DR. M. E. L. STIFF and SON O A R N JO aST, F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S . R H Y S IC t A N AND Telephone 145. SURGEOk Carries every thing in Furniture, also P1PELESS EC KN ACES, Halsey, Orego* "he RAMONA MACHINE Amor A. Tussin# P ays all makes of records. Also -LAW YER AND NOTARY WHITE SEWING .MACHINES. B rownsville , O regon EXTRA! G L A S S E S F IT T E D BY • GRADUATE O P T O M E T R IS T P R IV A T E O F F IC E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S P R IC E S REASO NABLE F. M. F R E N C H & S O N S ALBANY OFtc-G. Chiropractor DR. R. H. HARRIS X-RAY Cviicx B a nk B u i l d i n g . A l b a n y . HO ACRES MOOERS BUILDINGS All under cultivation, 5 room plas tered bungalow, large new barn and all necessary ont buildings. \V ell at the bouse and in the pasture. Fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Lo cated 2 miles from Halsey on good grav­ e d road. Price $12H00. Terms W illam ette Valley Laud Company. 203 F irst National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. T h e re is a 'h u rric a n e o! c h ea p clo th es p o u rin g dow n on th e m e n s c lo th in g sto re s th ru o u t A m erica th is m o n th «.ml we w ant o u r frie n d s to lie read y so th a t w hen it h its A lb a n y th e y w n t g e t soaked. Good c lo th es are not cheap, w holesale, hut th e se leaky p ro p o sitio n s m ade o f cotton cloth with m ach in e w ork m an sh ip are in a b u n d an c e at very a ttra c tiv e prices. We p u b lish those facts in ju stic e to o u r c u s to ­ m ers and to ourselves, Good frien d s a n d good clo th es a re o u r biggest a sse ts am i we m ean to p ro te c t th em b o th . Men s o v erco ats .*32.a(l. $35.00. $37.50. $15.00, $50.00, am i .*.">’>.<>0. « EXTRA! BIG RACE MEET AT THE LINN COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS, ALBANY, OREGON. THREE DAYS HIGH CLASS RACING THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OCTOBER 7, 8, 9 at 1:30 P. M. 25 SELECT PACERS and TROTTERS FROM CANADA CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON OREGON Will participate. Racing Purses guaranteed by Albany Business men. Admission 50c. Grand Stand Free. tft. Albany. D r . H a r o l d E. JACK- S o n . .kM-.k>5 1 st N a ; :.ni.il Bank B uilding, Albany, I »regoii . DENTISTRY Without pain. blocking method. Late nerve- BARBER - SHOP. KARl. \. BRAMWELL, I’rop- Suits Cleaned And Pressed. ' ¡ M » ;V SI \ I' A W .aVoti J m x i iA Y — I. O. O. F. WILI1EY I.OIIGK NO. 66. Regular meeting next S a tu r­ day night. z BARBER SHOP All tools ‘‘Sanitary Sterilized” Laundry Every Week Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M I L L E R SWIFT 8 C0._ H a ls e y S ta tio n .» ('ash buyers of Cream I Eggs and Poultry. L. \V. BYERLY. Agent, W. J. Ribclin Dealer in Real Estate. II.Ill,Ilfs Town am i C ountry P ro p e rty , iiv e him a call Mid see if he can fix you t i p . J c Bramwell has bought th' For sale or rent. 183 acres Karl Bramwell property and will between Halsey arid Brownsville Mr Koontz made a business move into it some time in the fu­ near a school house; 100 acres in trip to Portland Monday. cultivation and 83 in timber and ture. Mrs J S McMahan was an Al­ News comes to us th at Joe pasture. A good silo and gaso­ bany visitor Monday. Kirk of Eugene, took to himself line pumping plant. 12 mill Mrs Marcella Kirk was an At-J a wife last Saturday. We didn’t cows, all fresh, 2 brood sows Sale price $100 per acre, inclu­ bany caller last Friday. 1 learn the lady's name. J F Salash had the m isfortune' yy,e Woman’s Study club held ding stocK, $7500 down, balance If rented, cast to get a piece of steel in one of th eir me, ting for the season good term s. his eyes last Saturday. . this afternoon a t the home of rent preferred. G. G.