Our Sermonette “ A TREASURE CHEST!” That is » h a t a woman said re­ cently upon opening a box of our assorted candies, what woman doesn’t regard candy as a treas­ ure? It is really moce than that, too; it is an absolute necessity, supplying a food want in a man­ ner no other article of diet can. Ours is the best to be had. Mrs Id: Halsey s T he n and Mtes mzed Wt parsonag tor of the T. P. I Saturday incrniiir- J WO chased a moved to Monday. CLARK’S Cross & White WIDOV Heating Stoves and Stove Boards at re­ duced prices. A real assortment of Granite Roasters for the holiday dinner. URGE wti In Slat try's \ Re? FIRST CONFECTIONERY. ./ Shedd Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook D O U G H N U TS! T h e re is n o th in g m ore w h o le s o m e ana d e lig h tfu l th a n d o u g h ­ n u ts o r c ru lle rs r ig h t ly made. Doughnuts 3 tab lesp o o n s sh o rte n in g *i cup s u g a r i egg *j cu p m ilk 1 teasp o o n n u tm e g 1 teasp o o n t a l t 3 cups flour 4 teasp o o n s R oyal B a k in g P o w d er C ream sh o rte n in g ; add su g a r and w ell-ben ten eg g ; s tir in m ilk; a J d n u t­ m eg, sa lt, flour and b ak - tn g pow der w h ich havo been sifted to g e th e r and en o u g h a d d tlo n a t Hour to m ak e d o u g h stiff enough to roll. Itoll r u t cn floured b o ard to a b o u t JV -inch th ic k ; cu t out. F ry In deep fa t h o t enovgn to brow n a piece of b read In Cu seconds. D ra in on un- clazcd p a p e r an d sprlnlilp w ith p o w d ered su g ar. P fA L baking POWDER A b so lu tely P u f Crullers 4 tab lesp o o n s sh o rte n in g 1 cup p u g ar 2 eggs 3 cups flour 1 teasp o o n c in n a m c n teasp o o n sa lt 3 teasp o o n s R o y al B a k in g P o w d er % cup tnllk C ream sh o rte n in g ; add su g a r g ra d u a lly an d b e a t­ en eg g s: s ift to g e th e r flour, cin n am o n , sa lt and b a k in g p o w d er; ad d one- h a lf and m ix well add m ilk and re m a in d e r of d ry in g red ien ts to m ak e so ft dough. Roll out on flo u rtd b o ard to ab o u t Vi- inch th ic k an d cu t into s trip s a b o u t 4 in ch es long and S inch w ide; roll in h an d s and tw is t each a trip and b rin g en d s to ­ g e th e r F ry in deep h o t f a t. D rain an d ro ll in p o w dered su g ^ r. Mada from Ciwam of T i r t s i r derived from 41 «pe*. Max E ld er is q u ite fortunate with his traps; he just bronght in two tine »kunks. D F Newland passed away at the Hosp’ tai in Albany Sunday even­ FRED ing,. Nov 14. Acute indigestion New Royal Cook Book eoo- wi ,a the cause of his death. tainisg these a i r i «corea or uiher Ueliglitfnl r» ripe», wrlte Air J W Sprenger went to Al- ta r it T O D A Y . T iO Y A L B A K P .O .’ OW pEROO. bt.ny ou business W ednesday. US S'attua Street, 3 uw York City AI Nelson i* doing some carpen- ti r work at Ed Farw ell’s. A I) Eider had the misfortune t i t losing one of h is milk cows. A n y o n e w ishing to buy c h e a t seed. I have .'Frozen kale was th e cause. iinited a m o u n t free from sm ut. Mr» Van W ink.le, returned to her Mr and Mrs R E Crawford were «rotation from this community. The school rendered it Thanks­ home last Frid xy. ■county seat calls rs Thursday. I will ex ch an g e for o a ts if d esired . Mr W illoug’lb y , who has been giving program last Friday after­ J H McConnell', reports the Live W ill chop T uesdays, T h u rsd ay s and S a t u d a y s .