DR. M. P H Y S IC IA N Telephone 145. G A R N JO BST , AND SURGEOt H alsey, Orego« Amor A. Tussinj? LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville , O regon TW ENTY F lf -T H A N N U A L The RAMONA MACHINE Albany, Ore. October 5, (>, 7, 8, 9. 1920. plays all makes of record?; Lag e list of Prem ium s in all departm ents Splendid Racing Program each day New buildings, new grounds, new speedway. Greater Alamo Shows W ith bands of Music and a long list of high-class attractions. Adult season ticket Children 7 to 12 ADMISSION $1.75 25c Single 50c Children 7 years and under free. P io n eer aud H ome C om ing D ay . X -RA Y Fair Board, Reception Committee —Special opening day exercises Dedication of new grounds and buildings -Special music—Oratory—Good races and sports. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6. A lbany E u g en e and S alem D ay . 160 ACRES M O O E R S B U IL D IN G S All u n d e r cu ltiv atio n , 5 room p la s tere d bungalow , larg e new barn a n d all necessary ont b u ild in g s. W ell at th e h ouse a n d in th e pasture F en ced a n d c ro ss fenced w ith w oven w ire I.o cated 2 m ilea from H alsey on go o d g rav eld road. Price $12900 T erius Chamber of Commerce, Reception Committee—Special trains from Eugene and Salem, Special welcome, Representation U o fO a n d Willamette University, Good MusicGood races. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. BENTON CO ' a n d C O R V A L LIS DAY. Linn County Farm Bureau, Reception Committee, Special Corvallis train, Good music, Special welcome, Represantation from 0 A C, Prize winners Parade, Good Races. FRIDAY OCTOBER 8. BIGGER LINN W illam ette Valley Land Company. 203 First National Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon. Also WHITE SEWING MACHINES. 215-217 Lyon Street, Albany. DENTISTRY D r H arold son , 304-305 E. J ack - 1st N r i I tonal Hank Building. Albany, Oregon, i Without pain. ■ blocking method. Late nerve- BARBER - SHOP. ' KARL A, BRAMWELL, Prop. Suits Cleaned And Pressed. LAUNDRY SfftyT AWAVon MONDAY I . 0 7 0 7 1 7 " TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5. DR. R. H. HARRIS B u il d in g . Carries everything in Furniture, also PIPELESS FURNACES. PROGRAM C hiropractor B ank F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S Linn County Fair Come out and see your fair. C usick E. L. STIFT and BON CO DAY. County Court and County Officials, Reception Committee, Special trains from all parts of Linn County, Special music from bands from different parts of the County, Stock judging contest, Prize winners parade, Am ateur races. All school children admitted Free. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. I,inn C ounty P u reb red L ivestock Association. Reception C om m ittee, Livestock parade. Special P urebred l.ivi ' l o i k Sale both m o rn in g and afternoon, Good M usic. Airplanes vill lie in a tte n d an c e at th e Pair, P ly in g ex h ib itio n * and stu n ts will lie giv en every day. T he 1 .ren ter Alamo Show s have lieen secured, and w ill fu rn ish am u sem en ts a n d a ttra c tio n s each day. Good su b sta n tia l m eals w ill be fu rn ish e d on th e g ro u n d s at reasonable prices. W1LDEY LODGE NO. ( » .I S Regular meeting next Satur- dav night. BARBER SHOP i All tools “ Sanitary Sterilized” Laundry Every Week Cleaning and Pressing E. C . M ILLER swin s cl Halsey Station.* Cash buyers of Cream Eggs and Poultry. • / ■ Mr and Mrs 0 B Stalnaker of 'Corvallis, spent Sunday with Mr k W . BYERLY, A g e n t/ At the home of W L Wells on and Mrs Sidney Smith. Glen Chance drove to Buena Thursday of last week, Gladys, Vista Sunday and returi.ed. Mrs Stafford returned Sunday Irvin Gardner and family and second daughter of Mr and Mrs from a two weeks’ visit in Co­ E C Miller an I family were Tan- Wells, was united in m arriage to quille and Bandon. Dealer in Real Estate. Emil Helseth of Marshfield. H andle» T ow n a n d C o u n try P ro p erty , ' gent visitors Sunday. Miss Merle Straley returned i j i r e him a call and ae« if lie can fix The ceremony, at which C H Adolph Sperling of Harrisburg i home Sunday from the Seavey you up. » will move onto the A Wesley Phillips, pastor of the Christian hop yards in Corvallis. church, officiated was performed place, lately vacated by Mr Me H Porter and Roland Marks in the presence of many friends Allister. left Saturday for Corvallis to at- For Sale A good farm or chil- , and relatives. It was made ■ tend the O A C. dren’sm a re , weight about 1100 beautiful by its simplicity and, Mr Suyter, who was living in at a bargain as 1 have no use for the tasteful decorat,ons were an Gray>a’ h(,U8e 304 Broadalbin St, Albany. h e r.