M an W ith G rit W in». C .rlt , « .1 laU ing |,.>s«P«sinr o f you. l i o j v r Its Infiuenep you act as th o ug h you w ore a ( t lf fe ir a t person A n d th a t m ay he m ore tru e tlu tn we th in k . C e rta in ly there Is n new »|ertt In th e m an who dares w h a ' has I, <••- h ith e rto ini|M)sslhle. It's the g rit t liiii lies back o f him th a t does th * work. Som etim es It comes lute In ||fe . Rut m ore o fte n It ehows It-, i f v>■• th a t no records o f th e ir licg in u lu g s are pre- served. A t the tim e o f Alexander's e x p e d itio n to India the natives o f that region » o re shaw ls o f great heatttv T he G reeks learned many p ro ce sse s o f woolen tilt, n u fa c t ti re fro m tile E g yp tia n s, a n il the Romans a fte r pick Ing up tin - a rt fro m the Greeks passed It on to the o ccid e n ta l w orld. Woolen garm ents « e re w o rn by the Romans at a very e a rly period. I t Is prohanh th a t the firs t lessons the ancient B rit ous received in the a rt were derived Im m e d ia te ly a fte r tlte Roman cot quest. Socrates and Plato. F enelon relate s th a t when the fa th et o f P la to w ished to have his son eiln va te il he to o k h in t to S o c r a te s , who. to some stran g e ■-outcldeuce. lin e dream ed the n ig h t before that lie bore In his bosom a young swan w hich as soon as the fe a th e rs came upon It d isp la ye d Ils w ings and sin g in g w ith In e xpre ssib le sweetness raised its - lt In to th e highest regions o f a ir, soaring w ith in tre p id Hight. Socrates nevt-t doubted th a t the swan ty p ifie d P lato and th e boundless fam e In- was des f it t e d to e n jo y. P la to and S o c r a te s h e lieved In tlrea m s and A ris to tle a d m it ted th a t they m ig h t have a supernal u ra l o rig in . A Miss Wesley from Boise, Ida will_ commence sharp at ho, arrived Monday evening for 10 a m. Make a special effoi! /ft a visit with her uncle, A Wes­ to be on time. 45 W A F astbcrn ley. W e E astrv : Sermon topics as follow: At 45 212 W k s i i- i k s r . T w o S t o r k s l.k- I. VON S i » I «■ 51/ Rodney Savage had the good 11 a m. "My Church” and in 1 45 51/ iuck to shoot a fine deer ju st the the evening Bro Phillips will /¡5 5f/ last day of the open season. He speak on "The Need of C hrist." 45 was accompanied by Geo Dannen This will be his last service with /15 W and Roy Commons. Dannen had the church as pastor, as he will 45 Ou Sugar, Flour, Cereals, offeo. Beans and all kinds of mer- 51/ been there before and got a fin" ask that his resignation be ac-i $ chandiSe ;s on th ¿own grade as you will observe by reading 51/ one. cepted to permit him to accept a 45 below. Study economy, buy conservative- 5j^ Mr McAlavy of La Fayette, call to the church at Newberg. 45 arrived here last week and is the It is hoped that there will be 45 ' an^ ::s -vou n‘ supplies and save money by trading in guest of 0 F Neal and family. a good attendance at all the str- 4 5 Alk*arii- a *'M with ls . Frank williams from near Co vices on the next Sunday at d 45 9 .» $ burg arrived here Saturday even that the members will make a A S oftw heat Valle flour, sacK 2.40. barrel, 4 sacks ing. He will make his home for ------ effort to e.»w me new /p S n o w l— hi.i . at flour, sack 2.85, barrel, 4 sacks 11.25 W special give the the present with his sister, Mrs pastor the same faithful supp< rt 450lympic, ban; - h it flour, sack 2.90, barrel, 4 sacks Kump. 11.50 5f that Bro Phillips has received, j ^ M o n ta n a straight hardw heat flour, sack 3.30, barrel 13.00 51/ J S McMahan and wife are t a k ­ Don t forget the Endeavcr ^’'Cream Ro1 ied Oats, bulk, pound 8c, 14 pounds l.oo 5|Z ing in the stock show in Portland service at 6:30. Young folks thisweek. you have a fine chance to make m Aheat ll"ai ;c'' ' ,c- 5 ancak« «our. sacK 75c and .85 Fred Bogga, a farm er living 5 good through the medium of 45“°"' e’ ' l!;- ^1 -al ial blend, pound 20c, 6 lbs lbs 1.10, 20 lbs 3.50 U/ m les southeast of Halsey, has the society. Come. Everyone 45 ^otlee Sr- --, tl ( rn « '-p o u n d ,“>0c, 5 pounds 1.40 sold his farm and will go to Doris is most welcome. , '• b an 1.25, 5 lb ca n 2.00 51/ California some time next week ( - o 1 lb can 45c, 5 pound can Endeavor topic, "The Thanks­ 4 . iiep crc 2.00 5t/ We didn’t learn the m an’s name giving h ab it." Ps 103; 1-22. C ,t i I 1, M'U.'td package 55c, half pound pckg who purchased the farm. .30 51/ Leader Louise Robnett. tPG iccn le a ¡i bulk, 1 pound 35c, Cocoa in bulk 1 pound .30 51/ Little Mary Kolpohoff of near Eastburn Bros. w w - & w i k Halsey was taken to one of the Harrisburg physicinas Wednes­ day Nov 10 sufferiug from the e le c ts of a kernel of corn which had lodged far bacK in her nose. It was necessary to administer an anesthetic to extract the ob struction which had been lodged for several days.—Harrisburg Bulletin. ^C o m p o u n d . No. 5 pail 1.00, No. 10 pail 1.90, bulk 51/ coui-'ry lai 1 per pound .30 51/ SUNDAY SCHOOL ^ B la c k o r \\ bit 1 - 2 is 25c, l-ancy bulk cookies pound .35 5V The Twelve sent forth. 