CHANCE MEAT MARKET. Brandon Center EDUCATION PAYS Received too late for last week. The Waggener-Quinby-Over- FOR THE INDIVIDUAL A N D FOR THE ST A T E ton-MUler threshing crew are A Feraoo with No Education baa but One Chance in 150,000 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public making pood time. If the ma­ chine would only turn out more With Common School Education_____ 4 ebancea With High School Education_________ 87 chances wheat and less cheat, the farm­ GLENN' CH AN CE. With College Education____ ________ 800 chances ers would be better off. We believe this crew car. boast Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? NOW IS THE TIME the tallest man and the shortest THOSE STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST to grl I new mowing machine and binder, McCormick or peering we handle repairs for all makes ol machines by order but try and keep on hand all repair- in the county. Hurley Overton IN EDUCATION or Deering and McCormick machinery I lav tools here wire cable is the best ( and Ephraim Terrel make a good by test as it has been tried flarpoon Porks and pulleys average. Hurley thinks Byrd Waggener as engineer has the Through a "Liberal and practical Education" prepares the Young Man I have for sale one set o f second hand light work softest and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship anil Successful Careers in job. harness. A g r ic u l t u r e e n g in e e r in g m in in g h o m e ec o n o m ic s Wayne Robertson is the only PHARMACY FO RESTRY VOCATIONAL ED UC A TIO N 1 G-inch Feed grinder. This outfit at a bargain. city man in the crew. We saw COMMEHCK The Training includes physical Education, Music, English, Modern him pull three wagons through a language, Art, and the Other Esssentials of a Standard Come in and see w h a t we have. gateway with one team and left Technical college co’.rse, F A L L TERM O PEN S SEPTEM B ER 20 1 4 « T U IT IO N IS F R E E . Come In Early A nd Get W hat You Need. both gate posts standing. FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO Raul Bierly has engaged Mr Inglebretzen to work in his place T H E REGISTRAR,, Oregon Agricultural College Monmouth. O re. while he helps the Bowman crew hull his clover. John Waggener of course is on the job. He has no threshing bill to pay. He presents a bill THE BIG DISH ta the Co instead. No woman, OF ICE CREAM no worry is John’s motto. He we sefve will prove none too big says he has an old rooster that for your appetite after you once ra sed a family of chickens this t iite it. In fact you’ll wish you summer without the aid of a hen. B M Miller seeks his downy could find room for more. Try some at home for dessert. The bed at night. No star gazing way the family will enjoy it will for him. Claud Huff and Cecil Quinby maKe your heart feel glad. shovel the grain. Mrs C D Huff has been enjoy­ ing a visit with her sister. Mrs J L Waggener and her children from Marshalltown, Iowa. Hiram Bierly went Tuesday to work with the Pearl Leverage threshing crew north of Albany. Miss Alma Sickels was married July 28 to Mr Chas Hamer of Screen Doors, Screen Dayville, Oregon, where she Door Sets, etc. taught last winter. The new Sickels threshing A complete assortment machine is working fine they say. lhe crew eat dinner where of Fishing Tackle, G ar­ they thresh and all go home for den H o s e , Nozzles, supper and breakfast. R A Andrews of Portland, Sprayers, Valves etc. visited his niece, Mrs Albeit Waggener. this week. The following items were re For Sale by V . Koonlz Co. ceived this week. J P Newbv and wife of Mar­ shalltown, Iowa, arrived on the 6 o’clock train Saturday evening Chas ihumpson of the Thm ip-' J suppose those two are the ed- to visit his sister, Mrs Claud son Brothers store went to Port- itor and his wife, *5-' *3? T-i? Huff. A brother and nephew of land on business taking his two There are nine incorporated ¡towns in the county and they all Geo Walker arrived on the same children Orr?nt and Elbert. Mr and Mrs James West are'seem to be about the same thev train. Both parties found their host in a threshing crew. Mr visiting their sister, Mrs R C were ten years ago, altho five out of the nine have lost instead and Mrs Walker are enjoying a Morgason. Mr and Mrs Jake Acherman of gained. a visit from their eldest daughter • nd children of Brownsville, Albany has 4840 against 4275, and her children. visited relatives in Shedd Sun. a gain of 565; Harrisburg has Wilson Cary and Mrs .Frem Zn ( h opping don»* only on M onday, W ed n esd ay \|/ A son was born to Mr and Mrs 573 against 453, a gain of 120; Robison entertained a sister and 0$ Friday and Saturday. Halsey has 339 against 337, .a her family from Seattle, Wash. Walt Davis, Aug 3th. gain of 2; Scio has 300 against The next two items are taken They think we are having very Wool Sacks ami Twine now on hand. from the Brownsville Times. 295, a gain of 5. warm weather. Mrs Geo Drinkard and daugh­ Lebanon has 1805 against 1820 Shedd ters, Mrs McMahan and Doris, a loss of 15; Brownsville has 763 (From the Albany Democrat.I drove to the Milwood ranch near against 919, a loss of 156; Sweet f t Shedd, Saturday for dinner, re- Home has 175 against 202, a los3 Mrs Clay and he? two sons, urning that sam - afternoon. X . - < ■ X X X X John and Victor, returned Sun­ C Malson and family of Shedd, of 27; Sodaville has 72 against ÀXad. A net gain of 445 in the h n nre getting away two daughters, and Mrs Chas side, spent the week end with incorporated towns. fr ?m the big chew idea. Arnold have returned from a her sister, Mrs E W Shedd. At present we ha-n’t the fig-» three days' outing at the Belknap T vv find m ore satisfac­ Mr and Mrs Cummings Dick­ ur-snt our command to deter- Springs. All report a fine time. tion in a little of the Real son and family spent Sunday j.t Mr and Mrs J B Cornett and the home of Mrs Dickson's par­ nine whether the county as a bacco Chew th a n they vholc ias gained or lost, bui we daughter Vera and aunt Sarah r got from a big chew ents, Mr and Mrs Henry Stew­ uppose it certainly must have Cornett are camped at the Bel-i the ordinary kind, art of Riverside. fui-ied some. knap springs. While there Mr sts you less, too—th e Cornett is busily engaged build-, Leo Jenney of Halsey has ac-i Some of the places have grown 1, rich tobacco taste ¡ng bungalows for the proprietor cepted a position as local mana in population like a man told us ger of a cream station here. I., ts so m uch longer.