H alsey E nterprise T ' t V OL. U, NO. 14 HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER THE HALSEY STATE BANK H A L SE Y , O R E G O N 2 1020 $1.50 PER YEAR * HALSEY NEWS N O T E slif — ALSO ITEMS **% ♦ < W r H avs ’ VERY THING O ptical c * OF INTEREST FROM EVERY WHERE $ l{ Capital and Surplus $32,000 a * t Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause ot Many HUM AN ILLS , If your ey es g iv e you trouble, or your glasses ar* uou oyiog Singing School. Merle Straley and Isabel Guilt „ , . . „ ,, ' , ford spent the wyek end with the Interest paid on time certificate# of depowit Marly in the Fall the editor of ¡.i J re u rsn o n g irls o ut on th e ranch J SEE VS. We can Relieve Y«n. bis paper undertook to organize «. „ )•, Q, f ., We invite .your banking business . . , , * M rs P h ilo S ta r r (rotu M o n tan a t Bancroft Optical Co. j stogiug school and the prospect , ■■ I 313 1st Si. W Albany. Phone 44) 4 , r p • arriv e d la st week fur a v isit w itl good. But a f te r school tier m o th e r, Mrs Q u ick , who is l.S a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -S C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Viwe-Pree .seined .otntnenced, a number of the best q u ite ill an d has been for a long PORTLAND lingers among the girls organized time. B. M. BOND, Cashier Is the Commercial Center of N»r»h s Girls’ Glee club, and then they Miss A n n a D rin k a rd from H a r ­ America ou the Pacific Cuaal bought they would not have the here the greatest river of lb* Went risb u rg , au d Mr and M rs Je n k s PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS ime to spare after their gebool pours its turbid flood into the te w . ind d a u g h te r of T a n g e n t, at» We added the "PRE'' to payment an 1 will loan yoa money tor ten »r twaat* duties and entertainments were An Ideal Home City. T h a n k sg iv in g d in n e r n t th e 1) A Center of Education. year». No com m ission mortgage, uo Life lnenraact You so b . bat do M l bar* attended to to attend a sight reari­ Taylor home. Mrs Je n k s and BUY A HOM ESITE NOW to pay on the principal annually. ng tinging school, aud so the Mis’ Drinkard and Mrs Taylor w hile prices are low. singing school was halted for the are sisters. You w ill liv e here Home day, See J. M. and II. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. lack of female voices. Consult HEN RIESLAND, I The W ild ev Lodge No 65 elect Had it depended on the boys offic" S h I m I i vision Specialist, rs la st S a tu r d a y n ig h t as the achool would have been run­ follow s: T F H illm a n , N G; O \\ KH PLAT I BUILDIN G , 127 Park street PO R TLAND . O REG ON. ning now, but the girls didn't ; Frum, V G ; F II Porter, record­ ............... ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon feel that they had the time. ing secretary; G W l.anbner, fi­ We are here to serve you. The Last week the editor hud an in ­ nancial secretary; John Pitman best of pork, beef, and fish the vitation to go out to Charity J trea, u country affords. We keep a line A Safe Casto,li.in f or your Surplus Funds. Grange hall to see about organiz G eo A lford, who had sen t in his 4 *4 paid cn Savings and Time Certificates ing a school, and he went out lust resig n a tio n as sectio n fo rem an of lard and compound always oa Saturday night. He made them som e tim e ago, was reliev ed last hand. See U3 before you buy. Comme'cial...... ............. ............Savings Capital (50,000.00 proposition to teach either a M onday by L C M erriam of Rogm The Halsey Meat Market, C arter Surplus aud Undivided Profits (30,000.00. # 16-letaon term or a 20-lesson term R iver. H e arriv ed w ith his fam ­ & Son. T F Gibson was an Albany call- aud after a brief canvass of those ily la st T h u rs d a y an d h as moved I cr Saturday. present he was informed that they in to th e little cream e d o r e d hnu e The edllor attended a literary wanted the class taught and the b elonging to J C S ta n d is h . QCietv laH 8 a tu r d a y u ig h t , t money was advauoed to purchase i One ev en in g last week a gentle- I Ifiarity Grange hall. He was the books and the books have been 1 m an who was v isitin g nt th e II 1 n u ch pleased w ith th e program ordered and the school will start S trn ley home was o ut d riv in g th e re were soinu number! that in the near future, but ou what i with Me Stralev"» car and was re- ivere exceedingly luterasliag. uight it will be bos uol yet been tu rn in g hom e w hen hie light* There was a re a d in g of the paet decided. w ent o u t und m o th e r m a ch in e work of Mrs S e n a to r Harding with There were 24 signed up for the 1 , „ « .