hlALSEY ENTERPRÎS HALSEY, LINN V O L . y, NO. 7 HE HALSEY STATE BANK H A L SE Y , O R E G O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 COUNTY, OREGON, OCTOBER II HJ SI.50 PER YEAH 1020 ;*HALSEY NEWS NOTES’4 WE H ave VERY THING O ptical ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE X E Y E S T R A IN Is Ihe Cause of Many HUMAN IL L S ' X If y o u r eves give you trouble, or your g lasses are an n o y in g S E E US. We can R elieve You. Rev C lem o am fam ily moved ----------- to Independence last F rid a y , In te re s t paid on tijn<* c e rtifica tes o f d ep o sit Tuesday M orning, O ctober 12, w heie his field of labor will b» for 920, a t A lbany occurred the wed- the com ing year. W e invite y o u r ban k in g busin ess Bancroft Optical Co. dog at Miss Haxel S traley and Chas G reenley ef C orvallis, was 313 1st St. W. A lbany, P hone 461 Jordon M unkers, Rev Spencer of- ¡„ H a i , ev | aM» F r i,fay. He sub- II. KOONTZ. Pres. 1). TAYLOR, Vice-Pres iciatiug. scribed for the Ent> l’prme because All kinds o f seed and A lter the wedding the happy be wants to know ivliat is going on B. M. BOND. Cashier ouple left lor Bandon, where they ¡„ the old home town grain cleaned. »ill rem ain for a w hile; probably K arl Brainw, 11, wh latpiy Bold i Clover and g rass seed PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS hey will locate there. hie property ou the east eide of i fop stile. We add ed the " P R E ” to paym ent :. l ife In su ra n c e You can, but do not havt Mr and Mre H L, Straley, and ie moved into John P o rte r’s house on to pay on th e p rin cip al annually >f course, well know n here, hav­ Second street. in g lived here for the last ten years We understand that W II Camp- S e e d . M. and II. M. H awkins, Albany, Oregon. The groom has been a resident l>ell has sold his place south of The I). S. Landon ■I Brow nsville or vicinity for the town and has bought property and place, aet tw o yeare. noved to W alla W alla, W ash Halsey, Oregon. T he E n terp rise extends its con- W e(li(ll, . t learn wll() bo„ght ALBA N Y STA TE BANK. of Albany, Oregon ;ra tu la tio n s and wishes for them (|plpe PO RTLA ND I ¿tie best there ie in life, I , a __________ ______ ih e work of the \\ nv.n sb tlld v Is th e C om m ercial C e n te r of N o rth A m erica o n th e Pacific Coast, Jam es Porter transacted busi- ¡Club wan re* in, i at the home of T u rn th e golden g rain in to g ra in s of v oid by d e p o sitin g your su rp lu s vlierc tlle g re atest riv e r ot the W est nea« in A lbany S aturday. I 1 Marks with the new ofli- fu n d s in th is stro n g , c o n se rv a tiv e in stitu tio n . poors its tu rb id Hood in to th e sea. Peter S ettle was an Albany v » b - Mrs I I M arks and Mrs (. F o u r per c en t paid on Saving*. E v e ry th in g m odern in b a n k in g . An Ideal H om e City. dor S a tu rd a y . W M ornhinweg in the chairs A C enter of E ducation. W e h a v e a few L tn n C ounty five per c en t Bonds in d e n o m in a tio n s of Brownsville and Drifted Snow MrsC P Stafford was elected vie, lll'Y A I1O M RSITK NOW $100.00 a n d $500.00 each win« h > will ell w hile tliev last. w hile prices are low. I Hour at D H Sturtevant s. president aud Mra G W Lauboe* You will live here som e day, D o n ’t forget M O B auich’s sale T e a surer to till vacancies. The Consult BEN RIESLAND, ¡S aturday. , following new memlters wereelect- S i i I n I i v is io n Specialist, R B Koch, Holley, Auctioneer. I " 1 niemher.