John Nofzinger of A urora.' pastor that we are there for a as refused citizenship in the work. A welcome to all the An Independent Newspaper ¡circuit court at Oregon City, friends. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Mo- (jay morning for the reason M r and Mrs R S Hansell of th;.„ he is a conscientious objec-, CHAS. BALLARD, E ditor Lewiston, Idaho, spent Thursday to r.” —Aurora Observer. I f a night at the home of Mr Han­ Entered as second-class matter Oc­ man can’ t be a citizen o f this sell’s uncle, c P Stafford. M r tober 3, 1912, at the postoffice at Hal­ country because he tries to fol­ sey, Oregon, under the Act o f March low the teachings of the Bible Hansell and his brother are ex­ 3, 1879. when it says "Thou shalt not tensive farmers, having raised eighteen thousand sacks of Devoted to the material upbuilding of k ill,” if by any means he should Halsey and surrounding country and lose his citizenship in heaven: he wheat this year. Linn County generally. Subscription would be in a great shape. I t is There Is more Catarrh In thia section rate $1.60 per year in advance. the country than all other diseases all right for thoes who believe it of put together, and for years It was sup­ posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed is the proper thing to do, but N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S local remedlei, and by constantly falling N otice is hereby given th a t the under when it comes to forcing a man to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, signed has been duly appointed, by the to^go against his conscientious greatly Influenced by constitutional con­ C ounty C ourt of I.inn County, O regon, ditions and therefore requires constitu­ belief, it is going too far. tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi­ T h e H alsey E nterpri: rangultir court, embellished with oh« llsks, ciilonnudee end sphinxes. Relict of Lost Race. Many Interesting relics have been found recently of the lost race or pre­ historic people who lived In the great coromi olty dwellings now In ruins near Aztec, N. M. The evidences of a surprisingly high civilization Include curious sandals woven from yucca leaves, fiber and cotton. The people delighted In ornaments of shells cut Into disks and beads of turquoises and shell. There are Jasper arrow points, bone awls and needles. The basket weaving was also of a high artistic quality. The most Interesting of these relics Is the colled pottery made by rolling long strips of clay and wind­ ing them round and round as Is done In colled basketry. The ancient people who made these articles are believed to have been the original cliff dwellers. —Boys' Life. Public Sale. I w ill offer at auction on the R A McCully, place 2' 1-2 m il« south and 1-2 mile east of HaliAy Saturday, Oct 16, This is a big sale so please come early so we can begin promptly at 10 o’clocr. We o f­ fe r the following described prop­ e rty to w it; HORSES A black Percheror stallion 5 yra 1750. A 15-16 Shire black mare 6, 1700 A 15-16 Shire bay mare 10, 1650 A bay horse 10 years, 1650 A gray mare 10 years, 1600 a d m in istra to r of the estate of C. I>. C a r­ cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney * ter, late of L inn C ounty. O regon, d e ­ Co.. Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional A gray mare 12 years 1600 This Gets the Weeds. remedy. Is taken Internally and acts ceased. Birds Not Frightened by Nolee. A bay horae 9 yeara, 1460 thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces One thinks of birds as shy and dell All persons h a v in g claim s against the System. One Hundred Dollars re­ Disking the w inter grain field of A bay horae 5 years, 1260 ward Is offered for any caae that Hall's* cate creatures easily frightened by •a id estate are hereby required to p re ­ Medicine falls to curs. 8end for as soon a3 dry enough w ill kill Catarrh sudden sound. That’s error. A bird A bay mare 8 years, 1250, w ill circulars and testimonials. sent the same to the u n d e rsig n ed at his F J. C H E N E T A CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Is disturbed by noise only so long as drive single or double hom e a t H alsey, I.inn C ounty. O regon, the young weeds newly up and Suld by Druggists, 75c. the noise Is associated with danger, Hall's Family Pills for constipation. germination o f the duly verified as liy law required, w ithin start the A bay mare 8 years, 1250 The moment noise ceases to threaten six m onIlls from th is date. weed seed a little lower down. them birds seem to tulnd It not at all A cream mare 8 years, 1250 Some Unconscious Humor. D ated th is loth day of Septem ber, 1920 The gentle, lisping phoebe chooses to The new weed crop can then The teacher of a third-year clnsa nest under bridges across whk'h wag A bay mare a fam ily horse 6, W. O C arter, A dm inistrator. be killed by harrowing, leaving years, 1250 during a teat tn written English re­ ons and trucks pass frequently with a W eatherford iv W yatt, A ttys for Admr. the seed bed in fine condition fo r quested each pupil to write an original deafening roar. If the bridge Is under A black mare 3 yeara old, 1000 9-16 to 10-14 sentence containing the word “char­ railroad