.s* H alsey HALSEY LINN V OL. 9, NO. 8 ZL ENTERPRISE COUNTY, OREGON, ¿ f (<)•_>0 OCTOBER W 1920 $1.50 PER YEAR -a* THE HALSEY NEWS NOTI HALSEY STATE BANK also items H A L SE Y , O R E G O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit W e invite your banking business W e H ave VERY THING O ptic a l of interest from everywhere E Y E S T R A IN A Mueler and family were Al- John O w ensjam il.v Surprised. bany shopper® F riday. Mr® Ja* D rinkard was an A lba- ay visitor last Friday. Just before moving it ■ ■> H a in s- 3 _ h rg Mr and Mra J ho Owe Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your eyes give you trouble, or vuiir glasses are annoying Pi iw c ivu !■ I i r-. we We van can k R c elieve You. • R ftn c ro f t O p tic a l C o . n ,our 4ei « * * a*-a M ayberry A F r a n shipped i cat of hogs W ednesday. i heir farm home by , 1 ir gath- ---------------- — - ■ “ D. H. KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. Oscar Lee of Springfield, viiited eying of th e ir ni l neighbors ami /\11 k i n d s o t ae©O ftlia a t the G R W alker home S unday. friends '! i.o-e pre-ent « ■ re AT d e a ilfd . B. M. BOND. Cashier For Sale—A Jersey male calf and Mrs Hocke. sm ith .. <1 ■ ...gh , Clover and grass seed seven months Old, subject to reg- D r Jessie, Mr am! Mr- C a r-n e e PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS ister. D H Sturtevant. i Williams and daughter » .ru n and f(ir s a le . 1920 Maxwell car for Mie. L illian Sueed cam e up so n . C larence and ( arI. Nfrs Nice- We added the "PRE” to payment and w ill loan you m oney for ten or twenty •nm Mrs w r. No com m ission m ortgage, n o Lite Insurance You can, but do not have from P ortland and spent the week v -od and dan.” - r nd with her p aren ts. M artin Cummings and .la r n ^er i pay on the principal annually. See ,1. M; and H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. ’ ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon “Always At Your Service” Turn the golden grain into grains of gold by land s in th is strong, conservati ve institution. Four per cent paid on Savings. depositing your surplus E veryth in g modern in banking. We have a few Ltnn County five per cent Bonds in denom inations of >100.00 and >500.00 each which we w ill sell w hile tliev last Pay a visit to our CORSET DEPARTMENT T. J. Skirvin For Dental W o rk -D r. E. W Lucile and ~ 11 Barnum. Harrisburg, Oregon. ! Mrs io n , lackson i Phone or write for appointment. Mr and Mrs M o !■ .•„, _ — - - .« John P itm an left Monday for San Francieco to go to the S P lailroad hospital. Geo D rinkard of W aeco, and 11 J Seeck of P o rtlan d , are bere on a h u n ting trip. Mre W illia Southern left last Friday for E lgin, W ashington for a visit, Mre Floreuce Green returned Suuday after several m onths vis­ it with friends in A thena, Oregon. L Newton, who lately bought the H W C lingtnan property, moved onto it last S atu rd a y . Mies L illian Bressler and a friend came up from P ortland Saturday and returned Sunday. W A Carey shipped a car of hay th is week for the account of M G Reed of A lbany. Remember H on Geo K C ham ­ berlain will speak F riday m orn­ ing at 9:30 a t the city hall, Mr and M rs Brown visited w ith her p a re n ts in Shedd S aturday a id » S unday. 1 d 1 .»D on of Odd r e t . A good delegation of O d d r Fel- e. Odd Iowa went to C o r v a llis S a tr n d a v afternoon and evening to attend The I). S. Landon , place, Mr and \ Mre I _ - I H f enry . . . , I? , .a, 1» <11.1 l l ' ghter Brock and . d i au Halsey, Oregon. Doris, Mr and M r. Atidry, M ra n d l _ Mrs F ran k E .g an , Mr and Mrs: PORTLAND Austin Jackson, O liver ( "1 :iron, t , the Coiiiinerci.il Center of North America ou the Pacific Coast, Linn Owen, Roy <)wen, Miss M a­ here the greateit river of the Weat rie Jones, and Miss Ruby Cook.