E. L. STIIT and SON ¡To the Members of the L i n n j f ^ g HALSEY ENTERPRISE County Good Roads As­ and the F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEOh Glenn chance and Bryan Per­ sociation OREGON FARMER ¡¡ZZ Carries everything in Furniture, ry drove to Albany Saturday. This is to advise you that a one year for $1.65. i also PIPELESS FURNACES. Telephone 145. Haltey, Oregoi Dr T I Marits was an Albany meeting of the Linn County N O T IC E O F FIN A L ACCOUNT The RAMONA MACHINE caller Saturday. Nora Pehrsson was a caller in Good Roads Association will be N otice is hereby giv en th a t th e final Amor A. Tussing plays all makes of records. held at Albany on Saturday, Oct account of I 1. Hayes, as A d m in istrato r j Junction City Saturday. of th e e state of Alex. H ayes, deceased ] 16th, at 12:30 p m, at the St Vlso WHITE SEWING LAWYER AND NOTARY Lost, a fountain pen. Finder has been filed in the County C ourt cl i Francis Aotel, where the mem­ L inn C onntv. S ta te of O regon. am i tli.ai I MACHINES. please report to Melba Neal. B rownsville , O regon Mrs W T Rowley and her chil­ bers of the Association and he 1st day of N ovem ber, 1920, at tin , ¡15 217 Lyon Street, Albany. friends will have luncheon to­ h our of 10 o'clock a. m. has been duly j * ’T xr «x-r v w . dren left Sunday for their home gether. A financial problem of ippointed by said C ourt for tile liearilij. in Texas. 'f o bjections it any, to said final ac irilTICTDV haro ’- t » R- J ack Mrs W 0 Bond, and B M Bond vital importance to the tax-pay­ ••Hint and se ttle m e n t th ereo f at which | Lll itOlnl s o n , 304-365 1st Na G L A S S E S F IT T E D BV and wife were Albany visitors ers of this county, and to the fu­ lim e any person in te rested in said es ional Bank B uilding. A lbany, O regon. ture road building program, has 'a te m ay ap p ear and file objectio n s G R A D U A T E Wednesday. Without pain. Late nerve- come up, which should be settled th ereto in w ritin g ami c o n te st Die same O P T O M E T R IS T Mrs T P Patton, who had been docking mathod. D ated anti first pu b lish ed on th e loth visiting in Corvallis, has retu rn ­ at the coming election. P R IV A T E O F F IC E — « ■ » -— e - — — '——— —— - lay of Septem ber, l ‘>20 This will be one of the most F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S ed to Halsey. J . I. H ay es, important meetings the Good A d m in is tr a to r A fo resaid . G T Kitchen transacted busi­ P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E Roads Association has held since \n to r A. T o ssin g and ness in Corvallis and Monroe E A R L A. BRA M W ELL. Prop. F M . F r e n c h & S o n s its existence. The County Court V eatherford ft W y a tt Tuesday. O R el G. \ tt y s for Aduir. '<• to tO-2s Suits Cleaned And Pressed. Geraldine Cook, the new min­ will be there, and needs your ad­ vice and counsel. Be sure and U 'N D R Y SENT' AWAY on MONDAY ister’s daughter, entered the N O T IC E T o C R E D 1I 'U S be there, even if it requires an High school Monday. Notice is hereby giv en th a t the under extra effort. Mrs W H Campbell and daugh­ tgned has been duly appointed, by tin Alfred C Schmitt, Secretary- C ounty C ourt cl Linn County , Oregon ter Mrs Hiebel were in Albany WILIIEY L0D G E_ NO. 65. __ Linn County Good Roads Assori- id n u u is tra to r of the estate of C. D. Cat DR. R. H. HARRIS Saturday. ter, late of L inn C ounty, O regon, tie tion. Regular meeting next Satur- Frank Logan has moved onto eased. Luncheon 60c per plate. 