„ I ,. ,c , , , whose lig h t“ « ei i nut, c o lic a prediction of what her work will lessons aud it watt th o u g h t th e re , ■ , i .• , , __ t - i I l I ded w ith h im . o, ,i m a c h in e s he wheu she is Mrs President ould probably be more. , . . „ » n t j , lug quit»’ hadiy l .okcii up. 1 In llardiug. Another reading oa the Announcemeut will be made in " . gentleman an i M erle S tra le v . wh tie of Helen Keller th e u n fo r ta - the , paper later concerning the par r n r w al U1 [lie c a r J,,,,, both n it»; b lin d alid lu u t* g irl w taquit* ticulara. caped without injury, hut the di - (instructive. Them were u th r ver of th e o th e r i ir, who» nam e reading« that were quite amusing, D S M cWilliams aud son were is unknown, removed a out an tin 1 t recitation, some sung» and oilier Brownsville callers Saturday. Mr* J J Corcoran aud Mrs W H head, n e c e - - ita tin ; his g oing to a feature», The evening was a Kirk were Albany caller* Monday. ,lo,',or ,,,v " 11 'fres-ad. » cy pleasant one. Guy Bramwell and fam ily o f --------------------------------------------------- --------------------' Brownsville, were Halsey visitor« “Always At Your Service” Pay a visit to our CORSET DEPARTMENT Sunday. Dr C T Nortnna and Dr W H Lytle, slate veteriuanaus were in Halsey Saturday. Mrs Frances K Gray of Cottage Grove transacted business in H al­ sey last Saturday. Is a g • ■ i: ( p e n m t in tp cn to a «aviaga Mrs Sberliug, who bad been accounts that run three m onths siv month* ur a year iatrreat paid »eiui-annually spending several days fn Portland, returned Sunday evening F H Porter came up from Port- laud Sunday- Halsey has many attractions for Mr Porter. ■¿r j r & Mr Settle and family and Mrs J A Miller ate Thanksgiving dinnei with Karl Bramwell aud family. Homer Momhiuweg of U of O oame down last week und remain- ed over the holidays with bis par- yH ents. Special on s II- wog ! overcoats $17.50 I he F irs t Savings B ank o f A lb a n y ,O re g o n ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ PRICE REDUCTIONS e On display these days are several new Fall corsets of rare beauty and fineness of fabric-a representative showing of the various styles in our line of ROYAL WORCESTER and BON TON CORSETS They are fashioned from the best quality materials and almost ideally perfect, in workmanship and design. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Try an Ad in the Enterprise Geo Driukard of Brownsville was in Halsey Monday working (K id the Pioneer Mutual Telephone yjy lines. '/(< First degree work at the Odd j Fellows lodge next Saturday /¡X evening. Refreshments will he served. H W Chance acted p * ng»rit for the Albany Nursery Co the latter part of last week and distributed s /h number of bundle* of tree«. I* R' jv C T Cook and fam ily aftei the Tbankgivings sermon last Thursday went to Philomath and ate their Thsnkvgiring dinner. Grant Tsylor was called to Ku- gens Monday evening on account of the serious condition of hi* wife who has bean with her dangh- i flS ter, Mrs Chai W hitlatch, for sev-| era! mouths. '/h Special on flannel shirts 2.75 Muslin frotn I»") cents to .25 Indian Head from ô5 < eh i to .45 House Lining li'rin I~ cents 12} cent# Bh'aelied Sheeting from DO cents to .85 Brown Sheeting .-0 cents to .75 Out ing reduced from am i 1 5 cents to K5 IV rcale icdut e<| from 5H cent« to .315 G ingham reduced to 23 cen ts and .35 and ether substantial reductions. D. II. STURTEVANT.