Mrs Id: Halsey s The n and Miss nized Wt parsonag tor of the T. If. I Saturday m c rn in ;. j w o fhaspd a moved to Monday, T he Halsey Enterprise W1D0V URGE wti BRYANT PARK PLACE In Slat try's \ /le j FIRST dH A S. BALLARD. Editor Entered a* »econd-claaa matter Oc­ tobar X l » l i , at tha poato/fice at Hal- aay, Cf»«gon, under the Act of March », 1*7». -4 Devoted to the matedtal upbuilding of Halaay and »urTotinding country and Linn County generally Subscription MkU »1.60 per year in advance. Stock Farm, Registered. SH O R TH O R N CATTLE DUROC SWINE Write, or call when a t Albany. Farm adjoin6 city. Some bulls of serviceable age at prices you van afford to pay. C. C. Bryant. Prop. J. M. Wagner, Sup’L Chiropractor DR. R. H. HARRIS X-RAY C cbicb Wl thorn p en * inenl »in,♦ a ftrt expo bur» re ne­ ttle •1110 t» ie eye# until the ture T ther duct arm lata dell pen tlab latr holt pen Kx« du* ot I - h e girls p r? -’. '^ M ’ b'’” 1 The High School ana graaeS| This wi.l Le Monday evening and Tuesday are going to have Christm as something good. night. You will see some class trees and short programs tor the students. _____ Ao Indépendant New »pa par We are sorry to report the ill­ games soon. FVB1ÙS1ÎED EVERY" THURSDAY ness -of Sister Sneed, who has THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Renovates and makes feather m attresses, old furniture and m attresses made like new. Bring them in or phone 261-R, 128-130 Ferry St, Albany. Ore. I e v c ’ng at 7X0, B ams B v il d ih o . n w AC R E S A L L U N D E R A ib a s v cultiva been ailing for the past week. Also Bro Ribelin, who was taken suddenly Tuesday morning with trouble in. his head. Last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs E S M&rsters left for Huntington Beach, Cali, for a six weekB’ visit and a well earn­ ed rest with a son, Miss Letha Wesley, a niece of A r­ thur Wesley, left for Long Beach Cali, after a visit here. Also Mrs C W Green departed for her new home in San Pedro, Cali. C hratiaa Church No««* x 4» v 4» t 4’+ ,+ v 4‘ i ,F + "’$• '+ + I I 1 1 $ •41 I $ 1 Sunday school at 10 a on. Preaching services at 11 a tu, and 7:30 pm . Endeavor at 6:30. The High School class is doing very aatisfactory work and it is hoped th at all taking the exami­ nation will receive the credit. Lawrence Wells and Wayne Robertson were elected delegates to the Older Boys’ Conference to be held at Salem this week. Endeavor business meeting was held at the home of Nrs E Robnett Tuesday evening. Some plans have been made for Christmas observance but ju st how far they have developed we are unable to say at this wri­ ting. Lhe C E will have charge of this work. C E to p ic ‘‘Wise sayings that have helped m e.” Prov 1: 16. Leader, Donna Robertson. 4. $ Hr » Mr F a rm er.— W ill von give $7.d0 to m ake o n e acre o f y o u r la m l p ro d u ce o n e -fo u rth m ore th a n it did last y ear? Drop us a postal and w ell tell you all a b o u t it. No c h a n c e to lose. We give a m o n ey back g u aran tee. Murphy’s Seed Store Albany O regon. I Hr I Hr Hr Hr & I _ THeadt O 1 f p t & m e lr C s t. ‘ ALBANY. OBC&. Harold Albro, M anufacturing Optician. Hr I I $ LENSES M eniscus . T oric , C rookes , and K ryptoks are all produced in our grinding and polishing de­ partm ent. May we have your order. >«*?■? C .C . B R Y A N T ATTO RNEY AT LAW ’201 New First N a t’l Bank Bldg. Albany. Oregon. Teachers' Examination. tion . Notice is hereby given th at the County Supt of Linn Co, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state certificates at Albanv, Oregon, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, Dec 15, 1920, at 9 o’clock a m, and continuing until Saturday. Dec 18th, at 4 o'clock p m. *81,00. Terms. W IL L A M E T T E V A L L E Y L A N D CO Wednesday Forenoon: U S 2tM 1st National Bank Bldg, Albany, Or. History, W riting (Penm anship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday A fternoon; Phys­ Mwthodiat Church Nota» iology, Reading, Manual