THE COOLNESS BETWEEN THEM A Word for the Ambitious Boy: won’t last long if the coolness h«i pens to be some of our de­ licious ice cream. It will prove to be the finest they ever tasted. No matter how tired or warm you may feel a dish 'of Clark’s ice cream will refresh you. CLARK’S 71 7FANY an ambitious farm boy is being tempted t0 g° ° Ut ,nt° the worId to seek his fortune. If you are considering deserting th e farm, you are facing a crisis in your life th at deserves much earnest thought and study. Talk the m atter over with men w hoought to know th e right course for you. ' D o n ’t decide too hastily. Perhaps your father wul ta k e you into partnership, give you an in terest in a plot of ground or in some livestock th at will be the foundation of a fortune. S tatistics show th at the chances for business success are ten to one in favor of agriculture. CONFECTIONERY. F o r . very ambitious country boy there are a dozen city toiler«, sick and tired of the endless g nn J, struggling desperately to keep abreast ot the cost of liviug, longing for a chance to take th eir fam ille« 1 out-of-doors. Millions of men of the city are e n vy - ou this m inute because von are young and on the farm , know that th e f o u r - l e a f c lo u e r o f y o u r g o o d f o r tu n e Cross & White g r o w in a bv VOur h o m e d o o ra te n Good, modern, labor-saving machine« are taking the drudgery out of farm ing and putting still more profit into it. W e are headquarters for the Intern atio nal F u ll Line, including T ita n tractors. Intern atio nal engines, rcianure spreaders, Primrose cream separators, M cCorm ick and Deering harvesting, haying, and corn machines, tillage tools, plows, etc. Such machines add to the profit and pleasure of dailv life. Screen Doors, Screen Door Sets, etc. A complete assortment of Fishing Tackle, G ar­ den H o s e , Nozzles, Sprayers, Valves etc. G. W. MORNHINWEG Cross & White C H O P P IN G E V E R Y D A Y . 7 $ * A nyone wishing to buy cheat seed, I have a J limited am ount free from smut. J I will exchange tor oats if desired. 5 Shedd ping grain for the Shedd farm­ citizens of Halsey on their goo ers. fortune in Mr McNeil’s choosin Miss Agnes Arnold and An­ The Rebekah lodge held a wee- Halsey fo? his future home. drew Brown were married at the nie roast at the home of Mrs A He is ai i Oregonian, born an at Pine Grove, he has see United Presbyterian manse in D Elder last Monday night. ‘ raised a lot of to e hardship that cam Albany on Friday. September 17, Mrs Chas Gregory, who tooK the iot of the early pioneers by Rev J T McCossan. the her daughter Lydia to Eugene to to but he that Scotch blood tha bride has accepted a position as have her tonsils removed, re­ makes s fellow stick onto th teacher of the fifth and sixth turned last week with her little job, a’.ici was ever a leader ii moves for the bet grades in Halsey this winter. girl who was getting along very progressive termc-nt. of the community. Albany Furniture Exchange Mr and Mrs P H Freerksen nicely. He w ts the prime mover ii and little grandson were Albany . ~ C V = «Y T H IN G FOR THE HOME School started Monday with organizing the first Farmer« N E W A N D S E C O N D H A N D H O U S E H O L D G O O D * allers Saturday. encouraging prospects for a good Telephone line at Pine Grove a _ 415-421 West First Street Last Saturday the stock judg­ year’s work. wf || as the local threshing com h°ld goods, we can save your money. ing contest was held to deter­ Milton Aubery is quite ill at my. and he has always been i mine what team will represent his home. leader in the upbuilding o: Linn county at the state fair. Alfred Freerksen of Forest church and morals and a constan It was held on the C H David­ Grove, has been visiting a few Christian worker. Auction Dates o f B. T. Sudtell’s Sales. son farm and the Davidson herd days with his brother, Henrj Pine Grove feels the loss of ac was used. Freerksen. » old neighbor and wishes him aoc 215 Lyon Street, Albany, Oregon. It seems rather a mixed mat­ The rock crusher at Saud le his family God’s blessing in tbeii ter as to who are to represent Butte has closed down indefinif e- new home. Linn county at the state fair, ly thus throwing about 25 m en Our Ser monet to some saying it will be Ralph out of employment. Malson, Harvey McConnel and George McReynolds