/„K H alsey V OL. 9, NO. 3 HALSEY, IJN N THE HALSEY STATE BANK H A L SE Y , O R E G O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 enterprise CO I NTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER $1.50 PER YEAR 1C», 1920 *HALSEY NEWS NOTES* W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE School Comniedces Mondav. E Y E S T R A IN It the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If your eye» g iv e you trouble, or your g lasses are ann oying SE E VS. We cau R elieve You NO- 4 9 Report of the condition of School will open Monday, Sept In te re s t paid «1 i tim e c ertific a te s o f d e p o sit TH E HALSEY STATE BANK 20th. The board was held up of H alsey in the slate of Oregon, at the vour bankin:; b u sin ess Bancroft Optical Co. W e im ile for a long time on account of one clos* °* bn».«.» sept^stiii'eo. 313 let St. W Albany. Phone 461 4 RESOURCES teacher. Five of the teachers $181,146.63 I». TAYLOR, V iee-Pres. were secured quite a w hile ago, Loans and discounts C. IL KOONTZ P i e O verd rafts secured and Bring your Grain, Vetch, and but only this last week was the unsecured 66.56 B. M. BOND. C ashier Clover seed to assistant high school teacher' se­ Bonds and warrants 4.S2U.OO Stocks, securities, judgm ents 150.00 cured. 3,735.48 PREPAYM ENT PARAI LOANS The corps of teachers now are: Banking house for cleaning. Quick and satis­ Furniture and fixtures 2,*<10.70 ou m oney for ten « r tw e n ty W W Patterson of Eugene, prin­ We added the "PR E" to pay i t ; nt i 1 . il’ Hue from approved reserve factory work guaranteed. You can, hut do not have cipal; H F English of Eugene, years. No com m ission mort g tu> Li hanks 39.885.98 The D. S. Landon assistant principal; Mrs Kimbrell Checks and other cash item s 50.60 to pay on the principal annually place, 9,6'<0.22 of Hammond, Ore, seventh and Cash on hand 112.84 Halsey, Oregon. See J. AI. and 11. M. ! I;, A ki* Vlhauy. Oregon. eighth grades; Miss Arnold of Other resources, trausit item Shedd, fifth and sixth grades: Total i2 4 2 .Ib 8 .il PORTLAND 1 Miss Helen Cook of Missouri, L IA B IL IT IE S Is the Com m ercial Center of North j third and fourth grades; and I Capital stock paid m $ 20,000.00 America on the Pacific Coast, ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon 12,000.00 I Mrs Minnie Cross of Halsey, pri- Surplus fund where the greatest river of the W rit ! mary grades * Undivided profits less e x - pours it» turbid flood into the sea. • .1 _ , . 1 penses aud taxes paid 3,717.54 An Ideal Home City. rs Cross is the only teacher I J Individual deposits sub- A Center of Education. th at holds over from last year. jevt ,o eteck T u rn th e golden y r .in in to gr. is «.{ . ,1 by d e p o sitin g y our su rp lu s 143,515.76 BUY A H O M ESITE NOW fu n d s in th is stro n g , co n se rv a tiv e insue.iti.u. P J Forster has been retained Demand certificates of w h ile prices are low. 1,.328.17 as janitor. | deposit F o u r per cent paid oil Sa m g - i . . ■ r . th in g m odern in ban k in g . You w ill liv e here som e day, —— — ■; ' Cashier checks outstanding 967.11 Consult BEN RIESLAND, cent I ; : . : , in d e n o m in a tio n s of We h^ve a few L tn n C ounty five , BlOWnSVille dud Drifted Snow l im e and saving« deposits 60,573.65 Subdivision Specialist, ell w b l’e tliev last. $100.00 a n d $500.00 each w ho li vi- Hour at I) H S tu rtev an t’s. Other liabilities discount 8)4 PLATT BUILDIN G 127 Park street, unearned 66.18 For Sale- A Jersey male calf POR TLAND O REG ON. seven months old, subject to reg­ Total $242,168.41 ister. W H Sturtevant. Mr and Mrs Geo Maxwell vis­ sa R B Koch, Holley, Auctioneer. ited relatives and friends in Al­ Commission 2 per cent. Try him bany last Thursday. I, B. M Bond, Cashier of the abov« at your next sale. 9-2. 4t. Mrs D Taylor and son Law­ named bank, do solem nly swear that tin t o r Dental Work —Dr. E. W above statem ent is true to the liest o rence, drove to Portland Mon­ Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. my knowledge and beliel. day. They were accompanied (Signed) B. M. Bon 1, Cashier. Phone or write for appointment. by Gertrude Porter and Glen CORRECT— Attes': Henry Gaub’s rale was well . Frum. Mrs Taylor and her son C H. KOONTZ d , TAYLOR attended last S a tu rd a y b ut t h e ! returned Thursday. things did not sell as well as was B. M BOND Claude Davis and wife from Directors hoped for. Albany, came up Sunday and vis­ Mrs Koontz and family re­ Subscribed and sworn to before ini ited with his brother, H E Davis this 14th day of Sept. 192o. turned Saturday from Newport ind family, then went to Jay L. E. Walton, Notary Public. where they had been for several Moore’s and stayed over night, My com m ission expires .3-5-24. weeks. vlrs Davis and Mrs Moore are Louise Robnett has retum et sisters. They returned to Alba- Mrs Louise Bond and family from Riverside, visited one day from the hop yard near Harris ly Monday accompanied by Mr Da via. last week with her daughter, hurg, Mrs Nettie Isom. Her daughter — - Vera retrained for a few days. I have a last March Percheron mare colt which I will sell. Al­ The F irst Savings Bank of A lbany,O regon so tbout 15 pounds of live goose feathers. Address Miss H attie I i a nen, Shedd,Ore 9-15. N T Sneed took Linn Norton and family to Alpine Sunday. Is a good place to deposit your saving». 4 perceut in teresio n sating» Mr Norton has work in a saw accounts that run three m onth*. m > m onths or a year Interest paid se m i-a n n u a lly . mill there. Besides w hat is enumerated on my regular sale bill 1 have 1 iron brdstead, 1 sanitary couch, 1 Syracuse walking plow 14 inch, t P & 0 sulky plow 16 inch, 2 Before placing your order for your new s its breeching harness. Sale Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you'll Monday, September 27. . .■ want to select the fashions that please you Curt Wilson. 9 23 and the woolens that harmonize with your Don’t forget that A rthur Wes­ personality. If you haven’t your copy of ley’s sale will be next Monday, oeginning at 10.30sharp. Sheep ‘•MEN'S TOGS” from Ed V. Price Co., ind cattle and many good farm let us know today. W e 11 send you one. implements will be sold a t that lime. I have an elgible to register Cotswold yearling buck which 1 will sell or trade for two good ;we tombs. Cha ic y SicKels, * Halsey. 9-16. * We are here to 9erve you. The best of pork, beef, and fish the ountry affords. We keep a line of lard and compound always on hand. See us before you buy. /h The Halsey Meat Market, Carter & Son. t T. J. Skirvin ‘Always At Your Service” I ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Your Book of Correct Styles $ 4s $ M. V. KOONTZ CO. ~ Extracted FINE Try an Ad in he Enterprist Ä Z|X Honey 9 * Price 22 and 25 cents. 50 lbs i or more 20 and 23 cents per lb. , • V , I N. T . Sneed, Halsey, Oregon With the most complete and well selected stock I have ever been able to offer, we are anxious to serve you with quality and value equal to your expectations. Outings, Ginghams, All Wool Serges, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Shirts etc. Call and be convinced. 5 w $ M k • I). H. STURTEVANT J