E nterprise VOL. 9, NO 19J HALSEY, LIN N COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER I 1920 $ I..'< P K R YEAR THE HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK H ALSEY, OREGON ALSO ITEMS Capital and Surplus $32,000 D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. B. M. BONI). C ashier ----------- The city of H alsey voted Tues- day for tbe various candidates and m easures as follows; Kor presidential electors, 216 rep, 108 dew , 4 p ro hibitionists, and 4 in d u s tria l labor. “Always At Your Service” Turn the golden grain into grain» of gold by funds in this strong, conservative institution. Four per cent paid on Savings. depositing your surplus E veryth in g modern in banking. We have a few Ltnn County five per cent Bonds in denom inations of $100.00 and $500.00 each which we will sell w hile thev last Pay a visit to our CORSET DEPARTMENT ■ 7 7 a ; . I; ' Ï* c y 9 , '/■ I E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your ey es g iv e you trouble, or your g lasses are ann oying SHE US. We can R elieve You. Mr and Mrs C J Straley were Albany visitors over Sunday* Geo M„ w d , ant, wife k f , T(„ f , (k y for a lw0 we(.ki)> gUy at New Bancroft Optical Co. port. U3 1st St. W. Albany, l’bone 461 VVill have in a load of shelled corn in a few tk y g price 8 cents q rum " | All kinds Ot Seed Hlld O yy W F From Miss Olive W allace of N ew burg, cleaned. spent a few* days last week visit- i t lover and g rass seed ing with Mrs J W Evans and fam ' for sale. ¡ly. 1920 MltXWell Cftf for ¡J[ Misses Blanche Forster and Pc s a l t '. E tta Kobnett from Eugene, spent th e week end in H alsey w ith rela- t For U S sen ato r, R N Stanfield 201, Geo E C ham berlain 128, Al- PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS bert S laughter 2. We added the “ PRE " to paym ent and will loan yon money lor ten or twenty For representative, W C Haw- years. N o com m ission m ortgage no Life Insurance. You can, but do not havr ley 268, H arlin 1 albert 3 to pay on the principal annually. F or secretary of state, Fam A Ko te r 181, J P Sears 6, U pton A See J. M, and IL M. H awkins, Albany, Oregon. U ptoo 3. tivee. ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon O ptical INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE Halsey’s Verdict. I n te r e s t paid on tim e certificates o f d ep o sit W e invite y o u r bankin g busin ess C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. OF W k H ave EVERYTHING T. J. Skirvin The Ü. S. Landon For Justice of suprem e court, Mrs Maggie McClelland of Fan place, Geo M Brown 94. • j Francisco, youngest daughter of Halsey, Oregon. For attorney general I H Van I’ rank G ray, arrived Monday mor- W inkle 135. i n>ng for a two weeks’ visit with PORTLAND For dbiry and food commission- i ',er parents, Is the Commercial Center of North America on the Pacific Coast, er, C L H aw ley 275, F J Van Last S aturday evening Mrs Brown Behren 8. entertained her pupils, the 5th where the greatest river ot the Waat pours its turbnl flood into tbe tea. For co Dmissioner of the public j and 6 th grades, at her home at An Ideal Home City. service, Fred G Buchtel 208, Wm Mrs R u m p ’s. A very enjorahle A Center of Education. D Bennett 101, O tto Newman 3. tim e was reported. BUY A H OM ESITE NOW w h ile prices are low. For representative of 2nd dip- Last F rid ay n ig h t W illam ina You w ill live here som e day, tric t, Robert S Acheron 250. Chan Corcoran entertained the 7th and Consult HEN R IE SL A N D , Childs 240, M C 'lenipleton 258, gth grade pupils at her home, Subdivision Specialist, three to he •looted. Game« were played and a very 104 PLATT BUILDIN G , 127 Park str e e t For district atto rn ey for Linn pleasant evening was spent. PORTLAND, O REG ON. county, LGLewelling 285. Robert W O sborn, seal sale d i­ For sheriff, C M K endall 288 rector of th e Oregon 'I uherculosis W F W hite and wife aud E ldon For county clerk. R M Russell A ssociation, was in Halsey las, Cross and wife were E ugeue call- 233, H enry N olan 84. Ih u rsd a y to arrange for the a n n u - |t.rH S unday, For recorder of conveyances. al sale of seals during the C hrist- I H allow e’en com ing on S unday Chas C C urry 277 ) mas season. Hr G arujobst has evening this year it was observed F or assessor, J S \ an W inkle been appointed nalesman for Hal in a double barreled way, some, 302. For treasurer, Lahore Powell K J Clingm an at the request of whose religious convictious preven­ 282. Francis C lingm an’g m other, the ted them from going out on S u n ­ For county su p e rin te n d e n t o f 1 only heir, has been appointed as day night, went out on F aturday scuools, Ida M Cum unugs 157, a d m in istrato r of Francis Clingm an night to play th e ir pranks. O th ­ L L G ooding 169. j »-state. Mr Clingm an left » fu rm ers going out on S unday n ig h t, For county surveyor, C harles of 100 acres and personal property j P0*"**,*F "u tu ‘ went out on both nights. ,0 the am ount of •$lO.tXKJ. H Leonard 235. For coroner, E verett C Fisher 274. For county com m ifsioner, T JI B utler 165. J T) Isom 158. A mendments I h e F ir s t S a v in g s B a n k o f A lb a n y .O r e g o n Com pulsory voting. 84 ye«, 222 no. L im itin g legislative session, 14 yee. 223 no. It a good place to deposit your imving». 4 perceut interest on wiviogt accounts that run three months. si< m onths or a year. Interest paid O ieotnargari ie bill. 152 yes, sem i-annually. »42 no. Single tax . 12 yes, 296 no. P o rtland dock coiuuiission, 121 yes, 135 no. Anti com pulsory vaccination, 67 yes, 229 no. Fixing legal ra te of in te re st, 23 aw ’ yes, 269 no. ; A Roosevelt bird refuge, 72 yea, 222 no. Divided legislative session, 89 yes, 197 no. S ta te m arket commission a it, 66 yes. 233 no. IT Increasing county road a sse ss-' A 'd en t, 86 ves, 221 no. j JL T here were several scattering A votes for constable but it doesn't tp p ear th a t anyone got enough to elect. * ixg ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Mackinaw Overcoats $17.50 Mackinaws Norfolk On display these cays are several $16.00 to SI 8.00 new Fall corsets of rare beauty and fineness of fabric-a representative Sweaters $3.25 to $8.00 showing of tbe various styles in our Mackinaw Shirts line or w — —*------ _ /h We are here to serve you. The A Rubber Boots oest of pork, beef, and fish the ROYAL WORCESTER an! BON TON CORSETS 'h i *ountry affords. We keep a line /n Rain Coats They are . fashioned from the best 'vd *n d co ,r‘r)“n d alw ay 9 o n . * <:nd , , almost a -J ideally 11 hand* *** u9 beforf‘ you bu> A Rain Hats quality materials rh< Habey Meat Market, carter perfect, in workmanship and design. i£Son*___ For the Whole Family. Extracted Honey /¡\ M a V. KOONTZ CO. fine ' 'h I). H. STURTEVANT „ Price 22 and 25 cents. 50 lbs or more 20 and 23 cent« per lb. 1 Try an Ad in the Enterprise N. T.Sneed Halsey, Oregon s • \