The Shedd Jersey Calf club won I fourth p'ac« in 'h " q»nok vldginp A POPULAR REFRESHMENT. bpoKaue a t the Live- Cue that is relished at all tim e s by young and old alike ¡9 o u r 8toc'c exposition Tuesday m orning. ice cream. It is made from pure There were team s from M ontana, unadulterated cream and fla­ Idaho, vt ashington and Oregon vored with pure fruit flavors. th at were contesting for ihe hon­ Try some whenever you can. or« Shedd won th e first place of There is no more whole-some or 'he Oregon team s, delicious refr;shment on earth. 1 J '“ *“'8 I,e ' v olf *p busy th is Parties and families supplied week in Shedd and vicinity saw- ¡ng wood. in anv quantity. K Ha 1 am niz pai tor 1 Sat n.o J CLARK’S chi mo Mc CONFECTIONERY. ("ross & White w Fl HART, SCAFFNER&MARX Suits and Overcoats Reduced 20 per cent to 50 per cent Great Shoe Special! ml du U i Increasing the purchasing price of a dollar. Cross & White Se V Men’s and Young Men’s Suits at $15, $20, $25, and $30. The long looked for drop has ma­ terialized. Christian Church Notes • Those w ho were a b se n t from the services of the church last S unday missed two stroug sc rip tu ra l ser­ mons on the ‘‘C o v enants.” T he topic w h s discussed at both ser-I • . . . • X * vices. B rother Phillips speaking upon th e “ old co v e n a n t" and con- luding in th e evening with a d is­ cussion of tlie “ new c o v e n a n t’’ ind a brief c o n tra st and cesnpar- -ou. We are sure th a t C hristians particu larly should be alive to the esponsibility th a t is theirs after knowing th a t (as stated by Mr i'h illip s) C hrist is the only cove­ nant th a t exists today between • od and m an and th a t those who live not accepted him are not in M/ ovenant relationship with God, re aliens. We should wake up. ~ Ve are our In oth er's keepers in I have oat w e.m ust tell sin n ers of C hrist 1 their fate w ithout him rh*i Attendance a t th e e v e n in g Viz " lu ll w.ts the largest we h.n - vt- S a tiu h r. i fur -ume time. T here wgie iiiy vieitori* from outside pointe, iOiig whom was T ie Fa dti.-vn, other of our evnool principa. Men's fine dress and work shoes including 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 t;o was par ing through to E g - inch tops and loggers’ high grade makes. The tendency towards | Screen Doors, Screen Door Sets, etc. A complete assortment of Fishing Tackle, G ar­ den H ose, Nozzles, Sprayers, Valves etc. In e»’ r»< im Ui •Mrs K ath erin e Croft and her sister, Miss T em p» Brock, drove to A lbany S atu rd ay m orning. Mra <’ H Marganon a n d d a u g h ­ ter Ja n e , and .Mrs K C M argason were A lbanv shoppers T hursday. CLOTHING AT OLD TIME PRICES. SHOES AT OLD TIME PRICES. Over 500 Pairs of the better kind. Regals, Walkovers, Barrys, Douglas, Daytons, Nettletons, etc. at CHOPPING EVERY DAY. T Anyone w ishing /h to buy c h ea t seed. lim ited a m o u n t free from sm ut. 2* I will ex ch an g e to r o ats if d e sired . 2 W ill e h o p T uesdays, T h u rsd a y s am i it $7.48. S O. W. F R l 'M i V/ < £L C £ £ « it $150.00 Phonograph Free January 1, 1921. , A number given with every it pur. him t the Albany Furniture Exchange 415 421 Went P ir it Street “T ry It O ut Y o u r se lf” says the Good Judge A nd you will find how m uch m ore satisfaction a little of this R eal T obacco gives you than you e v e r got from a big chew of the o rd in a ry k in d . T h e gJ, ric h , real to­ bacco taste lasts so long you d o n ’t need a fresh chew n early as often. So it costs yo: 1 s. A n y m an v I. > r e n the Real T o b acco C h ew will tell you that. « t » »MM» Put up in two styles W -B C U T is a long fine-cut tobacco R I G H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco W eyman-EPulon Comoany, 1107 ID Shedd Miss A E p p srly gave a program in her room a t the school lion*, last F rid a y afternoon, aflei which th e p upils iuvited tie teacher« to join them iu a n artv ' York City. the team s of Oregon. Mr and Mr* C I. Pinkataff hai «old their farm northeast of Shed' «ml have moved to Springtie where they will make I ft home. M S C ' J B C ornett waa a business c a ll­ banv la-t I er in A lbany M onday, lie hu- It rbert E recently had bi* right eye re A h moved. H e had suffered from ii for tw elve years. M i * R Mr and Mrs Duball have moved r Mm* in to Shedd, They are the psi ante of Mrs I’ B P atterso n . last I hu The meml*er* of the Shedd Jer­ Rev St anh v Van Wi U r .v, i sey stock judging team left tbi- nhiving piet ;re *b w st t> V l weelt for Spokane. 