y H alsey enterprise V OL. 9, NO. ... HALSEY. LINN COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER :U>, 1920 11.50 PER YEAR i THE *HALSEY NEWS NOTES* HALSEY STATE BANK W e H ave ’ EV E R Y T H IN G O ptical H A L SE Y , O R E G O N ALSO ITEMS Capital and Surplus $32,000 OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE The E ditor’s Trip to Eugene. E Y E S T R A IN 1« the Caiine of Many U V M A N IL L S I f your eye* give you trouble, or your glaM e* are annoying S E E l)S. W e can Relieve Vou. C R Evans took some of. his Fresian-Holstein cattle to the Interest paid on time certiorates of deposit The editor and his wife made state fair this week arrangem ents to go to Eugene Ro|and Marka of 0 A C, was a i'-i W e invite your banking business Bancroft Optical Co. last Sunday night with Elder week end visitor with his p«r- £ M 3 l i t St. W . Albany. Phone 461 Phillips and his wife, and we ents here. C 1 M KOONTZ. Pres. P. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres. left the church a fte r the even­ Mr Macks from somewhere in Bring your Grain, Vetch, and ing service with joyous hopes of Washington, is visiting friends B. M BONI). Cashier Clover seed to being in Eugene th at night. in Halsey th is week?, V But we hadn’t gone very far I A Miner was an Albany call­ PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS until the automobile balked, and er Friday and bought a Fordson for cleaning. Quick and satis­ \Ve added th e “ P R E " to paym ent and will loan you m oney for ten or twenty we found that a balky horse has tractor to use on the farm he has factory work guaranteed. ye^r». N o com iniision mortgage, no Life Insurance You can, but do not h a ie nothing on a balky auto. After rented. The D. S. Landon * to pay o a th e p rin c ip a l a n n u a lly . the engine had gone dead a half Chas Poole has purchased a place, a dozen times, Glenn Frum came residence in Lebanon where he See J. M. and II. M. II awkins. Albany, Oregon. Halsey, Oregon. along with his auto ana towed will make his home.—Harrisburg us into the garage, where we Bulletin. PORTLAND buried our hopes until the next Mrs Fred Taylor of Medford, (S the Commercial Center of North day. America on the Pacific Coaat, arrived Saturday to visit her fa­ L ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon A fter the garage men had gone ther, J C Standish. From here «here the greatest river ot the Went pour« it« turbid flood into the »ea. over it the next morning it was she went to Hillsdale to visit her Au Ideal Home City. thought “ Lizzie” had been mol­ brother, E verett Standish. A Center of Education. 7 T arn the golden grain into grains of f old by depositin g your surplus lified (no pun intended) and we BUY A H O M E S IT E N O W Miss Myrtle Toby returned to fund* in thia atrong conservative institution. left Halsey about 10 o’clock Salem Wednesday where she w hile prices are low. Four per cent paid on Savings. E veryth in g modern in banking. Monday morning. But we had will teach in the Senior High You w ill liv e here «oine dav. not gone very far until we found school. She has been here all W e have * few Ltnn County five per cent Bonds in denom inations of Consult BEN RIESLAND, * $100.00 and $500.00 each which we will sell w h ile thev last Subdivision Special i«t, * that Lizzie still had the sulks the summer with her mother, 104 P L A T T B U IL D IN G , 127 Park itre e t and at least had to be coaxed be­ Mrs J W Gormley. PORTLAND OREGON. fore she would work. But by H A Renninger and his broth­ dint of much persuasion and er-in-law, Lester Morris, re­ R L Templeton is exhibiting a eight or ten separate coaxings turned Monday from a successful number of Cheviot sheep in Sa­ we finally arrived at Harrisburg hunting trip in southern Oregon. lem this week, and there we parted company They went to within a few Mrs Sweeney of Portland, was with Lizzie and went the rest of miles of the California line. a week end visitor In Halsey. the way on the S P- Mrs Wheeler of the Times She was formerly Mrs 1) Townes. Brother Phillips, being anx­ of Brownsville, dropped in on us Mrs C W H eater of Lebanon ious to get his Lizzie to Eugene, last Friday, en route to Albany visited relative in Halsey las t continued in the auto and by where she was scheduled to give week. mysterious ways unknown to us an Address on the publicity prob­ Dr and Mrs T I Marks, accom­ he succeeded in kfepiqg Lizzie lem. panied by Mrs C P Stafford and I >, functioning until he got to Eu­ J A McCullough of Albany Mrs J W Drinkard, drove to Al­ gene where he took her to a doc transacted business in Halsey bany Wednesday. tor and told him to treat her un­ last Thursday. While here he- Mrs M E Bassett was t he til she was entirely healed of dropped into the Enterprise of­ guest of her granddaughter, her infirmities. fice and renewed his subscrip­ Mrs Carl Koppe in Eugene, a few In the meantime we arrived tion. days last week. , /• safely in Eugene after waiting j three quarters of an hour over- j time we proceeded to nourish the inner man and then attem pted j the almost impossible mythical! Bö VW job of hunting for the proverbial I needle in a haystack, but by v ir-( tue of much stick to-it-iveness we © : . 1 ■ - *. a finally found the needle and also 1« a good place to depoiit your taving«. 4 perceut in te re ito n laving« haystack. account« that run three month« at« month« or a year. Intere«tpaid We failed in the object of our s e m ia n n u a lly . journey but we may make an­ other one some time and it is to be hoped w’ith better resultsi If so, we will tell you about it. T. J. Skirvin “Always At Your Service” The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon W H E R E SA V IN G S A R E S A F E ’ Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you'll HT.T; want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonise with your personality. If you haven't your copy of “MEN’S TOGS” from Ed V. Price Co., k t us know today. W ell send you one.. M. V. KOONTZ CO. let EXCLU S I V E LOCAL rdcr DEALERS Brownsville and Drifted Snow Hour at D H S turtevant’s. W’ H Kirk was a Portland vis­ itor the first of the week. For Sale A Jersey male calf seven months old, subject to reg­ ister. D H Sturtevant. F H Porter took a number of his Red Poll cattle to the State fair this week. R B Koch, Holley, Auctioneer. Commission 2 per cent. Try him a t your next sale. 9-2. 4t. For Dental Work Dr. E. W Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointment. We are here to serve you. The best of pork, beef, and fish the •ountry affords. We keep a line of lard and compound always on hand. See U9 before you buy. The Halsey Meat Market, Carter I & Son. Extracted Honey FINE Try an Ad in the Enterprise, I . Price 22 and 25 cents. 50 lbs or more 20 and 23 cants per lb. N. T. Sneed. Halsey. Oregon Mackinaw Overcoats $17.50 Mackinaws Norfolk $16.00 to $18.00 Sweaters $3.25 to $8.00 Mackinaw Shirts Rubber Boots Rain Coats Rain Hats For the Whole Family. D. H. STURTEVANT I