*Shirley, owner, Mrs G G Shirley of McMinn- M rs T IM a rk s . McMinnville, Oregon. viile, transacted business in Hal- ’ Mrs Lloyd Robnett of Drain, D sey this week, visiting a few days this wee' I Schoo! Note« Joe Drinkard and H J Seeck with her parents, Mr and Mrs .1 Don’t forget the Basket Social of Portland, were Halsey visitors A Stevenson. next F riday evening, October 8, the latter part of last week. I will open up a shoe repai- at eight o’clock. It will he at Mr and Mrs Thad Young of shop in the old Long building. Portland, were guests a t the J W Saturday October 9th. Yixir pa­ I the hall and everybody is invited. I Come! Drrnkard home Sunday. tronage solicited. E M JeWett. W e have several new pupils in Mr McGee sr moved to Corval­ Lloyd Gormley and wife and High School. I hey are Alta lis Tuesday. His son Sam moved child from Portland, came her. Hayes, Lewis Skirvin, Lawrer.ci there about two weeks ago. the fore p art of last week to Wells and C'arence McKern. Mrs Mary Haves and her help Mr Gormley’s father with 1 he Freshm an party of last laughter, Mrs J C Standish, the prunes. week was quite a success as far went to Portland Tuesday for a We are the recipients of two a the stunts by the Freshman short visit. fine chinas from Jas McW illian were concerned. Their tre a t­ Mr and Mrs Fred Taylor are ment was not very hard because and they certainly were deliciou now living in Corvallis. Mr Tay­ A man who does not himself gi, they ali returned to school Mor - lor is telegraph operator for the hunting certainly appreciates a day. 8 P Co. Tuesday forenoon "D oletta” bird from one who does. Miss Blanche Forster has fin- the smallest mother in the world c L Falk j r took five Perjhe- shed her stenographic course visited th<‘ Halsey school and and is now working in the Lane ron mares to the state fair ami told the students of her life. W< Albany, Oregon. when he returned last Monday ■ounty court house. enjoyed her talk very much. Leslie and Ornar Falk are the he had three blue ribbons and on V A L U E F IR S T All the High School girls that oroud possessors of a new Shet- a 3-year old mare he got the are interested in music have or grand champion prize. and |>ony which took grand Halsey was very much sur- gamzed a girls glee club. They •hampionship at the state fair. have chosen Miss Cook as then F H Porier and c R Evans re­ pised When it heard th at the leader. They are preparing to turned Monday with their stock Linn county fair had been called at the give some gixxj entertainm ents from the Salem fair. Roll Tem­ off for this year, right last moment. The board of di­ this winter. pleton returned Tuesday. The Iioys are working for a Mr and Mrs R L Winniford of rectors did all they could, do shower tu be used before and, even if thousands were disapoin- THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE Amity, who recently purchased a fter games. ted. how ever the races will be and the the W A Templeton place south Boost yoor school and hel| east of Halsey, have moved opto carried on three dayr this week. OREGON-FARMER them out. See big ad on this page. , their place this week. _____ one year for ILO». BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY. '.’15 217 Lyon Street, Halsey Items The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. Our wonderful roots and herbs ue found in the China prepara- ions and have stood the test of a In and y ears to cure Catarrlg \ thina, Lung Trouble, Cancer, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Ner- .ousness, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles, also private ail- nents of men and women. Con- litation free. The Hing Wo hiñese Medicine Co. P 0 Box, '17, Albany, Oregon. Chiropractor Dtt. A. R. FINNEY Electrical equipped office , l"l l-'ir-t S a il,,m l Hank Hull. l i n g Alliany . ,JT Ore. po o lf n . I ¡rectors and Licensed Einbalmers I . ,. ! 8VILLE arid HARRIS- II Rih Branches at Halsey and -v.•*.: Home. Erank Kirk, Rep- , entative for Halsey, Phoel66 F. M. GRAY, Drayman. All work done promptly and ■ i-onably. Phone No. 269. MOVE BY TRI CK l/ing Distance Hauling, Light and Heavy Trucks. E. R. Cummings, Albany, Ore.