'av night. the F S French farm four miles All persons h a v in g claim s against C usick B a n k B u i i . d ih g A u a n v . west of Halsey. Mr and Mrs O W From were .lid e state are hereby required to p re ­ en! the sam e to the un d ersig n ed at hi R L Templeton moved his fam­ Albany callers Saturday. mine .at Halsey , L inn C ounty, Oregon 160 A C R E S M O D ERN B U IL D IN G S ily last Saturday onto the A r­ A Weslev and family were Al­ luly verified as by law required, w ilhii All tools “ Sanitary Sterilized” All u n d e r cu ltiv atio n , 5 room plas thur Robnett place. bany visitors Saturday. iix m o n th s from th is date. Laundry Every Week tere d bungalow , larg e new b arn and J C Bramwell is moving this H F English was a week end Dated th is tilth day of Septem ber, l'Co Cleaning and Pressing all necessary o n t b u ild in g s. W ell at W. G C arter, A dm inistrator week into the property he lately visitor in Coivallis. th e bouse and in th e pasture. Fenced V eatliertord ft W yatt, A ttys for Aduir E. C . M IL L E R bought of Karl Bramwell. Jas Drinkard and wife took in and c ro ss fenced w ith w oven wire. Lo 9-16 to 10-14 Ben Sudtell went to Coos Co the races in Albany Saturday. cated 2 m iles from H alsey on g o o d g ra v e ld road. Price $12800. T erm s and cried a sale Monday. He Gov Olcott has proclaimed No­ Catarrh Cannot Be Cured passed thru Halsey Tuesday on vember 11, a legal holiday. It W ith LOCAI, y l’P L I' V rtO N ’ a s I l a W illam ette Valley Land his return. c a n n o t re a c h th e r f t t o f th- d ise a se will be Armistice day. C a ta r r h la a lo c a l dl fleam'. gr» n ’.ly in Company. ♦luenced by c o n s titu tio n a l c o n d itio n s About fifteen from here went Mrs Bass, who was so badly an d In o r d e r to c u re i t y o u m u st 203 F irst National Bank Bldg. hurt some time ago, is now all to Jefferson today to attend a ta k e .in in te r n a l rem ed y . H a l l s C a ­ Halsey Station.> t a r r h C u re is t a k e n in te r n a lly an d Albany, Oregon. a c ts th r u th e Mood o n th e m u co u s s u r ­ right and enjoying herself in her Rebekah convention. fa c e s of th e sy ste m . H a l l s C a ta rr h --------' ---------------------- ' ---------------- . - ■ — r g s a i Frank Hadley and wife return­ C u re w a s p r e s c r ib e d by o n e of th e best new home in Halsey. p h y sic ia n s In th is c o u n tr y fo r y e a rs. It ed Monday from a three weeks’ is co m p o sed of pom e o f th e b e s t to n ics Rev Cook from Independence, k n o w n , c o m b in e d w ith so m e of tr»<- ( ’ash buyers of Cream b est b lood i.u rlth rn. T h e p e rfe c t c o m ­ moved his household goods to visit with relatives in Kansas. b in a tio n of th e In g re d ie n t« In H u lls H arry Davis’ parents and his C a ta r r h C u re Is w h a t p ro d u ce« su c h lig'g’s ami Poultry. Halsey last Saturday and i | now w o n d e rfu l r e s u lts In c a t a r r h a l c o n d i­ s tim o n ia ls fre e occupying the Methodist parson­ brother Claude and wife from P tio n J s C H S E en N d E Y f o r * te CO , P ro p s., Toledo, O Albany, were Halsey visitors A lt P ru K 'tis ts , 75". age. H a i f a E n m ity Pl'.la f o r c o n s tip a tio n . L .W . B Y ERLY, A g e n t N C Smith loaded a car here Sunday. Elliot McWilliams lias given this week with stock, farming K itchen B u'letin-B oard. implements and household goods up his position in tha Enterprise A discorded w 'ndow shnde was for Canby, where he lately pur­ office. His school work takes too p a in te d black anti hung In th e kitchen fo r a b u lletin board. It announced Dealer much of his time. in Real Estate. chased a 78 acre farm. A brother and sister of Prof th in g s of Im portance to th e fam ily, H andle» to w n a n d C o u n try P ro p erty , Mr and Mrs Roberts and their m essages left by m other w hen sin Patterson and a Mr Stevens, all w ent out. th in g s to do und thin g s le liv e lin