tracks, where the racket a crop free of weeds. acter." After much thought one little yet greater, It’s all one to phoebe. The 2 colts 3 months old N O T IC E OK F IN A L ACCOUNT 40 COTSWOLD SHEEP Turu to the Other Man’s Left- girl evolved the following: “All the gravel roof of some high office build N otice is hereby g iv en that the final teachers on the third floor have a good Ing In the noisy center of the city Quite a few of them 2 yean old, account of J I, Hayes, as A d m in istrato r character," which, doubtless true, of the e state of Alex. H ayes, deceased, Many accidents would be avoid­ sounded rather hard on the teachers often the chosen nesting place of Mrs. A few yearlings Night Hawk. The creature most har­ has been filed in the C ounty C ourt of ed if all who use the roads obser­ of the other floors. In another school 20 COWS 20 ried by nerves and noise Is the one L inn C ounty, S la te of O regon, anil th a t one of the teachers occasionally ap­ that makes the most noise of all, A Red Poll Bull thoroughbred ved not only the state law but the th e 1st day ol N ovem ber. 1920, at the pears wearing one of the modern That's man!—Cleveland Press. amount o f milk per day lbs h o u r of 10 o ’clock a m. has been duly natural laws o f courtesy as well. straight-effect gowns confined at the fresh age waist by a heavy silken cord with test appo in ted tiy said C ourt for the h e arin g A man coming up behind a vehi­ Speed of F a llin g Bodies. Nov 10 6 38 5.0 of o bjections if any, to said final ac­ cle and wishing to pass should large tassels. One of the boys, writ­ Oallleo first put the relative rates Jersey cow ing upon the subject of “Our School." of speed of falling bodies to tha test Jersey cow count anil se ttle m e n t thereof, at which 9 48 6.0 pass on the le ft side. The man referred to his teacher In flattering by dropping various weights fretn the Jersey cow tim e any person in te rested in said e s­ 8 35 4.5 terms, but being unversed In the ar­ in fro n t naturally expects that top of the leaning tower of Pisa la tate m ay appear and file o b jec tio n s tistic as to raiment, finished his paper Italy. He found that when tet fall Durham cow 6 40 4.8 and if he turns out to give the th e re to in w ritin g amt contest the same. with the remark, “But sometimes she simultaneously they reached the Jersey cow Oct 10 7 42 4.6 D ated and first published on the lo th passing vehicle more room he comes to school wearing her bath­ ground almost at the same time, what Jersey cow Oct 5 « 38 4.6 day of Septem ber, 1920 w ill turn to the right. robe.” ever their size or w eight; any differ­ Jersey cow J. L. Hayes, 6 41 4.4 ences shown being due to the resist­ I f a man undertakes to pass a A d m in istrato r Aforesaid. Animals as Barometers. Jersey cow ance of the air. If a cola and a Oct 10 35 < 2 9 man on the rig h t side and any Birds. animals and fish are living feather are dropped together In a A m or A. T u ssin g and Jersey cow 3 32 casualties occur, he w ill be crim ­ barometers. The nests of many birds closed tube from which the air has W eatherford A- W yatt Jersey cow 8 40 4.8 would be ruined If the tenants were been exhausted, both reach the bet Atty s for A dm r. 9-30 to 10-28 inally responsible for them. He not home during a storm, but they tom at the same Instant In other Jersey oow Nov 1 4 35 5.0 would be responsible i f he ran never fall to return. When a storm words the force of gravity Is constant 5 40 4.7 into the forward vehicle while Is approaching robins will sit whis­ at any place for all bodies and gives Jersey cow BRYANT PARK PLACE * 5 82 5.2 passing on the le ft side also i f tling In the top branches of trees. If an acceleration or rate of speed to Jersey cow Stock Farm, Registered. swallows touch water while they fly falling bodies of over 32 feet per sec­ Jersey cow Oct 15 9 35 6.0 the man in front turned out to It Is a sign of rain, and the same Is ond. Jersey cow Oct 15 4 30 SHORTHORN CATTLE the right to let him pass, but i f true If the sparrows chirp a great Jersey cow Nov 22 2 the man in fro n t would turn to deal. If gulls fly out to sea early In The Takahe. DU ROC SWINE the morning the day will be fine and Jersey heifer 1 year, a 3-raontha One of the most remarkable birds the left, he himself would be to winds moderate, hut If they hovel tn New Zealand Is the tnkahe or W rite, or call when at Albany. blame for accidents accruing. old heifer, a 2-months old calf. over the land and fly Inshore, flsher- Nltornls Mantelll (or N. Hoch stettert) 20 HOGS 20 Farm adjoins city. Some bulls I Pass each other on the le ft no folk know they must expect severe a sort of coot which has develeped 16 head o f shoats weight from o f serviceable age at prices you matter whether from the front winds and probably stormy weather. the colors (Including the metallic In Scotland country people believe luster on green and golden browu can afford to pay. or the rear, but in order to pass that If the raven cries before the rook feathers) of the |>eacock. Only fear 75 to 100 pounds; 1 brood sow C. C. Bryant, Prop. on the left when meeting a v e h i-' In the morning. It will be a flue day, specimens of this bird have been ob­ w ill farrow October 5; 1 brood J. M. Wagner, Sup’ t. cle it is, of course, necessary to i hut quite the reverse If the rook tained. One of these Is In the Otago sow w ill farrow Oct 8; 1 brood makes himself heard first.