'ALSEY HALSEY, LINN ENTERPRISE COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 11.50 PER YEAR 25 1920 HALSEY NEWS NOVES HALSEY STATE BANK EVERY THING O ptical E Y E S T R A IN H ALSEY, O REG O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 Is the Cause ol Many HUMAN ILLS If your eyes give you trouble, or your glasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You. The teachers are all attending I in stitu te in A lbany th is week. Report of the condition of Mrs Karl Koppe of Eugene, was: In terest paid on time certificates of deposit THE HALSEY STATE BANK Bancroft Optical Co. the guest the last of the week with at Halsey in the state of Oregon, at the ' 313 1st St W. Albany, l’bone 461 W \Ve invite your banking: business her parents, Mr and Mrs Pike. ( close of business Nov. 15th, 1920. RESOURCES F H P orter’« herd of pure hred $160,549,99 C. H. KOONTZ. Pres. 1). TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. Loans and discounts Red Poll cattle won all the prizes POKTLANb Overdrafts, secured an un­ in th eir class at the exposition in is the Commercial Center of North B. M. BONI), Cashier secured ' 80- **0 America on the Pacific Coast, Portland. Bonds and warrants 4,770.00 where the greatest river of the West Geo Maxwell and wife returned Stocks, securities, judgments 150 00 pours its turbid flood into the sea. PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS Banking bouse 3.335 «8 last week from th eir two weeks An Ideal Home City. 2,910.70 A Center of Education. outing at Newport. They report We added the ‘PRE 't o payment and will loaa you money for Un or twenty Furniture and fixtures Due from approved reserve BUY A HOMESITE NOW a tine tim e. rear». No commission mortgage, no Life Insurance. Von can, but do not bare banks 43,381.69 while prices are low. C H Koontz has been appointed Checks and other ca«li items 31 25 lo pay on the principal annually. You will live here some day, chairm an for Halsey for the \V C Cash on band 8,868.1. Consult HEN RIESLAND. V U orphanage drive, and H al­ See J. M. and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. Subdivision Specialist, $224.177.88 ___ ______—— ■———» Total sey’s quota is $150. »04 PLATT BUILDING, 127 Park street L IA B IL IT IE S T 1’ Patton was a P o rtla n d vis­ PORTLAND OREGON. Capital stock paid in I 20,000.00 itor last week and on his return Surplus fund 12,000.00 ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon Saturday via Corvallis, he took in \y e a re here to 9erve you. The Undivided profits, less ex ­ the football game. (jest of pork, beef, and fish the 5,973.62 penses and taxes paid C R Evans received seven prize- COuntry affords. We keep a line Individual deposits sub. 118,098.20 »1 his Holstein cattle at the stock Qf iarj a „ j compound always on ject to check A Safe Custodian for your Surplus Funds. Demand certificates ol de­ show, his breed being th e largest j ^and. See us before you buy. 4 % paid on Savings and Tune Certificates 1,266.82 posit exhibit of any stra in a t the fair p^e Halsey Meat Market, Carter Commercial........................... -- -Savings Cashier checks outstanding 2,209.90 Dr and Mrs M arks, Geo W & Capital $5O,(XX1.W Time and savings deposits 64.410.96 L a u b n e ra n d wife, J W D rinkard Surplus and Undivided Profits $30,000 00. Other liabilities, discount G G S hirlev. living ju st beyond 218.38 and wife and W H K irk and wife unearned attended the ball game lit C orval­ the Powell school house, has r e n t­ Total $224,177.88 ed tiis place to C lark Sm ith, who lis S atu rd ay . STATE OF OREGON 1 , Air and Mr» Fred Applegate of lias bad possession for th e last NO. 49. t “ Alw ays At Your Service” Pay a visit to our CORS FT DEPARTM ENT County of Linn ) I, B. M. Bond, Caahier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the bes of my knowledge and belief. (Sigued) B. M. Bond, Cashier. CORRECT—Attest. C. H. KOONTZ D TAYLOR 8. 