ENTERPRISE HALSEY HALSEY, LINN V OL. 9, NO. 15 COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER $1.50 PER YEAR 1920 HALSEY NEWS NOTES IIALSEY STATE BANK INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE H ALS E Y , OREGON Capital and Surplus $32,000 X R A Bilyeu was an Albany caller Monday. Earl Carey left Saturday for Roceburg where he will visit two or three weeks with his bister, Mrs Myrtle Davie. Mrs Mellie Knott from Salem, arrived here some time ago to make her home w ith her daughter, Mrs J C Bramwell. 'Io give him more room Mr Bramwell is build­ ing an additional room on the south bide of hie house. Mrs McClelland, who bad been visiting for a long time with her Interest paid on time certificates of deposit parents, F M Gray and wife, left last Friday for her home in San Wo invite your banking business Francisco. She was accompanied bv her nephew, Claron Gormley, D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. who will probab ly put in the win­ C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. ter in California. B. M. BOND. Cashier Mrs M M Ward arrived Bunday evening for three or four days visit with her friends and trans­ PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS acting business. She reported We added the "PRE” to payment and will loan yon money tot ten or twenty that two weeks *<• *fhe went to years. No commission mortgage, no Life Insurance. Yon can, bat do not have Eugene and took dinner with her to pay on the principal annually. Last Monday when Glenn twin daughters, Mrs Roes of Chance was bringing Mr« G W Eugene, and Mrs Saylor o, Port- See J. M, and FI. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. and. There were present besides I Shaw in from Bryan Perry’s in the above, M’s David Froman an auto, when they got to the and Margaret Ward of Albany, cron» roads and as they were turn­ B G Ward of Corvalli', Harold ing the corner they collided with ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon Ross of Portland, and Mrs ] A a buggv that was going west. ¡In order to avoid more serious Miller of Eugene. We are here to serve you. The damage he ran the auto into the A Safe Custodiin f or your Surplus Fundi. best of pork, beef, and fish the ditch where he had to wait until 4 % paid cn Savings and Time Certificates country affords. We keep a line Crete Hayes came with his auto to Commercial------------ — -----Savings of lard and compound always on help him out. The buggy was Capital $50,000.00 hand. See us before you buy. struck and damaged to some ex- Surplus and Undivided Profits $30,000 00. The Halsey Meat Market, Carter 'rnt and had to b e b r o u g h t « gon to the blacksmith shop for repairs. Fortunately no one was hurt. The boys in the buggy were Holt and l,vle Grimes who attend the school at this place. “ Always At Your Service” M. V. KOONTZ CO. THE GOODLY SEASON OF CHRISTMAS Jess Safley, who had been in Albany for quite a while taking csre of bis mother, reported that she died Sunday night of cancer of the stomach. Mr Kessell of Harrisburg, who has opened up the city bail as the Rialto Theatre for Thursday night*, gave bis first show last Thuisday night in the “ Dice of Destiny*' which was a good play from begiuuiug to end. He began and will begin promptly at 7.80, but be gave the show twice, eo that any who came in late could remain to see the second show. He bad a fairly good house and it was the general thought that he would do well with it. He shows tonight the “ Devil’s Pass Key’’ and next Thursday night the play will be “ Burning Daylight.’’ $500 Reward Ixist, strayed, or stolen! A man about the site of a woman, hare, footed, with a pair of wooden shoes on, pink eyes, and sunset hair, the former cut curly and the latter cut darker. He wore a corn beef overcoat with a eourkrout li­ ning, and had an empty sack oa hie hack containing a barret of skylight and a dor.en seem ed railroad tunnels. When last seen be waB following a crowd towards the city hall of Halsey to witness the H H S Play, PORTLAND Il the Commercial Center of North America on the Pacific Coast, «here i l l s greatest river ol the West pours its turbiil flood into the sea. An Ideal Home City. A Center of Education. BUY A HOMESITE NOW while prices are low. You will live here some day, W e H ave '•I VERY THING O ptical fcYE STR AIN MAKE THIS A S90D OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS Is the Cause of M.ipy £ \ 5 5 A good old-fashioned Christmas moans a Christmas in one's own home the wholesome, pre ious-memory making ways of H IM - IL L S If your eyes give you trouble, or your glasseb arc annoying SHE I \ W tcau Relieve You. * Bancroft Optical Co. spending the day- the opportunity of w riting "Christmas, 1920 in indelible happir.es on many hearts that are near and dear to a 1.1 1st St. W. Albany flu,ne »01 4 ,5 * * * * * * * * * * * Consult BEN RIESLAND, g Subdivision Specialist, i(M PLATT BUI 1.DI NO 127 Park street PORTLAND OREGON. you. If you arc making up your Christmas shopping list and wondering what is going hr be the nicest thing foi1 each person you have in mind, baps tlieso suggests ns will help. L\ A talk of Christ­ m as joy s; I if so ld iers, dolls and building blocks And d ru m s and o th ­ e r toys. T eyland s full of jolly gifts For little girls and boys. FOR FATHER lakeside Cravat Merite Jewelry Handkerchiefi Smoking Set Suspenders Umbrella Silk Hose Is a good place to depoeit yiyur saving*- ♦ percent interest oa ear lags accounts that run three months. »1» months or a year. Interest paid scml-annually. Burlington Silk Hose Silk Lingerie Silk Scarfs Silk Blouse Jewel Box Stationery Ribbóns ‘T he tim e has com e,’, th e to y m an said, To ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ FOR SISTER FOR MOTHER Felt Bedroom Set Hycrost Hand Bag Ivory Toilet Set Pyrex Glass Silk Parasol Peter Shoes Silverware T h e F irs t S avings B a n k o f A lb a n y .O re g o n FOR BROTHER Hat or Cap Overcoat Bath Kobe Sweater Silk Shirt G lo w Garters For All The Family FREE RECORDS, EAST TERMS. JUST THE TIME s | for that New Suit made to j * your individual measure* « th at are being sold ~ <5discount of $ 20 Per Cent. ♦ ♦ Christmas Goods Now On | Display. I D. H. STURTEVANT.