—Spare Mo­ museum. Dunedin. New Zealand. sow w ill farrow Oct 10; 1 brood turn to the right. menta. Others are to be seen In the South Kensington Natural History museum. sow w ill farrow Oct 15; 2 brood On the Brcwnsville road one! London, hut these have been obtained sows w ith pigs 6 weeks old. The Pries of Thorn*. flay last week an accident was A rose, lifting Its proud head to at a different season of the year, for 50 W H ITE LEGHORNS. na'row ly avoided. A man com-! heaven and gloating In Its beauty, where the Dunedin speclmau la bright HARNESS: 4 sets heavy work ing up from the rear turned to plunged Its sharp thorns Into the hand blue their plumage Is more of a prune harness; 2 sets plow harness. color. The fourth specimen Is, or was. that would pluck It. A pansy, smiling­ the rig h t; the man in fro n t nat-| ly demure, thrust forth Its head, eager In the Dresden museum. FARM M A C H IN E R Y urally turned to the rig h t to let for the loving hand that sought It. A two way double tractor Si- Deep Breathing for Nerves. the man pass, w ith the result A girl—beautiful, proud, selflstv—ac­ diss, size 18; 6 sections o f bar- “The dentist was filling a tooth la a cepted the man who loved her and that there came very near being dally plunged the thorns of her proud moat ungetatsble position far me.” rows; a Deering mower; a Key­ t rear end collision. selfishness Into his laboriously pulsing said a woman, "and bad equipped iaj stone side delivery rake; a Deer­ heart. Another girl—smiling, demure unfortunate mouth with gag. smith Hurry and worry are twin M ethodist Church Notes —was plighted to wed by the man of conductor and the rest of the armory ing binder, new; ad-bottom Rock causes o f many ailments her choice and dally their love grew of torture when an attack of nm-vea sland plow, tractor or horses; a that affect the eyes and SUNDAY SCHOOL and with It their happiness. For men seized me and I motioned wildly tn he 2-bottom chill gang plow, new; rnrves. Both troubles cause Baptism and temptation of Jesus. and women are not unlike the flowers. set up. 'Breathe slowly and deeply,' 10-foot new Peoria 20-disc d rill; rose, more beautiful than the said the man of pain, 'and all will ha your eyes to give way to strain, This is mv beloved Son, in The pansy by far. demands Its price In well. There Is nothing like breathing a disc plow; a 3 1-4 Winona wag­ nn I you complain of headache. whom I arr we I phased. M a tti blood. The pansy. Innocent of thorns for the nerves.' For once I did as I on; a 14-ft wagon bed; an Eli end shy. gives freely and devotedly Its was bid and In a few seconds all was Don’t delay obtaining relief, 3: 17. well, and I sat the rest of the ordaaJ horsepower baler, almost new; freshness and Its life to him that loves. otherwise you w ill reach a state Jesus was baptized w ith John’ s — Milwaukee Journal. In an exemplary fashion, It Is wao 200 gram sacks; a 1000 lbs U 8 where relief is impossible. derful how one can control all hyster­ baptism, not that he nef Jed re- ical Inclination by simple, steady cream separator, used 4 months; R uaalani Deeply RaHglou* pentance but it was a symbol of 4-horse steel eveners; a 6-horse The Russian people, from the most breathing." ■ ner moral cleansing o r repent- remote time, ha»» been deeply re­ evener; single and double trees; nice. Broad Street Once a Canal. ligious by nature. In «very public es­ Broad street was opce a canal. Naw a 60 egg incubator; a cream test­ tablishment. In every office, railroad The members o f the League station, (>ost office, hank, tavern. store, York city was taken by the English In er w ith thermometers and bot­ gave a farewell reception* at the and almost tn every dwelling, there Is PkM. and their first map. called "The tles; a stove range; a 8-burner ALBANY. O *C & . church Wednesday evening in an Ikon (holy picture), placed I d s Duke's Plan.” after James duke of oil stove; a 600 pounds platform Haro.d Albro, York, the brother of King Charles 11, honor of Lari and Leslie clomo. corner, with an oil light before It. to whom his royal brother most kindly scales; many other things net M anufacturing Optician. stendlly burning. These Ikons look Bro Clemo and fam-'ily w ill like bas-relief; only the head and presented the city, aad who changed mentioned. THE FU RN ITURE HOSI IT A L leave Friday fo r their n ew home hands of the Image are painted on the name from New Amsterdam co FREE LUNCH. BRING CUPS New York In his honor, shows little Renovates and makes feather at Independence. Our sincere the background; the rest of the pie- change from that of BHJ. according to Terms o f sale. On all sums , , . , . ture Is composed of engraved, gilded mattresses, old furnitu re and P . t ." an d good Wishes for their j metal, very often of real gold and »11- the .Merchants' association tn the year under $20.00. cash. A ll sums mattresses made like new. iabundant success in tl ie Lord’s ver Incnisted with diamonds and oth­ 1(172 the English filled tn the olil <<■ tf> tb« .'wr’aF .vf • want Albany, Oregon. 1