4 V OL. 9, NO. « HAILEY, LINN HE HALSEY STATE BANK Capita! and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on t im e c e r t i l i t u te s o f d ep o sit . W e invite y o u r banking- b u sin e ss C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. 1). TA L()H, Vice-Pres. B. M. BOMh Cashier PREPAYM EN T FARM LOANS We added the “ P R E ” to payment tn«l v 'I ! m No commission mortgage, no I v 1' ir u ■ money for ten or twenty \ t can, hut do not have to pay on the principal annuall) s See J. M. and II. M. ll.tvAi - Albany. Oregon. ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon “Always At Your Service” - T arn the golden grain into grai ' fund*in this strong, conservative h u m uli Pour per cent paid on Savings. ' We h ave a few Ltnn C ount, five i flOO.OU and iSnu.isi i a. . yttn siting your surplus j ulern in banking. -it 11 w hile ( in b nom inations of Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your .order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you’ll want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonize with your personality. If you haven’t your copy of "MEN'S TOGS’’ from Ed. V. Price & Co., let us know today. W e ll send you’one. M. V. KCONTZ CO. OCTOBER W e H ave •¡VERY THING O ptical OE INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E Y E S T R A IN Is th e Cause of M any The Goat Riding. Last Friday night the omore class had a goat riding party at the city hall in which each separate member of the Freshman class had to show his or her particular skill. The goat was something like the ones that rode it, some what fresh, and the antics it cut up was some thing to appall the h earts ot some of the bravest, th e penalty for being thrown a single time was a ducking in the waters of Lake Ogle. (One of the keepers of the goat told us that himself.) P art of the time the goat had its victims crawling on the floor and at other times executing a high vault, but the riders clung to that goat like grim death. One of the victims came near to being thrown but fortunately managed to hold on by his whisk­ ers. (The gosts whiskers we mean.) The goat keepers, realizing th at the victims might be thrown or dragged over the floor, graciously permitted the male candidates to wear their coats wrong side out so as not to soil them. A fter the initiatory rites were over refreshm ent^ were served. — •* • To the Voters ot Lir.n County. I earnestly solicit your support of my candidacy for the office of County Clerk. Having had two vears Business college training 1 am qualified lor the clerical work Oi the office. If elected I will give my whob­ time and-attention to the office, ar.d in filling sacancies in th>* of­ fice force I 'A ¡11 give preference to disabled soldiers, they being qualified for that work. If you believe in injecting new b lx d into public offices occa­ sionally, and think thAt your in­ terests will be best served by- having a taxpayer from outside of Albany on the Board of Equal­ ization, I will greatly appreciate ( your support. Respectfully yours, Henry Nolan, Lacom/>, Ore., Democratic Nominee for Coun­ ty Clerk. Mrs Fred Jack >n was opera ted on Monday nt the local hos pital. Harrisburg Bulletin. C B Cook fiom Independence, has been assigned to the M etho­ dist charge here. Rev Clemo has been sent to Independence and as a supply teBuena Vista. Born to Mr a ,d Mrs Arthur Parr at Hanna City, 111-, a seven and a half pound girl on Sept 24. 1920. They have named her ilv rn a Mildred. Mrs Parr is a daughter of Mr and Mrs G B Stewart. Gov Olcott has proclaimed October ;ii h. : M y ; ■' tection clay and asks i: .. i resid en t in- spect his pi. . . . ; to «ee that they are sate, an d that ednea tional exercises e n tire preven- tion be held in .- • k >ols and that press and puipit f t ; a ture the sub- ject. A C Schmitt i io , i Albany, was a Halsey caller Tu< sday evening in the interest s if he Big Race Meet in Albany : T hursday. Fri- day. and S atu rd ay . H H Cling ma i, vhn recently sold his farm northw est of town, has purchased the •1 (' Bramwell house in HaMey wh ere will five. The Telegram is m aking its rate. regular yearly bargain Until November 15th they are -dieting thvii p a th ' • for four dol- lars a year, a fte r which time the subscription price \vill advance to six dollars. U ’’ | that time we will give the EtP'T prise and the Telegram tor one year for five dollars. Bring in your subscrip- tions if you v ant t< i renew. For further inf. rmatio n inquire at the Enftw pt -•■ off! e. > Bancroft Optical Co. t 313 1st St W Albany. Phone •Mil i, 1 gixxl pi mat» th il T. J. Skirvin Mr cleaning. Quick and satis- ictory work guaranteed. The I). S. Landon place, Halsey, Oregon. PORTLAND s (be Commercial C enter oi N o rth America on th e Pacific Coast, here the greatest river of the West pours its turbid flood into tlie sea. An Ideal Home City. A Center of Education. BUY A H O M E S IT E NOW while prices are low. You will live here totue day, Consult BEN RIESLANI). Subdivision S pecialist, 104 Pl. \ I I BUI 1.01 NO, 127 Park street PO RI LAND OREGON. Willis Southern moved last Friday from the post office build­ ing into the Lida Stew art house lately vacated by Henry G aub‘ Word from Mr and Mrs Mari­ on Pike who are now at Hood River, is to the effect th at the apple crop is immense and the picking has just started in full blast. G B Hill and wife from Sea- -i ’e, spent a few days lately with the J W Miller, Ralp Mill- , r. and J A Stevenson families. Mrs Hill is a half sister of J W M i l e r and a half sister of J A S'evc-nson. t ,. ,-it y o u rs v ir i;'. 4 p e rm it interest on saving» ;n three m onths »1« i loutlis or a year. Interest paid i annuall) FINE AS M Bring your Grain, Vetch, and lover seed to ‘WHERE SAVT TGS ARE SAFE’ Honey 'h Price 22 and 25 certs. 60 lbs or more 20 and 23 t ?rts per lb. N. T.Sneed Halsey, Oregon HUMAN ILLS 11 your ryes give you trouble, or your glasses are annoying f SUE US. We can Relieve You. j The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H S turtevant's. The Valley Lumber Co unload ed a car of lumber last week. For Sale A Jersey male calf seven months old, subject to reg­ ister. D H Sturtevant. R B Koch, Holley. Auctioneer. Commission 2 p er cent. Try him »t your next gale. 9-2. 4t. For Dental Work Dr. E. W Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointmont. We are here to serve you. Th. best of pork, beef, and fish the ountry affords. W e keep a line >f lard and compound always or, hand. See us before you buy. The Halsey Meat Mark t, Carter 4 Son. Extracted Try an Ad in ¿he Enterprise $1.50 I‘EH YEAH 1920 *HALSEY NEWS NOTES ALSO ITEMS H ALSEY, OREGON jM tre COUNTY, OREGON, Mackinaw Overcoats $17.50 Mackinaws Norfolk $16.00 t( $18.00 Sweaters $3.25 to $8.00 Mackinaw Shirts Rubber Boots Rain Coats Rain Hats For the Whole Family. I). IL STURTEVANT