E nter ? H als V OL. 9, NO. 9 HALSEY, LINN THE COUNTY, OREGON, O(TOBER 28 1920 $1.50 PER YEAR X HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY, OREGON ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE Capital and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business Turn the golden grain into grains of gold by depositing your surplns fends in this strong, conservative institution. Four per cent paid on Savings. Everything modern in banking. We have a few Ltnn County five per cent Bonds in denominations of >100.00 and >500.00 each which we will sell while thev last. Pay a visit to our CORSET DEPARTMENT Frank Cllngman Killed by a Traetor. M iss G e rtru d e M c K e rn was a H a rris b u rg v is ito r one da y last week Rev Cool; and d au g h te r (lei 1 «line left here T u e s d a y f ir S i le n t where t l v v a t te n d e d th e u n v e ilin g <>f the Jason I- e p o r t r a it io ibe House o f R e p re se n ta tive - On W ednesday B ish o p W O SI p h e rd met a ll the pre i diets of th e c..,i ference in a R etreat n e e tin • Rev Cook and d a u g h te r a 11 stop at Independence fo r a shi rt tim e ns th e y come back. Last S aturday ift' tn J A B urns was ch o p p in g to (ill M N m wbilt cnsihie, t a lk in g to B e it H a i m s , h a v in g his hack to th e p ttH cv c o n n e ctin i M r C lin g m a n .w a s u n m a rrie d t i e chopper and the ci-.emt the and had liv e d h is e n tire life in ; belt flew o ff the engine and Mi the Peoria neig hb o rh o o d . Besides H um s put his hand b e h ind him hie m o th e r aDd sister, who liv e d an 1 it ca u g h t between the b e lt and w ith h im on th e fa rm , a b ro th e r p u lle y and jerked his arm i ghf who resides in W a s h in g to n , s u r - s r o u n d th e p u lle y . It knocked vives him . F u ueral rervices were held at the Pine G love c h u rch Tuesday afternoon a t 2 o’clock by Rev Reed, pastor of the U P church of Shedd. ! >. • ' J On display these days are severa new Fall corsets of rare beauty anc fineness of fabric-a representative show ing of the various styles in oui line o f R f l K l WORCESTER and BON TON CORSETS They are fashioned from the best quality materials and almost ideally perfect, in workmanship and design. M.i V. KOONTZ CO. Try an Ad in the Enterprise Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your eye* give you trouble, or your gl is*es are aunoying SUE US. We can R elieve Vow. Bancroft Optical Co. j 13 1st St W. Albauy. Phone 4t»l Mrs J A B urns was called to G azelle, C alifornia, last Friday on account of Mrs Mary E S tall- cup, her m other, having the Hu We learn from toe H a rrisb u rg B ulletin th a t J F Isom is erectii g a new silo and th a t M O p a n iih has moved onto the F H Porter ranch. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All k illtls of SOCti ttlld ; 'l'a i II c l e a n e d . (.’lover an d g rass seed for sale. 192(1 Mifwvell e a r for T. J. Skirvin The I). S. Landon place, Halsey, Oregon. PORTLAND tlie Comm ercial Center of North America on the Pacific Coast. \ here the greatest river of the West pours its turbid flood into ttie sea An Ideal Home City. A Center of Education. Ill Y A HOMESITE NOW while prices are low. I .Mrs E d ith Robuett was an bany caller last F riday. Initiative m easure No. 810 oo ill Novem- er will give t<> Oregon a j a r | equal to any port on the Pacific Coast. Y’ ou are vitally in terest­ ed in tlm passuge of this bill. It w ill not increase your taxes. I Ini cost w ill be borne by the P o rt of P o rtla n d h u t a ll Oregon m ust vote on th e m easure. Vote 310 Y K S i ii th e a llo t N ovem ber 2nd, ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ We are here to serve you. The ¿L best of pork, beef, and fish the ountry affords. We keep a line if lard and compound always on land. See us before you buy. t The Halsey Meat Market, C arter m ft Son. fine Honev /¡! * Price 22 and 25 centa. 50 Ibr /IS* Yr more 20 and 23 c?r.ts per lb. N. T. Sneed Halsey, Oregon Al­ the b a llo t to ho voted He is th e dem ocratic can d id ate Yours truly, for county su p e rin te n d e n t of the .1 W . Beet i r. schools. W hen you go to the polls next Tuesday d o n ’t fail to register a vote for Mrs I d s M C um m ings for C ounty Supt o f Schools. She has I h e F ir s t S a v in g s B a n k o f A lb a n y .O r e g o n made us an efficient officer since -he has held th e place and there i, no reason why she should be s u - ) oerseded a t th is tim e. She has I* a Rood pi h »• to \ *> ut -tving*. 4 prrreut »nterent on Mvingt «oms advanced plans in her mind account that run three month-. *i< » tonth« or a year. Iotereat pmB for the b etterm en t of th e schools seiui-atinnally n the county and we urge th e vo­ ters to give her the chance to put them io operation. Last S a tu rd a y M orning Hon “ Teo E C ham berlain addressed a goodly num ber of H a lse y ’s citi- tens in the city h all. T h e school f t lismissed and m arched in a body /|X o th e ball and listened to whai f t tie had to say. He is a good »nd f t forceful speaker. S enator Chum -: lerlain, although a dem ocrat, and /»x Jregon is strongly republican, has Z|\ ieen governor of the stale, ami / j \ for eleven years has represented * is in tne U H senate. He aspires I A ,o succeed him self as senator fori m other term but as to th a t, no I me m ay know certa in ly u n til af- Z|\ ter the election next Tuesday. Extracted 4 L a *« *« ** h im dow n and sp ra in e d his w rist and he is now g o in g ro und w ith You will live here som e day. his arm done up. hut he is th a n k ­ Consult BEN RIESLAND, fu l it w a sn ’ t worse th a n ft proved Subdivision Special lal. to bp. IIM PI.A I I Itl'11.1)1 127 Park str ee t PORTLAND, OREGON. ________________ — ____ | To the Citizens of Halsey, w ish to say th a t I w ill soon he home fu re m a in . T h a t if e le c t'd c ity m a rsh a l 1 w ill to th e '" - I of III) iild lit v k>" p down a ll th e expenses of the c itv and a t the same tim e keep the streets and crossings in re p a ir. 1 believe in e n fo rcin g a ll o r d i­ nances and if the co u n cil can not L L G ooding of H arrisburg, hack th e m up, then re, eal them m ade us a call last S a tu rd a y and get th e m o ff the hooks. I L Y E S T R A IN * F ra n k C linguian, 62 years old, a farm er liv in g near P eoria, and well known here in H alsey, was C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. silled la st Friday n ig h t about 7 o’clock, when a tracto r which he B. M. BOND. Cashier was operating tu rn e d oyer, pin- ning him u n d e rn e a th . PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS Mr C lingm an had been w o rk in g We added the "PRE” to payment and will loan yon money for ten or twenty in the field all the afternoon and years. No commission mortgage, no Life Insurance. Yon can, but do not have when he did not re tu rn to the to pay on the principal annually. house at the usual tim e, hie mo- ther and sister, who liyed w ith See J. M, and IL M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. him , w ent out to (M w hat detail). ed him . They found the tractor overturned and Mr C lin g m a ii’s body under it, w ith the gi s o lii w ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon tan k on his chest. “Always At Your Service” W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical Mackinaw Overcoats $17.50 Mackinaws Norfolk $16.00 to $18.00 Sweaters $.?.?5 to $8.00 Mackinaw Shirts Rubber Boots Rain (’oats Rain Hats For the Whole Family. I). II. STURTEVANT see««««*«