l( H alsey VOL. s. NO. ;,2 IIA U S K Y , LINN --------" H E -------- t f* enterprise COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 2H. 1920 $1.50 P E R Y E A R :*HALSEY NEWS NOTES* HALS’? STATE BANK W e H ave z * EVERY THING O ptical ALSO ITEMS OB' INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE HA LSEY , O R EG O N X Capital and Surplus $32,000 ♦ E Y E S T R A IN Is the C ause of M any ' HUM AN I I .I .s I II y o u r eves give you trouble, or 4 your g lasse s are a n n o y in g Si 1 1 S. W e can R elieve You. Mr and Mrs George Maxwell We are here to serve you. The vere Albany callers Saturday. best of pork, beef, and fish the I n te r e s t p;ti<' hi tim e certificates o f d e p o sit Brownsville and Drifted Snow country affords. We keep a line \ \ e in\ ite \ o u r bnnkin<>- b u sin ess lour at D H Sturtevant’s. .of lard and compound alway on Bancroft Optical Co. 313 Ibi SI. \ \ A lbany, P hone 4t»1 Eldon Cross was a Eugene hand. See us before you buy The Halsey Meat Market, Cartel C. II. KOONTZ, P res. 1). TAYLOR, V ice-P res aller last Saturday evening. G W Laubner and wife were & Son. Bring your Grain, Vetch, and B. M. BON 1 ). ( ’a sb ie r Albany visitors Sunday. v n ’lover seed to / 1 ■ N I) Freeman returned Mrs Robertson and her daugh- , Mrs , , .. last lhursday from a visit at ;er Donna were Eugene callers Mjf, Cj PREPAYM ENT FARM LOANS Tuesday. Fred Robins and family of for cleaning. Quick and satis­ W e added th e “ P R E ” to pay m en t m d will L in y ni m oney for ten or tw enty For Sale—A Jersey male calf years. No com m ission m o rtg . no Lite In su ra n ce You can, b u t do not h a v e . , Halsey, drove over and spent' factory work guaranteed. The I). S. Landon seven months old, subject to reg- Sunday (Aug 15) with his pur­ to pay on th e principal a n n n allv . t place, sier. D H Sturtevant. ents, W M Robins and wife in See J. M, and II. M. H aw ke's, Albany, O regon. Halsey, Oregon. Baird Stevenson is visiting Lebanon. Lebanon Criterion, this week with his brother, J A .. ~ - Stevenson. H°P 1 ,ck‘‘rs Wanted PORTLAND <-4x^44-4^44 4 4 4 4 « ¿ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 Is the C om m ercial C e n te r of N orth Mrs J J Corcoran and her A t J Mi on the Pacific Coast, { n daughter were Albany cille.s of Corvallis on or about Sept 5. \h e r e A m th erica e g re a te s t riv e r of th e W est pours its tu rb id flood in to the sea. I ast week. , Good eamp grounds, plenty < f If you want to buy or sell Farms or City property A11 Ideal H om e C ity. For Dental Work—Dr. E. W good water and sawed wood, om 4 Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon, table for each camp, baskets fui - SEE A C enter of Education. BUY A H O M E S IT E NOW $ Phone or write for Appointment, nished to pickers free! We pay w hile prices are low. 1 Frank Kirk left last week for I the prevailing price, You will liv e here som e day, 220 West 1st Street Albany, Oregon. Phone 87. a brief stay at Belknap Springs. Grocery store on place am Consult BEN R1ESLAND, I S ubdivision Specialist, He returned Monday. meat delivered every day. Will • H 1‘I.AI I I ll'll.D I N ■ 127 P ark stre et. Dr Garnjobst and Red Pearl meet trains and move pick rs on i "I I PO RTLAN D O R E G O N . 4 W ’.f’.f * 4 4 * **.*.*¿*4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 -4 went to the Calipooia last Thurs- and in after picking is over free day on a fishing trip. , 180 acre8 on hjgh tre||ig amJ Lots of grain is brought into A number of our local fans clean yards. Halsey for storage or for sale. went to Albany Sunday to see Long strings of wagons can be Write W L Butler, Manager, the ball game. seen every day waiting to un­ P O box 277, Corvallis, Oregon, Miss Ruth Green of Creswell, Telephone 7-F-2. load. former resident of Halsey, is the guest of Miss Gertrude Por­ ter this week. Everett Standiah was taken to ALBANY STATE BANK of Albany, Oregon ierce’s sanitarium in Portland, Sunday. His father accompa-1 nied him. T urn th e golden g ra in in to g ra in s of gold by d e p o sitin g your su rp lu s Mrs Ollie Miller from Cottage fund» 111 th is strong, c o n s e n t i n e in titu tio n . Grove, who attended the Buyers’ ! F o u r p e r c e n t paid on Saving»* 1?, r y tb in g m odern in Ix n k iu g . week in Portland, visited a few Jays lately with the Mornhin- W e h ave a few I.tnn C ounty five per te n t Bonds in d e n o m in a tio n s of $1(11.00 a n d $Soo.ou each w hich we will sell w hile thev last. weg family. Elton and Vernon Sawyer, grandchildren of Mrs Geo Max­ well, who have been here for the last four weeks, returned Mon­ day to their home in Portland. L Boyd has started on his va The First Savings B .nk of Albany,Oregon cation which will last anyway from three to six weeks. A Mr' McNeil is taking his place. Mr and Mrs Boyd were Brownsville1 ing*. 4 perceut in te re s t on savings Is a good p la te to d e p o sit your callers the first part of the week. » » lo n th s or a year. In te re st paid accounts th a t run th re e m onths, A letter from Mrs E A P La sem i-an n u a lly . Follette, (nee Clara Cross) of Payette, Idaho, gave an order f >r the Enterpiise for a year. She says it is like a letter each _i ü i i h ü ü ü .S Ja.» week. F H Porter transacted business W. Before placing your order for your new n Albany Monday. While there Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you'll he attended to business connect­ $ want to select the fashions that please you e d with the county fair, of which and the woolens that harmonize with your he is a director. He found time dx personality. If you he ven t your copy of 1 to visit the lair grounds and in­ dX “MEN’S TOGS" from Ed V. Price Co., spect the buildings now under to d> let us know today. W ell send you one. j construction. dX Last Saturday while cranking i xlz $ 'his auto W J Ribelin got a kick on his right arm and shoulder dx that almost stunned him. That dx I i } a trick those automobiles have, to E X C L U S IV E LOCAL DEALERS they will make a mule ashamed dx of itself, and every once in a dX W while we hear of some one get­ to xlz ting a jolt from them that leaves dX xlz them with a fractured skull or a dx xlz broken arm or something serious. dx Mr Ribelin wasn't any good for dx xlz a half an hour after getting his dX xlz kick. « xlz ~ ■ ♦ ♦ . ■ — —— T. .J. Skirvin ALBANY REALTY CO. i f “Always At Your Service” WHERE SAVI? GS ARE SAFE’ Your Book of Correct Styles With the most complete and well selected stock I have ever been able to offer, we are anxious M. V. KOONTZ CO. Extracted fine Try an Ad in he Enterprise dX Honey zj\ dx Price 22 and 25 rents. 50 lbs (k or more 20 and 23 ctnis per lb. N. T. Snaed, Halsey, Oregon to serve you with quality and value epual to your expectations. Outings, Ginghams, All Wool Serges, Overcoats, Mackinaws, Shirts etc. (all and be convinced. I). H. STURTEVANT $ $ w w xlz xlz xlz * »Zz