars Bob White .9 0 116 bars White Wonder .45 3 packages soap flakes 1.70 10 Clean Easy .85 10 Easy Day SHORTENING 1.30 No 10 lard No 5 lard .65 No 5 Cottolene No 10 Cottolene .95 No 10 Shortening 1.80 No 5 Shortening .86 Pint Wesson oil 1.60 Quart Wesson oil .85 ¡1-2 gallon Wesson oil 1.60 1 gallon Wesson oil .25 F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S Carries everything in Furniture,' also PIPELESS FURNACES. The RAMONA MACHINE plays all makes o f records. Also WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 215-217 Lyon Street, Albany. Pa H abo ld 8. J ack - 3CW-305 1st Na­ tional Hank Huildm, Albany, Orcgou, DENTISTRY sou Without pain. blocking method. Late nerve­ BARBER - SH O P. KARL A. BRAMWELL, Prop, Suits Cleaned And Pressed. LAUSDRV SENT AWAY on MONOAT I. O. O. F. iv lL D E Y LODGE NO. 66. Regular meeting next Satur­ day night, BA R BE R SH O P Electric Haircutting, Massaging and Shampooing. Laundry, Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M IL L E R SWIFI8 CO. a, Halsey Station.* Cash buyers ot Cream Eggs and Poultry. L .W . BYERLY, A gent W . J . R ib elin Dealer in Real Estate. .Handle» T»«n and Country Fropeuy. Give bin, a call «nd see if he can ha you up. T he H in g W o C hi­ n e se M ed icin e Co. 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. 1.25 2 1Ó 2.10 1.15 1.25 1.05 1.95 1.15 .55 .30 .50 .42 Our wonderful roots and herbs are found in the China prepara­ tions and have stood the test of a thousand year» to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lung Trouble, Cancer, Rheumatism. Blood Poison. Ner­ vousness, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, also private ail­ ments-of men and women. Con­ sultation free. The Hing Wo Chinese Medicine Co. P O Box, 247. Albany. Oregon. .W .40 C hiropractor .25 DR. A. R PINNEY .40 Electrical equipped office .40 Ruoin «01 First National flank BuildiWJ .15 Albany Or». .25 45 W R I G H T & P O O L E .20 » .90 /k iie ia I ¡rectors and LieeaatMl ...... Embalmera........ .25 BROWNSVILLE and HARRIS. .25 BURG. Branches at Halsey and .05 Sweet Horae. Frank K irk, Rep­ 1.00 resentative for Halsey, PhoelAS 1.00 .25 .66 F . M. G R A Y . .60 D raym an . 2.25 A ll work done promptly aad Phone No. 269. 1.20 reasonably. 1.06 - 2.00 ( 1.80 A rtistic Piano T un ing .96 AKTHCRCOLE, Albany, Or». .36 L m v * lar.ler» with Woodworth Prua C*. Albaay. Orcgofl. .70 1.30 $5. Town or Country 15 2.60