- pours it» turbid flood into the »«a. 1 f arrisburg Bullet io. An Ideal Horne City. A Center of Education. BUY A H OM ESITE NOW w h ile price» are low. You will live here -om e day, p J F orster enme into our san c­ tu m sanctorum bright and early W ednesday m orning to teli us Consult BEN R1EK1.AND, th a t altlio he had baen nom inated Subdivision bpecialitt, for councilm an at the mass meet­ ,o 4 PI.A 1 I BUILDING. 127 Bark street in g t h e i ight ht fore, th a t he is PORTLAND O REGON. pot ru n ning, so the voters will please bear th a t in m ind. The football game last S a tu rd a y A dolph Sperling has moyed to etwee:» H alsey and B row useille the A rth u r W esley farm which he A lltel in a victory for Browns- • ill« w ith a score of 12 to nothing. has rented. -Yon are vitally in 1 -e-fed nj O r­ ( > I i «: i i i Ciitiic« has bought the egon having a port, equal Io any wood saw lately owned by B S port on the Pacific Coast, Initia- Clark. 1510 on tiv e ?n» t't’irp N o #»iv m i the m e ballot ! a< _ \ will nm Mr® Josie Sm ith is helping Mr® to be v o te d in N oveiii* w ill pr ) vide Oregon w rh -uch a port. < C Sm ith g-t settled her new m e cost vv, 111., h-riie by the p»o- Home o u t from A u ro ra . „V of the Port of P ortland h u t all Joe P itm an went Vo P o rtland of the state must vote on it. Vote one day last week Vo he gone far (>r (h r e e w e e k „ 1 1 « > " ________________ _____ - — the convention. Last T h u rsd a y Mrs G a rn jo b s t) presented her husband w ith a bran new aon. M other and child are doing well. H arry S tew art, who has been way several years, has returned to H alsey and Las moved onto the Ogle place, C apt L F Rose, representing the Pioneer Milking A ssociation of Jan Frauciaco, tra n sa c te d business in Halsey T uesday. Ask H ugh Leeper how he liked his d in n e r last S a tu rd a y . We heard once before of a person w anting bread and be got a atone Hugh did better th a n th a t, be got -everal stones. W C Bass oi H alsey, and Mis- Linna M oriti of W aterloo, were m arried last T hursday afternoon, October 14th, 1920, at th e M etho­ dist pareoosge in A lbany, Rey J C Spencer officiating, a sm all com ­ pany of friends w itnessing the cer­ emony T hey will m ake their home in H alsey. T he E n terp rise extends its co n g ratu latio n s. T h e F irs l Savings Bank of A lb a n y .O regon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ I , a m o d place to '!-!> »" ' » .o n n t - that run three month ».» ■...... -nt in terestoa »arlngs r io n tl.. or a year. Jotereet paid sem i-annually. $ Mackinaw Overcoats $17.50 Mackinaws Norfolk $16.00 t: $18.00 On display these days are several z® z® new Fall corsets of rare beauty and % Sweaters $3.25 to $8.00 fineness of fabric-a representative $ Mackinaw Shirts showing of the various styles in our z® I We are here to serve you. The z® Rubber Boots line of ___ best of pork, beef, and tish the Z ® ROYAL WORCESTER and BOH TON CORSETS. •ountry affords. We keep a line Z® Rain Coats of lard and compound always on z® They are fashioned from the best hand. See us before you buy. z® Rain Hats quality materials and almost ideally & Son. Halsey Meat M arket, Carter Z® Ì For the Whole Family. perfect, in workmanship and design. Extracted Honey z® z® M. V. KOONTZ CO. FINE I). B. STURTEVANT 4* Z® z® z® Z® z® z® T he Try an Ad in the Enterprise Price 22 and 25 cents. 50 lbs t o or more 20 and 23 < ents per lb. N. T.Sneed Halsey, Oregon ...