1, J A llen ol \\ ball Friday night. There wet tbs 0 A C was the leader for all , six reels am i a co m ely . economy can be converted wisely into prpfit. O ur pastor prom ises snot A lbany, 'lil'tu r a l sermon for I S j : i I £ O re g o n . iv »veil g entitled " W h a t they d, mid w hy." D on’t miss this i the one at 11 a m, ‘‘O pportu- ity ’s b arriers’' is it's title. Boost the B itdj sehool should W A E as T bv rn he our slogan. M embers it is up »W E R a st b u r m , 212 W est F ir s t . > you. |Two S to r k s 136 I.VON STRKK C W B M meets nt 2 39 in the hurch iia I next Lord s day; al the ...dies should m ake an effort i® ■ • be out. .7 s',.-a over the advance in SUGA R is about over, and ' C r. topic. Peacem akers. Matt 1 e 1 e; 8tnoJ his ground fine. When the Refinery ' i: 9, G en IK: 1-9. Leader Hazel M u , 1 - pri ■ • will drop. Supply your needs co n serv a-' ¿uinby. il. Sternberg & Co. $ $ Church Reporter School Notes Eastburn Bros. ("ft tivelv, make every dolla• count, w inder is here, some m en' « A X a re idle, NUFF SED. A Sugar as long as the old stock lasts. per 100 pounds ,-K SAPPHIRE Ilnur, Montana h ard w ’heat, try a sack Did you sec the big game Tues- O >o. flour, sack 3 25; per barr< •! iv H alsey won. T he hov- W hi M ountain flour, 3.25; barre I fared hard and it was only »fit i Snowfall hardw heat flour, sack 3. 00; barrel at y kuocko th a t Ihev quit, I? Best Cream Rolled oats 14 pound: c on:* Skirvin wag - laid ...................... out with a ‘,L Rolled Oats large package 35c; 3 packages for id ly wrenched shoulder shoulder and ami V Fresh NebrasKa corn meal, whi’^ Or yellow 9 lb sack I C arbin with a h a d l v W ien Edwards Dependable coffee, lb eg n 45c 3s 1.30, 5s nee. It seems th a t a pretty I I'olgors Golden Gate coffee lb <;ai i 45c, 3s 1.30, 5s iod sized het Wag made on Slo dtj yk Extra quality bulk coffee, 20c, 5 pounds 90c, 10 pounds it they lost. N ext tim e bet m i! Best gt;ade Caracol coffee pound 35c, 3 pounds a lse r. • £ Cocoa fine drink, half pound 20 e, pound f Invnlnnr] baking Enl/ini» powder, half L. _ * # pound « can 20c, piund I he eighth grade ha« a new pu- / a Cleveland I. I.iln Dudley fi i Maine. Rumford’s baking powder hap , pound can 15c, pound V\ e also have a new student in At go corn starch pkg 10c, 11 pkg3 1.00 ie High School, Leo Jenny; w ny Doug ;rs corp, starch 2 pKgs 2 j c> Argo gloss starch 2pkgs .25 •li'Ome all n e w students, f ancy ¿ a’)an,rice . 11 pounds 1.00 francy Navy beans 12 I k , i I g): 9weet potatoes 5 and l-2c lb •use the more the m errier. Liberty White soap> b„r< 2 5c, 17 bars for UK) The m instrel show bn* bi n j h Compound shorte- iing No f) paH t q q N o > 10 paji 2.00 oBted for S atu rd ay night but ur.» « 6 „ c, ins Standard tomatoes ar, .85 is been decided to give it Friday hv 6 cans Quality peas 85c, Nucoa nut ‘ ju tte r pound ‘y i ‘ oa nut, 3 pounds for 1.00 ghl, November 5 th. on account 1 a 1 a®1* for Kraut 3c per lb; onicn9 35 pounds 1.00 the Odd Fellow s’ blowout on itn rd a y n ight. So everyone re side creamery b u tter 1 .C 0 Ä -er minced clams 6 can9 for mber to come to the greatest 1 -K T J J K I •55\iz nstrel show ever given, next i lav evening a t the ball ai •lock. Tickets are on »ale, r he j ■•it diggers from J lg y -•sville , til be there. D on't in»' * it. neld at the school house last F ri­ Tire first six weeks are over and day evening, had a g h o itly tim e. e are aw aiting o c r r(.port Cards i Odd race* were run gbuetly sto- ith fear and trem b lin g . ” V w 4P D-irothv S h rrlin g wa* absn«»t rie* W r* ,D d 14 general good odiacbool M onday, : time was reported. The H U lo w ^ y u p a rty th a t was HighScho«,) Reporter. r» ;: halsey enterprise and the .OREGON FARMER one year for $1.65.