n a c all a n d see il he can fix two daughters from Portland, from Eugene, were guests last hny. A piece of eloilk a tta c h e d to n on up. were guests at the J M Porter strin g hangs conveniently near. Th’r Sunday of Prof Patterson. home from Friday of last week has proven m ore siitlsf etory th an a Mr and Mr3 B M Bond went to pa|>er ami (icnell i n en n n u ad o m alncr until Tuesday of this week. Albany Saturday to attend the It Is m ore a n e s lllig . Roland Marks came home Fri­ races. They remained over Sun­ Napoleon In v e te rate R eader. day evening and while here he day, the guests of Miss Maude At sev en teea N apoleon llo u n p a rte 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. went out and shot five chinas Henderson. w as an In v e te rn te rentier, who nvldly of eotisumetl Ihe fanioOs eonfesalous and took back with him to 0 A News comes to us that Fred G Our wonderful roots and herbs Of C and gave them to his F rater­ Smith, whose address has beer. Rousnenn. who re ad th e ineinnlr» M adam e de W aren« and o f Claud«* ire found in the China prepara- nity brothers. Elgin, Washington, has moved Anei. AI 'Ighteeo I d * began n m ilitary , ions and have stood the test of a Cards were received by friends from there and his present ad­ tilstory of C oratca. a n d a c tu a lly com . huurund years to cure < atarrh, plated tw o volum es. T w o y e a rs Inter last week announcing the en­ dress is Route 1, box 68, Taco­ the snm e a u th o rity says. he devised Asthma, Lung Trouble, Cancer, gagement of Wm D Marsters, a ma, Washington. ■lie «rhem e th a t ench of the otlieers of Rheumatism, Blood Poison, N er­ his regim ent should brin g to rend «' former Halsey boy. to a y o in g vousness, Stomach, Liver and tnen!» orig in al ab o rt sto ries, lie him N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S SALE. lady of Boston. We didn’t learn Kidney troubles, also private ail­ self c o n trib u ted severul fkirsienii tales the young lady’s name. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t ell m arked by th e ro m an tic and tra g i' ments of men and women. Con­ One day lately Geo Maxwell’s by v irtu e of au ex ecu tio n to m e d ire c t­ convention« of th e period sultation free. The Hing Wo issued o u t of the C irc u it C ourt of cow took the milk fever. It ed hinese Medicine Co. P 0 Box, W orld’s F u tu re L um ber Producer. th e State of O regon, tor th e county of looked for awhile like he was L inn, on th e ju d g m e n t w h e rein C C | S outh Afrh-n 1« now pointed »nt 247. Albany, Oregon. by n lending a u th o rity ns one of the The retail price is determined going to lose her, but Geo Hayes B ryant is ju d g m e n t c re d ito r a n d E. M. w orld's best fields fo r tim b er grow ing was called in and pumped her Jew ett is ju d g m e n t debtor, .1 will on j T h e w ork, be says. m ust lie done ot: by two things, first the present hag full of air and Dr Cook of S aturday, D ecem ber 4tli, 1920, at the n larg e scale hy th e governm ent, a s | m arket price, second the m er­ Brownsville w’a3 called in and be­ h o u r ot 1 o 'c lo c k I’. M. at th e fro n td o o r Indlvldim 's cannot u n it for th e re DR. A. R. PINNEY of th e C o u rt house in A lbany, Linn turn« chant's overhead (cost of doing V arious k in d s of pine a re de tween Drs Hayes, Maxwell and County, O regon, seli at public auction cl red to be th e tre e s m ost sn ltiih 'e Electrical equipped office business.) ________ ______ __ C ook the cow was saved for fu ­ to th e h ig h e s t bidder for caah in baud T h e v a ria b le w ind« e x e rt stieli a ( Boom »01 F irst .National Bank B uilding Our clothing buyer has been ture usefulness. tw istin g upon grow ing tre e s that th