THE COOLNESS BETWEEN THEM A Word for the Ambitious Boy: won’t last long if the coolness happens to be some of our de­ licious ice cream It will prove to be the finest they ever tasted No matter how tired or warm you may feel a dish of Clark’s ice cream will refresh you. CLARK’S W y ^ A N Y an ambitious farm boy is being tempted / y f to K° out into the world to seek his fortune. If you are considering deserting the farm, you are facing a crisis in your life that deserves much earnest thought and study. Talk the matter over with men whoought to know the right course for you. Don’t decide too hastily. Perhaps your father will take you into partnership, give you an interest in a plot of ground or in some livestock that will be the foundation of a fortune. Statistics show that the chances for business success are ten to one in favor of agriculture. CONFECTIONERY. F o r every am bitious country boy there are a dozen city toiler«, sick and tired of the endless grind, struggling desperately to keep abreast ot the cost of living, longing for a chance to take their fam ilies ' God s great out-of-doors. Millions of nieu of the city are envv- ■“ B you this m inute because you are young and on the farm. They kuow th a t th e f o u r - l e a f c lo v e r o f y o u r g o o d f o r tu n e I g r o w in g b y y o u r h o m e d o o r s te p . Good, modern, labor-saving m achines are taking tbe drudgery out of farm ing and putting still more profit iuto i t We are headquarters for the International Foil Line, including T itan tractors, International engines, and m anure spreaders, Prim rose cream separators, McCormick and Deering harvesting, haying, and corn machines, tillage tools, plows, etc. Such machine* add to the profit and pleasure of daily life. Cross & White Screen Doors, Screen Door Sets, etc. A complete assortment of Fishing Tackle, Gar­ den H o s e , Nozzles, Sprayers, Valves etc. G. W . M O R N H I N W E G Cross & White , CHOPPING EVERY DAY. — - - I w Anyone wishing to buy cheat seed. I have aSj limited am ount free from smut. I will exchange tor oats if desired. 5/ •She<1 • Ida M Cummings. Ford Linn Coi nty School Supt. Aljany, Oregon. W. FRUM o a In E v e r y R esp ect i