5»/ . . ■ • bite Laiiii 11' .* • 16 b ars 1 30, Yellow Laundry soau Then saith he unto his disc - J P 2-1 bars 1.00 5»/ pies, The harvest indeed is plen­ A ta lf g r ii .1 salt 50 r - cd s;i » 55c, 100 pound sacks 1.00 5|> teous but the laborers are few. Methodist Church Notes Beans, 18 pounds Pray ye therefore the Lord of ^ B u tte r n u t Bread, fi everv ’ay, 10 and 15c loaf the harvest, that he send forth T CQ&E OVER AND SEE. laborers into his harvest. Matt & 9: 37, 38. School Notes A great appeal to the church and the world for m orevolur- Did you see the foootball teers to carry the message of the game? Where? Why. at Shedd risen Christ to the dying world. Thus far Jesus had carried the if courfe. The Halsey football team met defeat on the Shedd gospel message alone but in this " Id iast Friday. But never-the- lesson realizing that he could no “ T rim m e r.” longer reach the great multi­ As n name fo r a c e rta in kin d of less we do not feel such a defeat. tudes, he commissioned the The boys played against odds p o litic ia n th e w ord trim m e r cm iie lute twelve apostles. The great ne­ use S h o rtly a fte r llie rw stnr.itln n of from the beginning. Louis the S m a rts , f t was u«e trie d to ta ke tw o »Ides at the same tim e : "n>ie game on account of injuries re­ been constantly growing as the w lm m ils w ith tin- hare nod lit m ts vived in previous games. At world has become more densely w ith th e hounds." A more w o rth y second down of the third quar populated. The Cry comes from in c lin in g was th a t the person to whom It was ap p lie d was n m oderate. It ter Jess Cross sustained a bro­ America, Europe, Asia, Africa The Is said th a t In the ri-ign o f Charles ken rib and was forced to go out a»»d the isles of the sea. II., n v e ry aide p u b lic man o f the call comes for hundreds, for f the game and Leo Jenne wa> tim e. C h a rles Montague, earl o f H a l­ thousands. A young lady from -•laced on the lineup. At the ifa x , adopted the te rm trim m e r to slg n lfy th a t lie « n s m -lth e r an extrem e itth down Clarence McKern was our sister church obeyed tl is w h ig n o r at, extre m e lo ry . injured and taken from the call and has gone to carry the Halsey Items ield and Wayne Robertson was message to dark Africa. To ie spond is the grandest, noblest Holt and Lyle Grime? went te •ailed into the line. Eugene Friday ev> ning to visit In spite of the fact that the life task that can ever come to a Re­ friends, a rd incidentally took in eaders were now out of the follower of Christ. Ah! sults are coming. A member < f the ball game: they returned game and new men were placed our church signed up last sun - Sunday evening. in the hack field, the boys did mer for life service. Our young D Taylor returned home frtm remarkably well. They showed Fortland Tuesday evening, his act and self control and played people’s societies have been cc n- tributing to the training of stu­ grand jury duties ende 1 for this a good clean game. How about o tr time. The reception that was given dent workers. There will be a football gamp he football I toys was a decided older member-^? The means between Halsey Hi and Jefferson success. The hall was artisti- be attained in the "Win Hi on the local field Friday, No­ •allv decorated in red and Chum W eek" which began vember 19. white. We must here compli- our Epworth I»eague last Sum ay In the drive for the W C T L' nent the splendid work of the open out into the same great pcs orphanage to be erected near Cor I decorating committee. A fter an sibilities. What shall the har­ vallis, Halsey’s quota is $150. •vening full of jolly games and vest be? "Freely ye have re­ good music the refreshm ents ceived freely give.” Mrs F 0 Salmon of Halsey rej The sermon by Bro Cook la t were served. The refreshm ents t 'l n n i t o her horn' yesterday i (Nou 10, a fte r having received , consisted of a real supper, chick­ Sunday morning frem Rev 2: 4, en sandwiches, pickles, icecream "Decline of spiritual love,” was treatm ent at the local hospital. and cocoa. Thanks to our re­ certainly a warning to those who HarriRdurg Bulletin. Ed W armoth of Medford was a freshment committee we know might be wandering away from who to choose now. Everybody fellowship with Christ. Also n Halsey visitor last week. Arleigh Cummings wounded) eported a remarkably good the evening from the text, "There was no room for them n and caotured a large owl one day j time. this week and he has been held a i Mrs Bond was at the High the inn.” Luke 2: 7. Can it be prisoner in one of Koontz’s show j school rooms Tuesday afternoon. possible there is no room in our windows. H • pays very little The High school have received hearts for Christ, and the life le ind accepted an invitation to a pleads for us to follow? attention to passers by. Chas Straley and family left j reception given in their honor at Watch for further announce Wednesday evening for Orlando. Tangent next Friday evening. announcements of our Sun