-hip M ,-dam es s .1 Hasel Straley Married. T. J. Skirvin Always At Your Service” I Commission 2 per cent. Try him B M Bon i, and It I, lem at your next sale. pleton. After Ihe order of busi­ IO4 PI.A I I Ill'll.D IN G 127 Park stre e t PO R T L A N D O R E G O N . Cleona Sm ith of Salem , cam e tip Col Ben T Sudtell of A lbany. ness the study cour.-e was discuss­ ¡attended the Hi social Friday ed and it was docid-d th a t the e x ­ Friday evening to take in the Hi ecutive com m ittee arran g e a inis School social and to visit frien d s. | night. cellsneoua program Mrs D S M, She returned Sunday afternoon. For Sale—A Jersey male calf W illiam e and Mrs Stafford g a v ¡seven months old, tubjoct to reg- Mrs f> F Dean arrived Tuesday an iiite rtstln g feview of Reginah' I ister. D H Sturtevant. l)e Koven's opera, ' ‘R obinhood,' •veiling from Coquille for a visit E Rase was in one day Iasi recently r e n d ,n il at C orvallis it the Stafford home. On F riday week and had his nam e p u t on out Mrs Stafford sang "S ong of n Mrs Dean and Mrs Stafford w ill | subscription list, to Oregon City to he present a t Mn A lbertson and daughtei h e a rt,” b y T uni-on, and ‘‘Rockin' in de W in ,'' by N eidlinger. I hi he wedding of Miss Louise D ry- I were shopping in Albany last Sat- hostess was a-sisted in serving de­ l„n to Mr Fred Peckover, which I nrday. licious refreshm ents by Mi- I,auh will occur at the D ryden home E M Jew ett opened up his shoe Sunday evening. nei and M rs D rinknrd. ¡repair shop lust S atu rd a y . W» I bespeak for him a good bm-ine— T here is to be a football game I next S a tu rd a y between the Halses Hi and Brow nsville on ’.be Halsey | grounds. H om er M ornhinweg of the I of I O came down F rid ay evening foi a visit w ith home folks. H« re ¡turned S atu rd ay evening. Is a good pi tee to «It .-p<>«it y o u r *iv in g « . I percent in te re s t on »avingn accounts th a t ru n th ree m onth« *1» t ionth» or a year. In te re st paid K lliot M cW illiams w ent to Al- (tern 1 -a n n u a lly . | bany to visit w ith friends u n til Sunday. Of course he look in the | races on S atu rd ay . I he First Savings Brink of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you’ll want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonize with your personality. If you haven't your copy of “MEN'S TOGS'' from Ed. V. Price V £o„ let us know today. W e’ll send you .one. M. V. KCONTZ CO. E X C L U S IV E LOCAL DEALERS W F W hite was called to Eu- | gene the la tte r p art of last week and w ill probably be th e re all | thia week. &&$**&****$£ $ J Mackinaw Overcoats zh zh $17.50 ; For Dental Work—Dr. E. W Z|\ Mackinaws Norfolk I Z|\ Phone or write for appointment Z|> $16.00 to $18.00 : Z|\ a Z)\ Sweaters $3.25 to $8.00 ; Z)\ Z|^ Z|\ Mackinaw Shirts ! We are here to serve you. The / |\ Ru bber Boots ; best of pork, beef, and fish the Zb country affords. We keep a line Rain Coats ! of lard and compound always on Zh hand. See us before you buy. Rain Hats I The Halsey Meat Market, Carter /f\ & Son. For the Whole Family. ; Extracted Honev zh fine ' I). H. STURTEVANT j Price 22 and 25 cents. 50 lbs W R ibelio has Bold the gar-, | den truck, hay etc en th e A rthm R obnett place, ami has rented the z»\ place to R A T em pleton. B arn u m , H a rrisb u rg , O regon. Misa P enland from O akland, ¡Cali, arriv ed here last week for viait w ith her u n cle \V J R tbelin Opal H igbee of T an g en t, with her tw in boys, are v isitin g rel i- lives in H alsey this week. I 20 and 23 < enta per lb. Try an Ad in the Enterprise ¡or N. more T. Sneed Halsey. Oregon