X' ** H alsey VOL. NO. M HALSEY, LINN enterprise COUNTY, OREGON, Al Gl ST 19, 11.50 PER YEAR 1920 — -7 ; IE - — ! HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY SFATE BANK H ALSEY, OREGON ALSO ITEMS Capital «and Sur dus §32,000 C. H. KOONTZ. Pres. D. TAYLOR, Yice-Pre B. ’,1. IR )N I ). < ’.e !ii<>r W e added th e “ P R E ” t«> p iv i No com m ission n iu rtg it n t . m l .. nt tic» L ife It ir. m -n uey fu r ten o r tw e n t) \«»u c m . but do not hav< to pay on th e p rin c ip a l a nnually See J. M. nnn 4 4. I t Phone 87. 4- 4 4 1 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •> \ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ‘4'4*4+ We are here to serve you. The b » ito f pork, beef, and fish the The Ellensburg Produce Co country affords. We keep a line dosed their doors here last j of lard and compound always on Bancroft Optical Co. fhurday. They commenced bus I hand. See us before you buy. 313 1st St W. Albany. Phone 461 A mess here a little over a y e a r 1 The Halsey Meat Market. C arter igo.__In fact we noticed their ad & Son. Bring your Grain, Vetch, and n the paper just one or two is- Clover seed to Mrs J W Morgan and daugh­ ues prior to the present editor’s aking charge of the Enterprise. ter were Albany visitors S atur­ Mrs McPherson was appointed day morning. At noon they left for cleaning. Quick and satis­ is local m anager here shortly for a two weeks’ outing at New­ factory work guaranteed. ifter we arrived and she held it port. The D. S. Landon intil ju st a few days before her Dr Bond from Washington, D place, narriage to Mr Hover. H erson, C, where he had been doing spe- Halsey. Oregon. ueo Jenney, has had charge of it cial governm ent work, arrived •ver since. | h re last Saturday for a visit PORTLAND It came as quite a surprise to ¡ w¡th his wife and Mrs Quick. Is the Commercial Center o( North is when we heard th at they had America on the Pacific Coast, C P Poole from Brownsville, •losed their doors. We thought j «here the greatest river of the West passed through here Monday on pours its turbid flood into the sea. ;hey were a perm anent institu | his way to Harrisburg. He re- An Ideal Home C ity. ion in Halsey, but it seems that A Center of Education. p rted th at he had ju st been ta ­ .hey were not. It stem s that BUY A H O M E S IT E N O W king a two weeks’ vacation at here was not enough business w hile prices are low. Cascadia, The Dalles, Hood Riv- lere to justify the running of You w ill live here some day, e-, Portland, Seaside and other wo cream stations, and the El- Consult BEN RIESLANI), places. While he enjoyed his Subdivision Specialist, ensburg Produce Co was the trip, he was glad to get hack to 04 P L A T T B U IL D IN G 127 Park street, me to vacate the field. his home and his business. PO RTLAND OREGON. £ Extracted Honey FINE Cheaper than sugar Price 20 >25 cts N. T. Sneed, Halsey, Oregon Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you'll want to select the fashi< ns that please you and the woolens that 1 rmonize with your personality. If you haven't your copy of “MEN'S TOGS” from I d. V. Price & Co., let us know today. V /eii send you one. M. V, KOCNTZ CO. E X C L U S IV E LOCAL E Y E S T R A IN 1« the Cause of .Maay H U M A N IL L S It you r eyes give you trouble, or your glasses are annoying SRE US. We can Relieve You. T. J. Skirvin PREPAYM ENT I- VMM LOANS years. O ptical INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E lensburg Produce Co Non Eat I n t e r e s t ¡»aiti oli I r n e » •('/tiìicn tv s n i" d e p n s it W’e in v iti' Voi!]- !• Hlkili ' b u s in e s s W e H ave E V E R Y T H IN G DEALERS % LiloiuC il>C derOdhg« Try an Ad in he Enterprise Brownsville and Drifted Snow : jur at I) H S tu rtev an t’s. II L Kizer and w i t 1 from Knox lutto, visited Sunday with Mrs . E Taylor. A good range lor sale or trade, nquire of W Robertson. 7-29 tf S R Stevenson and sons Billy ind Harold weie in Halsey last . hursday night. For Sale—A Jersey male calf even months old, subject to reg- ter. D II S tu rte v a n t O F Kizer from Sprngfield, Iregon, spent Sunday evening vith his sister, Mrs N E Taylor. Mr and Mrs John Morgan of astern Washington, are visiting riends and relatives in Halsey. For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W Birnum , H arrisburg, Oregon, ’hone or write for appointment Mrs J W Miller was the guest >f Dr and Mrs W H Lee of Alba­ ny, Friday evening and on Sat- irday she left for a visit at Scio. Mr W alker's brother. Ed, and lis nephew, Osburn W alker of .'w iston, Idah), are visiting ith G R W alker and family. Prof and Mrs Herman A 3 ark and two children from the Jniversity of Oregon, «arm iwn Monday to visit Dr Bond nd«take dinner with Mrs Quick. Mr and Mrs Harrison Wallace ith their two babies, and Miss »live Wallace, visited friends nd relatives in Halsey early this eek. Mrs Iva Row ey and her two hildren went to Eugene Sabir ay where they will visit S R tevenson and Harold Stevenson, bey will also visit Mr and Mrs , R Robnett in Drain before re irning to Halsey. Miss Mona Bont 1 ft here uesday to attend tire Sar ent school of Physical edoca ion in Boston, Mass. She has lajored in Phys Ed a t O A f or two years. The Sargent chool is considered the liest of L ts kind in the United States. ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon “Always At Your Service” T urn the golden giain into grains of gold by funds in this strong, conservative institution. Pour per cent paid on Savings. depositing your surplus E veryth in g modern in banking. We have a few Ltnn County five per cent Bonds in denominations of iloo.Qo and £.500.00 each which we w ill sell w hile thev last. The First Savings Bank of Albany.Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ I a good plice to tnp and break while the binder is always u n ifo rm is in o p e ra tio n . Inspect a hale o f this dependable twine at our store the next time in town and let us have your memorandum older (ally to insure delivery. I). II. STURTEVANT I