HALSEY. LINN HALSEY STATE BANK H ALSEY, O REG ON E nterprise COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER- 9. 1920 ! HALSEY NEWS NOTES ALSO ITEMS INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE Capital and Surplus $32,000 $1.54) PER YEAR W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many H l’MAN ILLS If your eyes give you trouble, or your glasses are aunoymg SEE US. We can Relieve You. Brownsville and Drifted Snow H C Davis, Mrs Elsie Bond, lour at D H S tu rtev an t’s. Mrs Iva Rowley and D S Mc­ I n te r e s t paid on tino cori ificates o f dep o sit The threshing is p retty well Williams and family went to W e invilo \ oiir ! • inking bu sin ess lone in this community. Brownsville Monday and attend Bancroft Optical Co. ♦ 313 1st Si. W. Albany. Phone 461 0 W Frum was an Albany ed a moving picture show. C. H. KOONTZ. Pi 's. I). TAYLOR, Vice-Pres aller last Friday. Last Thursday night the La­ Mrs Jay Moore transacted dies Study Club gave a surprise Bring your Grain, Vetch, and M. BONI). ( '¡ishier business in Albany Tuesday. to Mrs E H Porter. A short Clover seed to For Sale- -A Jersey male calf program was rendered and ice PREPAYM ENT PARM LOANS ’even months old, subject to reg- cream and cake were served. ster. D H Sturtevant. for cleaning. Quick and satis­ We added the 'P R E to p a y m e n t t r i . I ' >m \ on money for ten or twent I have a last March Percheron factory work guaranteed. Mrs Edith Robnettand her son years. No commission niortp, i. c • » l.r I; :: -n< You can, but do not bav< rrum an were ween end callers mare colt which I will sell. Al­ to pay on the principal annually The 1). S. Landon so about 15 pounds of live goose n Salem. place, See J. M, and li. M. Ila w k i's , Al ban v, Oi •e