DR. H. G ARN JO BST, Halsey Items 1 Guy Bramwell and family of Mrs Sherwood of Springfield, E. L. STIFF and SON Brownsville, came over Thurs­ left Wednesday a lte r a two days Brownsville and Drifted Snow F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S day and spent the day with his visit at the E S M arsters home. flour at D H S turtevant’s. Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregoa Carries everything in Furniture, parents. For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W Mr and Mrs J C Standish are also PIPELESS FURNACES. A meeting of the Linn County spending Thapksgiving at the Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. The RAMONA MACHINE Pioneers’ Association has been Fred Taylor home in Corvallis. Phone or write for appointment. called to be held at the Commu­ plays all makes of records. Will have in a load of shelled Mr Kessell of Harrisburg has nity House in Albany at 2 o’clock corn in a few days, price 3 cents WHITE SEWING p m, on Wednesday, Dec 8, 1920, made arrangem ents to put on a Also 0 W Frum. GRADUATE moving picture show in Halsey for the purpose of organizing at MACHINES. O P T O M E T R IS T Roll Templeton and wife re­ that time a Linn County Memo­ every Thursday night if the ven­ 215 217 Lyon Street, Albany. turned from Portland Tuesday. P R IV A T E O F F IC E rial Association, whose principal ture proves a success. He is the F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S J W Miller was an Albany object shall be to maxe the nee manager of the Rialto theatre in D r H a r o l d R. J a c k - caller one day last week. P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E essary arrangem ents for the Harrisburg, and to make his DENTISTRY son 304-.405 1st N a - I expect a car of big red fir erection ol a suitable monument plays uniform he has named the tioual Hank Hutldin, A lhiny, O re g o u . F. M . FR E N C H & SONS wood in a few days. Orders tak­ in memory of the heroic pioneers city hall the Rialto Theatre for ALBANY OREG. Without pain. Late nerve­ ing now. G W Mornhinweg. who crossed the plains and es­ that night. His first show will I blocking method. R B Mavberry and family are tablished the first homes in this be next Thursday night. We spending iheir Thanksgiving in county. It is hoped that a large predict for him abundance of j A r t i s t i c P ia n o T u n in g Albany. number of the descendants of success provided he puts on clean I Mrs Grace Sickels is visiting these pioneers be present at that pictures, that have a good moral I ARTHUR COLE, Albany, Ore, KARL A. BRAMWELL. Prop. Leave orders with Woodworth Drug Co. in Riverside with her mother, time to aid with their counsel in to them, but if they run to lewd­ Mrs Bond. Suits Cleaned And Pressed. Albaoy. Oregon. preparing the plans for this ness and a tendency to excite evil 0 B Stalnaker and wife of Cor­ work. The call is made by A M passions of any kind, the better LAUNDRY SENT AWAY on MONDAY $5. T o w n or C ou n try $5 vallis. are spending their Thanks Templeton, Pres Linn County Pi­ class of people will not patronize them. H ere’s hoping. THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE giving at the T P Patton home. oneers’ Association. Two or three good second hand and the WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. cream separators for sale. Price i .— 1— 1 - ~ ----- — :■ » • =O OREGON FARMER Regular meeting- next S atu r­ from $10 to $40. G W Momhin- day night. weg. one year for $1.65. There will be initiation at the Odd Fellows’ lodge Saturday night. There will be two to ride : Electric H aircutting. Masaaging the goat. and Shampooing. D S McWilliams and family I Laundry, Cleaning and Pressing are spending Thanksgivings day E. C . M IL L E R with Alex Power and wife in Lebanon. A new floor is being put in the hallway at the school house du­ ring vacation. M E Gardner is doing the work. Miss Cleona Smith from Wil­ H a ls e y S ta tio n ? lam ette University, arrived here Wednesday evening to stay over the rest of the