VOL. 9, NO. 12 HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER IS 1929 $I..»O||PER YEAR THE HALSEY STATE BANK H A LS E Y , OREGON W f H avk EVERY THING O ptical HALSEY NEWS NOTES ! ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE Capital and Surplus $32,000 X EYE STRAIN Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS Y If your ey es give you trouble, or your glasses are ann oying * SHE US. We can R elieve Yon Geo W L aubner and wife were Herman Mitzner Rubbed. Albany caller» last T hursday. In terest paid on time certificates of deposit Mr» D T aylor waa an A lbany " b i l e H erm an M itzner at d caller S atu rd ay . fam ily were at church Sunday I ? Bancroft O ptical Co. W e invito your banking business Mr» E m m a C arter from Alba- ,n°rn in g a m an w ent into hi 313 1 1st St. W Albany. Phone 461 ny, speut th e week end in HaIsey. house a u d c o m m itted a ro b b ery C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Vice-Pres Mr» Jay Moore left W ednesday appears th at there were tw, PORTLAND B. M. BOND, Cashier for P o rtla n d to tak e in th e live- , ,,ien together but only one mat Is the Coiuiuercizl Center of North stock show. . did the robbing. According to America on the Pacific Coast, Roland M arks from Corvallis, ^i« story he went up to the house where the greatest river of the West PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS pours its turbid flood into the sea. spent the week end with liis p a r-1 10 ¡» q u ite a b o u t w ork. No out We added the “ P R E ” to paym ent and w ill loan you money for ten or twenty „nig. An Ideal Home City. [ being at home he found one of the A Center of Education. years. No com m ission mortgage, no Life Insurance. You can, but do not hare Prof E n g lish went to E u g en e '* ',’dow s loose an d he w ent in BUY A H OM ESITE NOW to pay on the principal annually. last Friday to spend the week end He n e found Iouut1 some bacon and cake w hile prices are low. th a t looked good to him and In You w ill live here some day. at hi» home. Seed. M. and H. M. Hawkins. Albany, Oregon. Mr» T I Mark» and Mis J W concluded he would take them Consult BEN RI EFLAND, Subdivision Specinhst. D rinkard left T uesday for a few I Then he thought he m ight us well help him self so lie took a suit of 104 PLATT BUILDING. 127 Park street day» in P ortland. PO R TLAND O REGON. Mra E sther O Hike has been clothes, raincoat, logger boots, ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon cap, gloves, razor, strop, baud granted a divorce from b erh u sla u d We are here to Berve you. The m irror and 24 cents in money. and was awarded I 10,000 best of pork, beef, and fish the He gave his nam e as Dan Allen Mr Bramwell and wife and chil­ A Safe C u sto d ian for y o u r Surplus Funds. country affords. We keep a line dren and Mr» L T ay lo r went to and his com panion, who was u of lard and compound always on 4 p a id c n S a v in g s and T im e C ertificate, young man of nineteen, gave hi, Eugene to visit Mrs Settle. hand. See us before you buy. C om m ercial........... ....................... S avin g, name as Eggleson and said he wa Miss E m m a C arlton of Albany, C apital *50,000.00 o n I l i a way to C nlifornia, where 1 The Halsey Meat Market, C arter visited a few days last week w ilt S u rp lu s a n d U ndivided P ro fit, *30,000 00. he claimed he had a brother. ! •& Son. the G W L aubner fam ily. W hen M itzner cam e home from I j j 1 ’ A W esiey and fam ily and I) H Moe from W alla W alla, S tu rte v a n t and family weie Albany church he missed the things ami ' ... , cam e tb s la tte r p art of came at once to H alsey and ac­ visitors last T hursday. last week to look after the 80 acre Geo W alton left Sunday m orn- quain ted Deputy Sheriff W alton I farm he lately traded for with W ng for a few d a y s’ visit w ith his of the robbery, and as Mr W alton II C am pbell, g ran d p aren ts nine miles south of bad noticed the tw o men pass | W A A llen left S aturday fog through town, he got on truck ol I Philom ath. Tnft, C alifornia, for u visit with them uud found t l i c i t ) . Prof P atterson, Law rence T ay­ his sister, Mrs W II Beene. lor, and G lenn F rum took in the T h e goods were found in theii A change in tra m schedule has football gam e at Eugene S a tu r­ possession und the old man look been m ade and No lb goes through day. the en tire b la m e upon h im se lf,! at u . m , al M| No 18 northbound J W D rin k ard and w ife accom ­ thus exonerating the young m an. i 12;0». And th e Shasta L im ited panied by 0 P Stallurd and wife heriff K endall was sent lot will carry the mail in the evening were visitors Sunday at tiie O B and cam e and got the old mail at 6:44 instead of No 14 as h e re - S ta ln a k e r home in C orvallis. aud took him to A lbany and the tofore, A reception was given to the young man was discharged. a h j ^ jrg J am ,,a Bond frohl football boys a t the city h all last T his ends the first ch ap ter. A lbany, visited h few dsys IsH S aturday evening by the High W hether there will be more or not week with th eir d a u g h ter, Mrs school and the alum ni. rem ains to be seen. Jay Moore. H Zim m erm an and wife re tu rn ­ ed last T h u rsd ay evening from Jef­ ferson where they w ent to attend the fu n eral of a niece. A rm istice day passed off very I h e F i r s t S a v in g s B a n k o f A l b a n y , O r e g o n quietly in H alsey. The only ex cit­ ing th ing was a football game by boy» from 13 years down. Mr »nd Mr» R L W iuuiford Is a good place to deposit your «avm gr. 4 perceut interest on saving« from A m ity, moved last week onto accounts that run three month« s»w Month« or a year lutereatjMud the place they bought last sum m er «eiui-auuually . on« of the Tem pleton places A sister of Mrs Cook with her little son from A lbany, visited S unday with her people; Rev Cook took her hack to A lbany — Monday m orniug. Q uite a m um ber of the H alsey I boys went to Shedd F riday after I noon to witocae the footdajl game < Z|x between Halsey Ili and Shedd Hi ! zix The gam e stood 19 to 0 in favor of ■ Zb Shedd. D T aylor cam e home from Port- 1 land last F riday on the noon tra in i but be bad to go back Monday j 'h t “Always At Your Service” Pay a visit to our CORSET DEPARTMENT ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ % $ $ to ft On display ^hese days are several new Fall corsets of rare beauty and m orning. H e hopes to get p e r - ' Zb Zb fineness of fabric- a representative m auently excused from federal | /♦X ju ry service. showing of the various styles in our efore, and z»x Clarence McKern got his head zix Z|X h urt. W I. W right of H a rris b u rg , w»> zix a caller in H alsey M onday. A T J Hkirvin, Loo is H kirvin, T P P atton, Krcell Sneed, and B S C lark, went up in one auto load to Eugene S atu rd ay to witness the football game. ZI\ 'IX Mackinaw Overcoats $17.50 Mackinaws Norfolk $16.00 to $18.00 Sweaters $3.25 to $8.00 Mackinaw Shirts Rubber Boots Rain Coats Rain Hats For the Whole Family. I). II. STURTEVANT w W $ xlz w W e : $ $ $ xlz