e follow ing real property to. wit: A lbany Ore. tim b e r of c ertain j B eginning at a p o in t on the F, b o u n ­ s tra ig h t gra'fied able to buv Honest Clothing at Mrs Eliza Brandon left last k in d s 1« difficult to obtain. Pine ' the lowest possible wholesale Thursday evening for one night’s dary lin e of Section 1, Tp. 14, S. R. 4 \\ seem s to w ith stan d the c o n to rtin g In I ; , . . L o I I T at P O O IJE price and by our large volume of visit with her daughter, Mrs G C W ill. Mer. in L inn Co., O r., w hich is flu. tire m ore effectively Ilian other i„ : , i ¡rectors and Licensed i Ml feet N . of th e X section c o rn e r and business coupled with our low Osburn of Portland, and from J ru n n in g th en c e W. 85.3 feet; tlience S. kinds, and very line, straight-grained I tim b e r of th is sort Is produced. Em balm ere........ expense, which keeps our over­ ¡there she went to Pilot Rock, ' 780 12 feet: th en c e E. to th e E . bo u n d t- BROWNSVILLE and HARRIS­ head down to the lowest notch, ■ Oregon, to visit with W H 0 O P -1 r y l i n e of said section; thence N to the The G raveyard Blur». BURG. Branches at Halsey and o n e cold m orning In m id w in te r s we are able to offer you a good Idra and M b . former H slw r „ .d . e . negro em ployed In a so u th e rn lum ber , Sweet Home. Frank Kirk, Rep­ showing of Wool Suita at From Pilot Rock she )U(|g „ , e n t of record in »aid C ourt in fa mi l ra tin ’ to w ork w earing n p a ir of resentative for Halsey, Phoel66 people, will go to Hay, Washington, to vf,r of said ju d g m e n t c re d ito r and ten n is siloes, lie offered no explnna Holt fo r hl« stra n g e fe o tg e n r p e rh ap s visit her son, Mark D Brandon a g ain st said ju d g m e n t deb to r, in the he hntll ' any. T h e w hite, th ’ri glu e« sum of $139.9.5 and accru in g costs and . did not fall to at a ct the a tte n tio n and family. . ' in te re s t th ereo n , to g eth e r w ith the costs of his fellow w orker«, how ever. Ole- The Telegram is making *1* 1 „( «„,1 npon th is execution s a d sale. o f them greeted him w ith th is re m a rk : Dated this LTtli day of October, 1920. regular yearly bargain rate. “Jfigguh. w h a t's yon doin' eom ln' to C M. K endall, w ork wld dem ten n is sin » « mi. cold «« Until November 15th they are All work done promptly and Sherifl of Lien Co.. Ore. It Is? A in't you cot no Judgm ent? < ffering their paper for four dol­ B e tte r go on hottie and get som ethin reasonably. Phone No. 269. lars a year, after which time the Quaker Steel Pipeless F urna­ on yo' feet befo' dem th in g s gtvea yo' fe et de g ra v ey a rd I a s," fubscription price will advance to The healthful, modern, six dollars. Until th at time we ces. England'« Diamond Cutter«. wiiTgive the Enterprise and the economical way to heat your A bout 200 y e a r ago E nglishm en MOVE BY TRUCK Telegram for one year for five home. w ere th e finest diam ond cu tle rs In the w orld, arid th e tra d e w as n e arly all Long Distance Hauling, MARTIN LUDWIG dollars. Bring in your subscrip­ c arrie d on In Ixm dott. T h ro u g h r e ­ Albany. Oregon. Plumbing and Tinning. Light and Heavy Trucks, tion if you want to renew. For ligions p e rsec u tio n th e c o tte rs n 1« Second and Ferry Street, g ra te d to A m sterdam , w here th ey have E. R. Cummings, further information inquire at, Albany, Or« VALVE F IR S T since rem ained. Albany, Oregon. the Enterprise office. _______ ' OR. H. G A R N JO B ST, Halsey Items BARBER - SHOP. Chiropractor I. O. 0. F. X-RAY BARBER SHOP SKIFIS CD. W. .J. Ribejin fhe Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. Chiropractor $32.50. BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY. F. M. GRAY, Drayman.