-W ill Carter. 7-29 tf d » . down Sunday night, has leased To the strains of Mendels Our wonderful roots and herbs I have a 4 acre tract in Halsey sohn’s wed ling march played by the I, Arndt place for a number are found in the China prepara­ with a good six room house on it of years. Mrs Phillips, the bride entered tions and have stood the test of a partly new, a sma'I barn, a hep The barn belonging to William the room on the arm of her fa­ thousand years to cure Catarrh, house, good garden land and ther and accompanied by Miss Kalpokoff near Peoria burned Asthma, Lung Trouble. Cancer, some fruit, for sale or rent by Ethel Helseth as maid. She down last Saturday. It was full Rheumatism, Blood Poison, N er­ W J Ribelin. Term s easy. 9- wore a very dainty dress of crepe of hay and grain and the loss vousness; Stomach, Liver and 23. ’ de chine and a beautiful bridal was about $500. It was set on Kidney troubles, also private ail­ --------- ♦ --------------- veil, carrving a bouquet of yel­ fire by his little boy who was ments of pien and womep. Con­ Notice to Bicycle Riders low roses. The groom was a t­ playing with matches. We understand that Mrs Gray sultation .free. The Hjng Wo Riding on the sidewalks with tended by Lawrence Wells. will put up a new house on the Chinese Medicine Co,. P O Box, bicycles is contrary to the city Following the service and the place where her house burned 247, Albany, Oregon.. ordinances, which will be en- congratulations and good wishes down Sunday night. Mr Miner, f jrced from now on. By order of those present a tastefully pre­ who has the place leased, will of the City Council. 9-23 pared lunch of ice cream and Dark Green Belt» (1 our live in a small house th at is on cake was served, after which, DR. A. R. PIN N EY the place until the new house is coat the younjr men’s Hop Pickers Wanted many snap shots were taken of Electrical equipped office built. model. the group. Room 41JI F ir at N atio n al Bank U u ilJin g At J W Seavey’s one mile south Mr and Mrs Worth Harvey of The happy couple left th at Albany Ore. of Corvallis on or about Sept 5. evening for their honeymoon Cottage Grove, accompanied by . j a - Good camp grounds, plenty of trip, intending to visit in Dallas t riends. visited at the C P Staf- MT & PO O LE .ood water and sawed wood, one and elsewhere before making f°rd home last Sunday on their table for each camp, baskets fur- tilejr borne in Eugene where they return trip from Corvallis. Mrs uuera' Director» >nd Licensed Suits lor young men of nished to pickers free! We pay w,u both complete their c o u rse1 Harvey was formerly Miss Neva ...... Em b u rn ers............. Brown Mixed Woolen, the prevailing price. of studies at the Eugene Bible Perkins, who taught school in | BROWNSVILLE and HARRIS Ha sey one year. tight Utting back, priced Grocery store on place end University. BURG, Branches at Halsey and Will neat delivered every day. The Boy Scouts held their reg- Sweet Home Frank Kirk> RP„. The Enterprise joins the many at neet trains and move pickers out who will wish for this young ular meeting last n ig h t A fter ■ resentative for Halsey, ’ Phoelbfi I rind in a fter picking is over free. couple many years of happy and the regular routine of business j was over they engaged in a game 180 acres on high trellis and useful companionship. lealled “ Bind Man’s Bluff" I clean yards. Mr and Mrs Geo Laubner and I whatever that is. Who cant Write W. L Butler, Manager, Dr Mcrks drove to Corvallis Sun­ guess?) Last week they played P O box 277, Corvallis, Oregon, day. a game of parlor football. All work done promptly and lelephone 7-F-2. Lyle Standish left last Sunday Mrs A F Robnett moved her reasonably. Phone No. 269. Quaker Steel Pipeless Fur..a- evening for Vancouver, Wash, household goods to Eugene the •es. The healthful, modern, where he will resume work in a latter part of this week. Her husband has been there working economical way to heat your shipyard MOVE BY TRUCK There have been many cases for some time, and their daugh­ home. of whooping cough in Halsey ter De E tta has been there since, MARTIN LUDWIG and there are some yet, but it is school commenced. We are »or-1 k in g Distance Hauling, Plumbing and Tinning. Albany, Oregon- Light and Heavy Trucks. thought they are fairly well un- ry to lose this family from Hal- Second and Ferry Street, E. R. Cummings, Albany, Ore. der control. Albany, Oregon. VALVE F IR S T Halsey Items The Wells-Hclseth Wedding W. J. Ribelin The Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. OVERCOATS Chiropractor $25.00 $37.50 $37.50 BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY. F. M. GRAY, D raym an.'