vacation. ( ’jiisli b u y e rs of < Tenni W L Smith, who had been Eggs and Poultry. working on T A Powells’ house in Brownsville for two weeks, returned to Halsey Tuesday. L W. BYERLY, A g e n t The Woman’s Study Club met last Friday evening at the home of Mrs Stafford, at which the ubj'ect of home dress making Dealer in Real Estate. as continued. The hostess was Phcto »hew« Oamen and Pythias In th eir last goodby before leaving thei Handle» Town and Country Pròpri iy. assisted in serving lunch by Mrs quarters at South Hatfield, Pa., fo r "destination unknown" but we hazard I live him a call and »re if he can fia guess that It’S soms big, hot oven. T I Marks. The next meeting »ou up. Thia includes Berg­ w II be on Thursday afremoon m an’s Dress shoes as Dec 2 at the home of Mrs J W Drinkard. low as For Sale—Two fresh Jersev ciws, high testers, and two fresh (HALSEY, OREGON.) 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. large Durham cows, heavy milk­ Men’s heavy Bib Over­ ers, three full blooded bronze Our wonderful roots and herbs turkey hens and one gobbler, a alls, Headlight ire found in the China prepara­ full blooded Duioc boar, and tions and have stood the test o f a some black faced ewes to let oul ! housand years to cure Catarrh. on shares. R B Mayberry. , Vsthma, Lung Trouble. Cancer, Jackets D H Sturtevant and family ■ Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Ner- are spending Thanksgiving with 1 'ousness. Stomach, Liver and Dr J C Booth and family in Leb I Kidney troubles, also private ail­ anon. Mrs Booth and Mrs Stur ments of men and women. Con- O u r m erchandise is tevant are sisters. -lultation free. The Hing Wo priced t ) meet the pres­ JM Porter and wife and Mrs Chinese Medicine Co. P O Box, ent emergency. It in­ Robnett and her two children *17, Albany, Oregon. volves a considerable sac­ took Thanksgiving dinner with rifice on our part, and is' F M Maxwell and family in Tan­ the result of our deterini- gent. DR. A. R. PINNEY nation to protect you. Mrs Mornhinweg and Mrs Electrical equipped office Nellie Taylor conducted the Red It is not a sudden notion • Cross I :(ooto 404 First Nstiunal Bank Builliug drive on the west side of Albany Ore or pose, but a well con­ Halsev and Mrs Geo Laubner and sidered resolution to a id ! Mrs C E Gulliford had charge of \V R I G H T & P O O L E in restoring balance to; the east side. Have not learned as yet what success they had. ineia I ¡rectors and Licensed business. ........ Em balm ers___ The Electrical Comedy Co put BROWNSVILLE and HARRIS- on a show in the city hall last 3URG. Branches at Halsey and Monday night. The music was Sweet Home. Frank Kirk, Rep­ good. The violiuist was an a r­ resentative for Halsey, Phoelfifl tist and could almost make his violin ialk, and when it came to impersonating a bashful young, gnA*nhorn, he would be hard to beat. Aside from that the show was not up to the standard snd All work done promptly and much adverse comment has been reasonably. Phone No. 269. made upon it. They talked as if they might come again, but if they do come back we prophesy for them a very slim house. ALBANY, OREGON. More than that, wnen the com MOVE BY TRUCK pany left, many of the light l/>ng Distance Hauling, Roland Marks from Corvallis globes that were in the hall were Light and Heavy Trucks. came over Thursday to spend the m ining. What became of them E. R. Cummings, Albany, Or« is not definitely known. rest of the vacation. P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGCOX BARBER - SHOP. I. O. 0 . F. T he Last Fond Good-By BARBER SHOP SH OES SWIFT 8 CO. W. J. Ribelin All Shoes 20 per cent discount RIALTO THEATRE $3.00 The Hi ng Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. $2.00 $2.00 THE RIALTO THEATRE, formerly the City Hall, will re-open Thursday Night, Dec. 2nd, at 7:15 Chiropractor under the direction of the RIALTO THEATRE Circuit with the Universal Jewell Special featuring DOROTHY PHILLIPS > in PAID in ADVANCE also a good comedy. 15c. Admission 30c. F. M. GRAY, Drayman.