Train­ ing, Composition, Domestic Sci­ SUNDAY SCHOOL ence, Methods in Reading, The supreme value of the Course of Study for Drawing, kingiom . Methods in Arithmetic. The Kingdom of God is not Thursday Forenoon: A rithm e­ eating and drinking, but rig h t­ tic, History of Education, Psy­ eousness and peace and joy in chology, Methods in Geography, the Holy Spirit. Romans 14: 17. Mechanical Drawing, Domestic The collection which our good Art, Course of Study for Domes­ people contributed on Rally Day tic Art. a affidi» nted to $13. This will go Thursday Afternoon: Gram­ teethe Board of Sunday schou s mar. Geography. Stenography. to assist in the groat program American Literature. Physics, they are putting for*ard. Typewriting. Methods in Lar- Christmas is in the air and it guage. Thesis for Primary Cer­ is coming this way. There will tificate. Friday Forenoon: Theory and be something doing! The little folks are dreaming about i t Practice, Orthography (Spelling) One small boy sa il "he was s t Physical Geography. English Lit­ the church last year and he did erature, Chemistry. Friday A furncon: School not know how Santa knew his name but old Mr Santa called it Law, Geology. Algebra, Civil right out and he was going to bo Government. there again this year." The , Saturday Forenoon, Geome­ committee in charge: Rev Cook, try. Botany. Saturday Afternoon: General Mrs O W Frum and Mrs Wesley, History, Bookkeeping. The missionary ladies report a nice meeting st the panonage School Nut»« last Friday. The Athletic Association has The League business meeting meets at the parsonage this held two meetings with good suc­ They voted to buy the Wednesday evening. A report cess. of the same will be given next sweaters for the basket ball boys. week. The High School Student Body The Official Board held their voted to aend and pay the neces­ regular meeting on Monday even­ sary expenses of one boy to the ing. The fact was biought to ï M C A convention. Delos light that not «nough pledges have been made to meet the local Clark was unanimously chosen. “The Old Oaken Bucket” is be budget (including the pastor's salary» for this year by aeveral iug practiced nearly every even­ hundred dollars. Are we going ing. We know it will be gotxi. to let the preacher go to the It will be put on December 17th. stores to run his face for gro- Everybody come and see what home talent can do. It will pay cér’a bills’ Everybody remember that Rev both in laughter and amusement. As the High School has rented S A Sanford, our new Dial Supt, the hall it has been comp lied to will be here for the first qu arter­ hire a janitor. Three H S boys ly conference on next Tuesday Good S-room hooac, large new barn, and i l l «cceaaary out building», w ell at ihe honar and b»rn, fam ily orchard, wo­ ven wire, Located S miles from Albany on a good road, this place is «be beat buy IB the W illam ette valley and w ill not la s t Let us show it to yon. jòr clean oil in a clew cuffie (n$i(k Jack on a did} job ! flushes the crankcase thoroughly O U R E N G IN E requires an and refills w ith clean, fresh oil. internal bath frequently. Road dust, carbon from the combustion The garages listed below are now equipped to perform th is n eeded chamber, and fine particles of metal service quickly and for a nominal w orn from the bearing surfaces get charge. W e use Calol PTushing Oil, into the lubricating oil in the crank­ which cleanses thoroughly w ithout case. All this dirt circulates with danger of contam inating the fresh the oil through the engine. If it isn’t Zerolene refilled into the cleaned drained out regularly there’s bound crankcase. to be excessive w ear and tear. TODAY: Bring in your car for Mod­ Gasoline also escape, past the em Crankcase Cleaning Service. It pistons and dilutes the oil. will result in better engine perform­ M odem Crankcase CK aning Ser­ ance and longer life for your car. vice gets rid of the dirty, diluted oil, Y Frank Kirk Garage HALSEY, OREGON.