was an Ye should earnestly conten Sopì M M C Carroll J miles east e l Harrisburg Harold Pugh. Others say it Albany business caber Monday. for the faith which was once d< , •• 25 W C COoley J miles nonh of Harrisburg will be Ralph Malson, Harvey He is preparing to move ix> a livered unto the saints. Jude! 27 Curt Wilson 3 miles south of Halsey McConnel and Kenneth Arnold. farm in Benton county. Our good fight of faith cot r •• 2« Georg« A Sm ith near Sublim ity Harold Pugh of the Shorthorn sists in a considerable measur . •» n L and M N Arndt J miles west of Halsey A marriage license has been club made the highest score, issued to Frank. Dbbett ofSh jdd in our defense of the word o 0 •• M J F Fisher near Scio Oct but his colleagues tailed to sup and Miss Leona M Nichols of God, which includes also ou i Joe Schrock near Albany e John U'ilbank near Albany .*’* •• x>rt him properly and according Lebanonon. defense of the character of God 4 H Henael near Jeflrreon •» o one reporter the three were Rev J Stanley Van V iakle.1 (This will mean our willingnesi s Jo>n Nemcbick 2 utiles southwest of Halsey «• di appointed from the Jersey pastor of the Methodist chrirch, 'to stand for the truth at an; Oct • Fete Hanson near Monmouth .-lub. Oct 13 Robert Burkhart at Albany was an Albany caller last Friday.’ co«t and against any number •! * sa 14 Registered Jersey tale at Salem Friday night the U P Stream- assailants—against the creedi Pine Grove r class of the United Presbytt- and theories of men, whict «< 1 ian Sunday school gave a social would misrepresent the goo< The county road scraper?*and tidings of great joy which th< or the congregation of the church. Mrs C M Croft was the | truck is out in the Pire Grove Lord and the apostles have an­ •ays the Good Judge neighborhood fixing up the roads. nounced, and which shall, thank eacher and leader. Mr Becker of Eugene. Has sold God, yet be unto all people. A» Geo Gould has taken the con Here b genuine chewing ttact to run a cream truck foi his place w est of Pine G rove to the apostle again says. "I am satisfaction for you, hook­ his son-in-law, who is ¿xpected set for the defense of the truth." he Columbia Cream Co. ed up with real economy. to move onto the plat»> in the We can do no less then defend There is much painting going near fi’ture. The place ?as been the truth. The truth is God’s A »mall chew of this class n in and around Shedd and Ai rented for the past yesr to Rav representative, and hence our of tobacco lasts much long­ S'elson is kept quite busy. Hover. standard, and as true soldiers er than a big chew of the E H Margason, who had the we must defend our standard, Ernest Hover, who had be -n ordinary kind—that’s be­ oisfortune to mn a rusty nai ¿.en unto death. •ivmg out by Spoon rr .e r. height cause the| full, rich, real nto his foot some time ago. has the John T McNeil place and tobacco taste lasts so long. State of Ohio, C ity of Toledo. ecovered from the effects of it. Lucas County, ea moved onto it last w eeK. F ra n k J. Cheney makoo oath that ha Jack Cornett has taken the Any man who uses the le eenlor partner of the Bna o f F. 3. John T McNeil nr ,ved to Hal- allapooia engine over to help Real Tobacco Chew will Cheney a Co., dotnff buatneee la the C ity of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, Ur Shumaker and others save '*v ‘i9‘ we’*k. ty’ ,ere tell you that. end that eald Arm w ill pay the euae of mtei the t.d V moth place fn O N E H U N D R E D D O U D A R S fa r each their grain, their engine having and every caee of C a ta rrh th a t re east ha /'n f efi in tw o i l y l t t e west part »,f town where the H * G L - e catarrh broken down. M E D IC IN E F R A N K J. C H K N K T ami y intend. p, make their per­ Sworn to before me end euhocrlhed ta Robert Arnold and Fred Croft " -B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco manent hnr |P •ire busy hauling crushed rock to RICH r CL r is a short-cut tobacco The pec of |>jne (jroVe re- put on their private road. > rrit\e r much thm ^e had to d O ' Hroartw w y N e w York C d , Alfred Ravage of-Halsey, has leave V t . F. 1 C H E N E T a ____ c o . Toiodo. a ie farm on account . of . . his been running his chopper, chop­ Sold by all drucclete 71c AY. I R U I a a IW W1 i i n t ‘ n B IB 4 and thuy congratulate the M o lle Fam ily FUI» fo r d