^ on the sick Its b for some time, is «Stock exposition th e best ever held noon in the seventh and eighth recovering. grade room, which was enjoyed by ,n the N o rth w e s t Monday a f ternoon Lawrence Owing to the illness of Delps a goodly number of the patron* of Zim merm an t t ,ok to himself a C ornett, the Sheol« I Boys’and Girls the school. Ä bride, Misa R lien C handler of Mr and Mr* E A Starnes were »dub Shorthorn Si ock judging team Halsey. They were m arried at failed to win first ’ arize at the stock visitor* at the Ralph Danneu the F irst Kpit copal Methodist show. Upon the arrival at Fort home Sunday, a fine chicken ¿ in ­ church paurswaiage in Albany, Rev land Dellis waa seized wi*n an DKr Wa« served and enjoyed by all Young Richard Farwell met .1 C Spencer tdlici,'itii'K- Ike cer* attack of appetrdr«! itis, thus knock emony ws » witoei <«d by a num­ i;ig him o'ut of j he game. And with a serious accident Saturday ber ol »’ae friends and relatives of B IO R E D U C T IO N S IN M A T T R E S S E S 4Oponn I», a ll co tto n fe lt $15 00 value now o n ly $9.85, without, ’aim they could not win a-> afternoon when a gun carried by the young coup It • They will 50 p ound* a ll cotton fe lt $25.00 value n o w o n ly $18 00. a feat© The re* t of them entered Morris Duncan went off accident­ ,U9' ,e their home th e farm of ,15 p o u nd * be it qu liit y , fe lte d s ilk fl<»a now $21 (,5. any Wa V and Ha Xidd I’ugh made ally, the charge tearing through ? ’ je groom near She honor of the 4 surviv team would l u t e taken first place. hunting the other day and brought ng charter members of the lodge »ays the Good Judge A J Hill has been selected as the down three ducks *tra»'^Vst ««ith his three of whom, J W Ellison and Shedd ebairm r n of tire W C T li 20 gauge, th at is ► tftter th a n some H enry B Sprenger of Albany, and A man can get a he? ? more orphanage dr» ve and tt.e quota for grown ups cut’’ j do. I r w n Dow of Oakville, were satisfaction fro mar ,nai |c h«ew Shedd is ?luf J. J W l.vrnar has Chnrle* alld Max E ldef and present. The fourth and absent of this class of P ,bacco, than been appol uted chaiJiuafl foi their uncle, W ill M ontgom ery, one v a s Dr I J Fisher of Portland. he ever coult* gct fronl a big At th e meeting the degree of Mas­ Peoria. wer.t to Corvallis last Satur day chew of tb '. old kind. Clarice i lcConnell won a first Fee th e big football game. ter M »son was conferred upon . H e find«- ¡t costs less, too. T h e prize iu the» Ju n io r stock tln b c o n - The two churches are h aving three u »embers, after which a de- gtxid tobacco taste lasts so ( test at t he e xposition in Portland. union meetings each Sunday »wen lightfut banquet was partaken of. mu eh longer he dt»esn’t need L iuu;co u n t) won third place in ing, Rev Van Winkle prea chi.'ig The lodye was organized iu June, • r j have a frefh chew nearly the Jersey — j exitiL ' Aim. l ■ - » at -• the exposi , ju th e U P church one Su.iuda.v 1883, w ith a membership of eight, us often. lion. Kutry o fst'X ik h y live b re ed -,fv en i„g aU,j Rev Reed p re settin g which tt»** increased a thousand *rs were oeceaaary I«1, entering the j ¡n the Methodist church th e noxt folu as it pow numbers 88 mem- A ny man who uses the Real competition and : tbedd furnishe 1; Sunday evening A cordial invi­ Tobacco Chew will tell you .Mrs P A Young of Albany, ad­ ur of them us , ’ollows; J M tation 1» extended to all. that. dressed the congregation a» the Dickson and Son, C A Pugh, J C ___ Rev Van Winkle is