H alsey enterprise HALSEY NEWS NOTES ALSO ITEMS OF EVERY THING INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E Y E S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many HUMAN IL L S If your eyes give you trouble, or your glasses are annoy mg SEE VS. We can R elieve You. Clyde Carter Pawed Away. Clyde C arter was born Nov 18 1877 in Sullivan County Missouri. He came with his parents and Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone 461 sister to Linn County in Febru , • ary 1884, where he lived all the I rest of his life. Practically all Bring your Grain, Vetch, and of the time on the farm until Clover seed to seven years ago when he (»ought the place on the east part of town. for cleaning. Quick and satis­ factory work guaranteed. He was married ten years ago to Emma May. The D. S. Landon He had been ailing more or place, less since he had *the Hu last Halsey, Oregon. winter. Altho he seemed to be a strong and healthy man. PORTLANb Is the Commercial Center of North He was taken down on Satur­ America on the Pacific Coast, day June 26, and from that day «•here the greatest river of the West he steadily grew worst. He suf-1 pours its turbid tlood in to the sea. ferd untold agony from liver An Ideal Home City. trouble until the end. A Center of Education. He died at 5:30 p m. Thursday. BllY A HOMESITE NOW while prices are low. August 26, 1920. The funeral You will live here some day, services were conducted from the Consult KEN KIESLAND, Christian church jointly by Rev Subdivision Specialist, Clemo and Elder Philips. 104 PLATT BUILDING 127 Park street, The church was filled to its i PO R TLAND O REG O N . seating capacity and a large con­ course of people followed the re­ Misses Helen R Lea, Elva Bur mains to the Pine Grove cem ete­ ris, and Florence H unter with ry where nearly as many more Grant Reynolds has bought R M Eckerson from Albany, were waiting for the funeral cor­ the hotel a id move 1 into it the called at the J W Miller home tege to arrive. fore part of the week. Sunday. T. J. Skirvin We added the “ PRE" to paym ent m d will lo in ■ years. No com m ission m ortgage, no Life In s u ra n t to pay on tile principal annually. property Alba:,;/, Oregon. Rhone 87. G ot Yours Yet Card o f Thanks We wish to thar.:< tbe friends and neighbors for the Ihelp that was so kindly given during the long illness and death of our hus­ band. son and brother. Mrs Emma Carter W G Carter and wife Rosa Davis and family Wm Carter and family -- — Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H Sturtevant's. Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and Winter Overcoat you'll want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonize with your personality. If you h ven’t your copy of "MEN'S TOGS" from Ed. V. Price Co., let us know today. W e ll send you one. M. V. KOONTZ ¡CO Mrs Leeper aw>’ Mrs Byerley were Albany callers Saturday. Miss Nina Kump was an Alba­ ny visitor Saturday. Harold Stevenson spent the J week end in Halsey. For Sale -A Jersey male calf seven months old, subject to reg ister. D H Sturtevant. R B Koch, Holley, Auctioneer. Commission 2 per cent. Try him at your next sale. 9-2. 4t. Blanche Forater left one day ! last week to visit with Mrs Fred , Roberts of Demings, Wash. She; will remain till school starts. She I will attend the U of 0 this win- ' ter. Mrs S A Frisbee, frrm Cum- t b 'rla rd , Ohio, arrived here last Friday night to visit her grand j t daughter, Mrs B M Bond. O nij Sundav Mr and Mrs Bond took t her a sight seeing taking ir, Cor- j /allis and Albany. j For Dental Work Dr. E. W f Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. / Phone or write for appointment. ' ‘ We are here to serve you. Th i beat of pork, beef, and fish the y ountry affords. We keep a line of lard and compound always on j j land. See us before you buy. a the Halsey Meat Market, Carter ¿S on. ¡3 Extracted Honey FINE Try an Ad in he Enterprise Price 22 and 25 cents. 50 lbs >r more 20 and 23 cents per lb. N. T. Sneed. Halsey. Oregon ALBANY7 STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon “Always At Your Service” Turn the golden grain into gram , ot yold by funds in this strong, conservative institution. l our per rent paid on Savings depositing your ftiirplu. E verything modern in banking We have a few l.tnn County five per cent Bonds in denom inations of f it * 1 no and f.aiHl.oi rath which we will sell w hllr thev last I he First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ H a good place to deposit your saving*. 4 perceut in te r n ! on aavingi accounts that run three month» h i « M onths or a year. Interest paid sem i-an h u h 11 y . With the most complete and well selected stock I hav e ever been able to offer, we are anxious to serve you with quality and value epual to your expectations. Outings, Ginghams, All Wool Serges, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Shirts etc. Call and he convinced. I). H. STURTEVANT i