Mrs Id; Halsey s The n and M íes mzed W» parsor » g tor of the T. 1> 1 Saturefey morni Ir- J WO chased a moved tc Monday, WIDOl URGE Wil In Stat trfs \ Rej T h e Halsey E nterpiL r An Independent Newipaper PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY CHAS. BALLARD, Editor Entered as second-class matter Oc­ tober 3, 1912, at the postofiice at Hal­ sey, Oregon, under the Act of March 8, 1879. Devoted to the material upbuilding of Halsey and surrounding country ai.d Linn County i w n S u h s c i ' ; :ion rate |l.o 0 per year in advance. BRYANT PARS PLACE Stock Farm, Registered. S H O R T H O R N CATTLE DU RO C SWINE Write, or call when at Albany. Farm adjoins city. Some bulls •f serviceable age at prices you can afford to pay. C. C. Bryant, Prop. J. M. Wagner, Sup’t. O L D S M O B IU E 1898 tloj ■ À $13,000. Terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO. 203 tsl National Rank Bldg, Albany. Or. 24th YEAR SETS THE PACE See th e la te s t 1921 O ldsinobile M o th ls now on d isp lay at o u r salesro o m . At p re se n t we have on h an d th e follow ing Used Cars: 60 ACRES STOCKED and EQUIPPED All nnder cultivation, good 6-rooin bouse with fireplace, bath, hot and cold water, large barn, silo, garage and all accessary outbuildings, water piped to house and barn, family orchard and ber­ ries, woven wire fences, 25 tons of liay in the barn, 5 cows, 1 yearling heifer, 2 calves, 4-year old Holstein butl, good span of mares, 1 brood sow, 8 pigs, reg­ istered Poland China boar, and about 100 chickens. All necessary farm equip­ ment except binder. Located 7 miles north of Albany on good graveled road. mile to school and 1 mile to railroad station and store. Price tor everything 192 O ne Nash Six New Ja n . l ö th ............................. $147-5 One ß u ick Light S ix ............................... ............ $1120 Two F ord T o u rin g C a rs ......................................$ 225 O ne Cadillac B ug........................... .........................$ 100 One 1920 Baby O verland Like N ew ............... $ 9 3 0 One Ford Delivery............................................. $ 215 O ne One Q ne O ne O ne One F ra n k lin T o n rin g ............................................5 9501 Chevrolet Touring..................................... $ 195 Y ele Six T o u r in g ..............................................$ 6001 Ford B ug.......................................................... $ 3301 H arley Twin M o to rcy cle........................... $ 100 In d ian Twin Mt .to rc y c le ................................$ 1101 AH a t bargain p ric e s and easy te rm s to resp o n sib le p arties. W e are m aking a sp e c ia lty o f M onogram an MAUTIN-COPELAND ZOLO SHELL FRAME. 7)irt in your Online Oil Qet rid o f i t ! i f r LARGE quantity of dust-laden air is “inhaled” by the daily operation of an automobile engine. W ith this road A dust, carbon and fine particles of metal get into the lubri­ j cating oil and circulate through your engine, lowering the efficiency of its operation. Add to this dirt the gasoline that escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil — O p to m e tr is t o a t a A l b a n y Harold Albro, Manufacturing Optician. THE FURNITURE HOSPITAL Renovates and makes feather mattresses, old furniture and mattresses made like new. Bring them in or phone 261-R. 128-130 Ferry St, Albany, Ore. ' V \ H ere you have a combination that v . k s and tears and grinds aw ay, every day adding a little m ore dirt and forcing a little more unneci »'¡ary w ear on bearing su r­ faces. ’it ult: slow response— less p o w e r — po o r p e rfo rm a n c e — sh o rter engine Ike. O ur r new Vi i ew ¡w M ja jdem e m Crankcase crankca Cle.uang Service is the enem y of dirt in the crankcase—it meal cans “clean oil in a clean engine.” T1 T he Calol Flushing Oil w e use is the new, scientific, thorough flushing agent that does not contam inate th e fre s h Z e ro le n e refilled into y o u r c lean ed c ra n k c a se . T h i3 m odem , convenient service, given quickly and at a nominal cost, returns your engine to you clean and fresh, ready to give that sat­ isfactory performance you expect. Today: B ring in your car for Mod­ em Crankcase Cleaning Service. L /7 c Chiropractor DR. R. H. HARRIS X-RAY C ttitc t B ic * k B o i i . d ik o . A lbanv * Í t J Amor A. Tussing LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville . O regon C. C . B R Y A N T ®S> -jjpD rc?tv»i oil iji a clean ciignaQl) ATTORNEY AT LA W 201 New First Nat’l Bank Bldg Albany, Oregon. Shoe Repair Shop Two doors north of the hotel Am prepared to do all kinds of shoe repairirg. Satisfaction guaranteed. JEWETT the COBBLER Suuacribe for the Enterprise Frank Kirk Garage HALSEY, OREGON.