bavin g some’ Put u/> in tw o styles Jkj, thank' Bering service held at the L Brown and Son, nml W H good rood moving pictures in th' • W O -V • fv* n tn l W W-B CUT is a long fine-out tobacco U P church Sunday morning. McConnell. The tit li man was W hall every F riday eveuii ig, Yeve Couey, 7 m onths old j Henry Stew art of Alb uiy Will Montgomery of ' Scio, > s W dl MoutgflRl#ry ■ R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco iaughter of Mr and Mrs Harold A meeting of bothch urche* was visiting hi* sister, Mrs A 1 » E ld » ', c w Y ork C 'tÿ SCouev, with a score of 99 Per held Suuday in the in tt of the Mis* N ina K um p qE Halsey. „-n t, was the highest scoring W C T U orphanage drit '*• has been working a?. Charley child in division one in the baby As a result of Haro t I Pugh’s Pugh's the last week contest and will receive the diplo­ w inning high m ark on the judging Roy Common was at 1 Albany ma for the highest scoring girl 10 [contest at the exposition he is caller last Friday Many o th e r articles in keeping with th e season. Cross & White I I,et no man say when h® ’ temp bed, 1 am tempted of God; for God can not be tempted of evil n“ither ‘em pteth he any man. Jaa 1: 13. There is a difference between t"inptations which the F a’ber con­ siders proper and the tem pta­ tions which come from the adver­ sary. The former teat« of loyalty to God and the principles of right­ eousness, are intended to be a blessing and a help to all those who withstand them , and who thus dem onstrate th eir loyalty to righteousness. The tem ptations of Satan, on tha contrary, are in the nature of pitfalls an d snares in evil and wtoogdoing, tem ptations to make right wrong; and wrong appear right, p u ttin g lig h t for lurkness and darkness for light. In this sense of inisrej iresentation and ensnareruenIs ie evil, God tem pteth no m an, *& o. w. F R L in Albany Furniture Exchange 1 rs i W* ' th o u * lions* ntenf. * l\i* a fte r eX|,,0 hum * roio-t the I altloi t*» « * eyon M in k the I furet T» th e n due* e n in later <1> I pni tlahl In to hold peili Kx* duw v ih i << N O W -A -D A Y S ” BIG «SU B S C R IP T IO N O F F E R M A G A Z IN E S Cand O U R 'N I lA /S P A P E R — One Year Each FOR $2 25 û a vxcePTioNAL o ________________________ r r t H ia r a .b , a ,w o. o s a - ® « w * L AU n n « w a l . u l ^ r l ,- ,, . I U v a , p r« M a l a . M o» « * a a . u - a . a , Ar°w H O S T D M t O N LY 4M b* i , ' u - l a l enses paid, Halsey Tuesday to 1 itay sv er callers in Albany Saturday. \\ in McBride expects to ipend Thanksgiving with In ,r m other, the wi i(iter i Mrs Savage. T h e v I» leor* Catarrh thWd* ^ S * in California. af P it country than all n' h r w^ , up- The Grange is ho jding * Io< * ' _Born last- S unday to Mr and nut to$c«th«r and for __aacrjb«4 p »»*d to b* incurablj. * ?.y faiiinf sale at the Thompson ftrog ¡u,*>re. L a l r a in a P .^ and by co m “ "»»’ Mr* John Duncan a son, dl-aa«- The V P church w jg have t b«*«r to cura with Mr and Mrs A M Brown of L lal- ¿ ?y preaching service at fl’,.«) of Ip- ey visited Mr» Chari»» Arnold a i"-« tloXal traatroant. H all a c a ta r ' hort time on her way to the in ti­ day morning which 1 ¡j| j,e jc m anufactured by F. X CM«*J » >ledo. Ohio, la a con*tlt_u»> ,e lowed by Sunday «‘/bo, d nt«. « r u th * J lo o d on ’W1 ra- Mr and M rsC pi.hber . C o o p e r a t e The Shedd wcliool, like all oth Sr ’ r h . >y«*«> H r « « » H aU * 14 la offarod ,or *.°z. * for