11 BOND Direct' rs. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of November, 1920. L. B. Walton, Notary Public. Mr commission expires 1-5-24, Yoncalla spent the week end with ' three week». H enry Zim m erm an w ent to Mrs A pplegate’s sister, Mrs I 1 P o rtland Inst T hursday and took Marks, and with her m other, Mrs in the Block show. W hile there \1 E Bassett. Mrs H M Miller and her d a u g h ­ he crossed the Colum bia and visit- ter Miss Beulah arrived in Halsey ed in Vancou ver. H e returned last week after several m onths of • Sunday evening, visiting m H ay, W ash, w ith! Mr and Mrs J P W ilber of Port- Mark Brandon and fam ily. lan d , juat ra m m in g from a border At the Pacific In ternational trip of the U 8 and part of Cana- Livestoek show K A Tem pleton da and Mexico, stopped in Hais< won a cham pionship in th e sh e e p ' la8t week for a visit w ith C IS exhibit for the best C heviot r a m , G ulliford and fam ily and O W K ldoa Croas was an over nigl t ,ud another one for the Iw stc h a m -' Krum and fam ily and then went 1 on to P o rtla n d . busmen» cellar in Albany on« „ion ewe. night last week. Mr and Mr» M arion Pike ail for P o rtla n d Friday for a tew days with Mr P ika’* parent». Mr and Mra D T aylor and M is B M Bond ware A lbany eallerr Monday. Mr and Mr» G T H ockenam itb of A lb a n y , »pant S unday with 1« a grwxl place to deposit your savings. ,4 percent interest on sating» accounts that run three months »1» Months or a year. Inlereatpaid hia m other, M<* M C Bond, M O H am cb weut to P ortland »eiui-annually. laat week to have charge of F II P o rte r’s stock a t th e t »position. R B M ayberry a tle u le d the N agel A Sboeuhein* »ale near H arisborg Monday. ft F ra n k H adley and wife vi.-ited to a t the hom e of C L Jack:-on lu.-t to Thursday in B row nsville.—Times. to T here were seven or eight ear t o load» of H a la y people went over to I17..50 to C orvallis laat S atu rd ay to wit- t o Special on all-wool overcoats ueaa tb s ball game. to 2.75 Special on flannel shirts « T he cable of the H arrisb u rg fe r­ to .25 Muslin from 45 cents to ry broke la»t Sunday and let the t o .15 ferry d rift down the river. Il i«- t o Indian Ib-ad from 55 cents lo (bought it will not be running for t o House Lining from 1” cents 12J cents several days yot. to .85 Blenched Sheeting from -»0 cents to H alsey was left in darkness to .75 Sunday n ig h t ab o u t 10 o’clock, -<« Brown Sheeting "0 cen ts to ¡ow ing to ionic m ishap, and it took t o Outing reduced from •»•> and 15 cents to .35 ! u n til about 2 o ’clock p ai on M m - t o ..35 pi-rcal«’ reduce«! from 50 cents t«» day before the light! would b urn. t o from 1 t o .35 Roy F in la n d and fam ily Gingham reduc«-«l to 25 cents and H elix, O regon, arriv ed M o n d a y jto noon and left Tuesday. They t o were visiting with his graudm oth- t o er, Mra Q uick, and his uncle. E B Penlaud. to T he ball gam* th a t was ached-, t o uled for H alsey vs Jefl«r*on last t o Friday failed to m aterialize, o w - 't o ir.g to the fact th a t H alsey was t o not a m em ber of the H igh School A thlatic AMOciatioa. | The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘W HERE SAVINGS ARE SA F E ’ PRICE REDUCTIONS A w On display ’these days are several lew Fall corsets o f rare beauty and ineness o f fabric- a representative ihowing o f the various sty les in our line o f - ROYAL WORCESTER and SON TON CORSETS They are fashioned from the best juality m aterials and almost ideally lerfeet, in workmanship and design. M. V. KOONTZ CO. Iry an Ad in the Enterprise Í « \lz I * \lz 4z \lz and other substantial reductions. D. H. STURTEVANT. « Mz Mz