>/ ¿7 H alsey HALM A. LINN VOL. 9, NO. 4 ---- THE— HALSEY STA"11 RANK HALSEY. O REG O N Capital and Surpl u $32,000 / A 4 enterprise COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1920 11.50 PER YEAH X- > HALSEY NEWS NOTES W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical > ALSO ITEMS X OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E Y E S T R A IN 1* the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your eye» give you trouble, or your glasses are annoying SRE VS. We can Relieve Vou. L B M arsters was a business Ethel Quinby left Saturday for •aller in Albany Friday. Corvallis to resume her studies. o f d e p o s it Interest paid on tim e cortili' Brownsville and Drifted Snow She expects to graduate this year. Hour at 1) H S tu rtev an t’s. Bancroft Optical Co. We invite \ o u r hankin » l i s i l l e 313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone 4bl 4 W It Kirk and family were Al­ Mrs L E Walton and her son, James Rector, returned Sunday I). TAYLOR, Vice-l ■re bany callers Friday. C. H. KOONTZ, i re s .Mr and Mrs Henry Zimmer- evening from their visit to Port- Bring your Grain, Vetch, and B. M. BONI). C .sii ier man were Albany callepj Friday, land. Clover seed to Mrs J C Bramwell came home Henry Gaub and family a n d from Salem last Friday evening, his son-in-law and his family PRE PAY MEN I’ E v iM I JA N S Mr and Mrs H L Straley were left last Thursday evening for for cleaning. Quick and satis­ m oney tor ten o r tw eh ty W e a d d ed th e ‘P R E ’ to pay m en t a n d will 1 \ orvallis callers Saturday. Florida. They expect to drive factory work guaranteed. You can, but do n o t have years. No com m ission inortg»;;e, nu Li I: i Mrs Rowley was an Albany their cars through. The D. S. Landon to pay on th e p rin cip al a n n u a lh caller Friday. Blanche Forster returned place, For Sale A Jersey male call home one evening last week Halsey, Oregon. See J. M. and II. M. II. wk > A i • 'A. .on. seven months old. subject to reg I from Deming, Washington, where she had been visiting her ister. D 11 S tu rte v a n t PORTLAND Is the Commercial Center of North Mrs Gulliford and her daugh­ sister. Mrs F E Roberts. America on the Pacific Coast, ter Isabel were Albany callers! Mr and Mrs C II Murphy of ALBANY STATE BANK, of M'r ny. O re-on where the greatest river of the West last Friday. Albany, attended the wedding pours its turbid flood into the sea. Mrs W H K ite and Willamina, of Gladys Wells last Thursday. An Ideal Home City. Corcoran were Albany callers Mrs Helseth is a niece of Mr A Center of Education. Turn the golden grain into yrain- < • < 1 1 . ’ ' > • surppi Wednesday of last weak. Murphy. BUY A HOMESITE NOW funds in this strong, couserv ati 11 tut while prices are low. R B Koch, Holley, Auctioneer ! Mrs Florence Stew art was very You will live here some day, Four per cent paid on .s it ing' 1 ; Commission 2 per cent. Try him I pleasantly surprised by the Consult BEN RIESLAND, We have a few I.tnn Countv »\ < , ir H e in - f at your next sale. 9-2. 4t. Neighbors of Woodcraft Friday Subdivision Specialist, f 100.00 and $500.00 each which i last. Chas Mornhinweg was fortu- evening, Sept 17, at the home *04 PLATT BUILDING. 127 Park stre.l, nate enough to kill a large buck of Mrs Will White. The party PORTLAND OREGON. deer last Saturday. was held as a farewell to Mrs Nora ana Pearl Pehrsson have For Dental Work Dr. E. W Stewart, who will soon go to Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. I Portland to reside. Deep regret rented a couple of rooms of Mrs Phone or write for appointment, was felt at the loss of Mrs Stew- Belvary Iz»gan where they will Mrs 11 E Davis and son Merle art and family from the commu- keep house and go to school this were Albany callers Friday and nity. At the close of the even- winter. l Saturday. , ing ice cream and cake were Mrs Frances E Gray of Cot­ Miss Hazel Quinby has ar I served. tage Grove, was a caller in Hal- The house belonging to Mrs fey last week. ranged to have a room with Mrs Emma C arter this winter so that Frances Gray about two and a E B Penland and wife returned half miles vest of town burned Friday morning from the ir trip she can be bandy for school. J !• Salasb, DeLos Claik, Wm t i t h e ground Sunday evening. to California. ■ oreoran and Wayne Robertson It is thought that everything in Mrs J M Porter and Louise and were Albany callers last Tues­ the house was saved. The p ace Truman Robnett, and Mrs Karl was occupied by J Snytar. The Bramwell and children were Al­ day. fire caught from a defective flue. bany callers last Friday. Miss Nettie Spencer, who had B> strenuous work of the neigh­ D S McWilliams and family I been a Poi tland visitor for a c ruple of weeks, returned to Hal- bors all the outbuildings were and Frank Koontz transacted saved. business in Albany Friday. jaey Friday evening. Geo liayes. W ill Kirk, Jain^s Drinkard and ( has Mornhinweg went out to the hills Sunday to try f rr deer. I hey came back T h e First Savings Bank of A lb a n y .Oregon with one. While there was not an overly large crowd at Mr A rthur! I Wesley’s sale 1 isl Monday, we! I are informed th at things sold; 1» a good place to deposit your saving«. 4 percent intereaton saving« well. account* that run three months «> months or a year Interest paid senu-annually. W ilmctta Fcrster returned h »me last wee,, from F o re st1 Grove, where si e had been at- t nding the Eni eavor conference for two weeks. She reported a A * '? ' fine time. Before placing your order for your new Miss Dorothy Miller commenc­ Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you'll ed her school in Cottage Grove want to select the fashions that please you last week. She and another $ and the woolens that harmonize with your oung lady have rented rooms Z|\ personality. If you havei. t your copy of ami are doing their own house­ Z»> keeping and cooking. “MEN'S TOGS" from Ed V. Price Co., Besides what is enumerated on /h let us know today. We ll send you one. my regular sale bill I have 1 iron Zh bedstead, 1 sanitary couch, 1 Syracuse walking plow 14 inch, Zh 1 P & (l sulky plow 16 inch, 2 sets breeching harness. Sale zh Monday, Septem ber 27. /h Curt Wilson. 9 23 We are here to serve you. The best of pork, beef, and fish the * i ounlry affords. We keep a line I of lard and compound always on zh hand. See us before you buy. Z<\ The Halsey Meat Market, Carter Z|\ A’ Son. t « * * * * * * * * * * * T. J. Skirvin “Always At Your Service” ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Your Book of Correct Styles $ & to serve you with quality and * KOONTZ CO. $ Extracted FINE Try an Ad in the Enterprise With the most complete and well selected stock I have ever been able to offer, we are anxious « Zb Honey Q Price 22 and 25 cent«. 50 ll»s 1 1 or more 20 and 23 i mts per lb. I N. T. Sneed, Halsey, Oregon value equal to your expectations. Outings, Ginghams, All Wool Serges, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Shirts etc. Gall and be convinced. D. H. STURTEVANT