D * H. Q A R N JO B ST, the FURNITURE HOSPITAL ' cwa. aoareaatug a « ira i uzvwv, aa,u I p a rt: Renovates and makes feather “We are lo a time which calls for F U R N IT U R E D E A L E R S straight thinking, straight talking and mattresses, old furniture and straight acting This Is no time for Carries everything in Furniture, Telephone 145. H a lsey , O regot mattresses made like new. wobbling. Never In all our history has also PIPELESS FURNACES. more Iwen done for government. Nev Bring them in or phone 261-R, - r was sacrifice more sublime The 128-130 Ferry St, Albany, Ore. The RAMONA M A C H IN E most previous things o f heart and Itome vere given up lit a spirit which guar plays all makes of records. LAWYER AND NOTARY j intees the (lerpetult.v of our Itndltn THE HALSEY ENTERPRISE H ons— If the faith 1» kept with those Also W H IT E SE W IN G Democratic Candidate Would . who served ami suffered. and the B rownsville , O regon "The country recet.ed with Interest Enter League, Immediately OREGON FARMER to say the least, the announcement Ratify Treaty and State In­ j from one year for $1.65. Albany. Chicago, where the Republican 215-217 Lyon Street, j itatlonal convention was n>-emble Paeeeg a Smgla Constructive Law. com mittal of policy and was. In fam ALBANY CREG. < K A R L A. B R A M W E L L , Prop. but Has Spent Tim e and M illions In so a rtfu lly phrased as to make ttlmos I Long Distance Hauling, atty deduction possible, It passe, Seeking to Makg Am eriea’e M ilitary 'AAAAXAAA/wVVW W vw Suits Cleaned And Pressed. through the convention with practlca Light and Heavy Trucks. Trium ph an Odleue Chapter In His | unanim ity. Senator Johnson, howevet LAUNDRY SENT AWAVon MONDAY **ry — Favors Repeal ef W a r Taxes whose position has been consistent nn<’ E. R. Cummings, Albany, Ore Crim inal Proeegutlon of Profiteers, whose opposition to the league in tin- Mere Adequate Supervision ef Rail, shape Is well known, withheld Ids sup i port of the convention's choice untl Halsey Items roada, a National Budget System DR. R. H. HARRIS the candidate had stated the itiennlti WILDEY LODGE NO. 65. and Woman Suffrage. o f the platform , anil announced del nltel.v the policy that would he his, i Mis E E Gormley visited Sat­ Regular meeting next S atur­ - elected. day night. C u sic k H a n k B u i l d i n g . A lb a n y urday in Albany with her son, "Senator Harding makes this nev Here Is u sumpinry of the speech Lloyd. pledge o f policy In behalf of his party of Governor July ex M. Cox, Demo “ ’I promise you form al and elTcctlv. Claude Davis from Albany, BO AC R ES A 1.L UN D E R e l i . T ! VA T ION (Tittle candidate for president, ai pence so quickly its a Repuhllcan cor visited Sunday with Jay Moore (he notification pgremoulea at Duy gross can pass lie declaration for i Fine set of farm buildings, plenty of All tools "Sanitary Sterilized” to n : Repuhllcan executive to sign.' water, located on good road near Shedd a n d fa m ily . Laundry Every Week LeffffM of Nations.— Would enter "This means hut one thing— a sepa station close to school ami church. Mrs D Taylor and her son the league, Im m ediately ra tify the rate peace w ith G erm any! Cleaning and Pressing This place can lie handled on very easy Lawrence went to Cascadia Sat- treaty and state our interpretation 1 “No less an authority than Sennb terms. Price $10,000. of the covenant In reservations ax Lodge said, before the heat of recer ; urday and returned Sunday. m atter of good faith and us a ' controversy, that to make peace M E Gardner and wife return­ a mutter of precaution against any eept In company w ith the Allies wottl Land ed Tuesday from their outing at I 'brand ns everlastingly w itli dishorn, nilsuiiderttundliig In the future and bring ruin to us.’ The Interpretation to clearly show Cascadia. “And then a fte r pencp Is made w ill that the leugue Is not an alliance 203 First National Bank Bldg. Miss Cleona Smith left and that Its basic purpose Is peace Germany, Senator Harding would, h Albany, Oregon. Wednesday for a few days’ visit and not controversy. i says, ‘hopefully approach the tiatlot Domestic Problems.— Would re­ 1 of Europe and of the earth, propositi at Newport. that understanding which makes us . peal w ar ta x e s ; reduce federal Harry Bressler, W H Kirk, w illing participant In the eonsecratioi ta x a tio n ; suggests. In place of ex­ and George Alford drove to Al­ cess profits tux, substitution of vol­ o f nations lo a new- relationship.’ “In short, America, refusing lo enti ume of business tax. bany Tuesday evening. the League of Nations (now nlread Profiteering.— Promises penal Izn For Sale—A good farm or chil­ tion tinder the crtinlnul law. dren’s mare, weight about 1100 Labor.— Stim ulate Americanize a t a bargain as I have no use for tlon. W rit of Injunction should not be abused. No necessity now for her. — Will Carter. 7-29 tf the drastic laws of wsr days; Mrs Earl Patton and son, who guarantee of free speech; recogni tipn of the tights of (he principle had been visiting at the T P P at­ of colle, tive burgn’iUng. Child life ton home, left Friday for their of the nation should be conserved. Agriculture.— Federal government home in Seattle. sponsor agriculture and food Joe Keeney, a brother of Mrs should production. Farm er should be am M C Bond, left here last Friday ply compensated for Ills work Handle? Town and Country Properly, ive him a call and see if he ran fix for the Okanogan country in Favors municipal markets. Ifcgu latlon of cold storage. Would In oil up. ■ Washington. crease area of tillab le land. C H Koontz got in his first National P rosperity.— Objective I consignment of this year’s wheat should be decreased tenantry und of home ownership. , etop Tuesday. He reports that stimulation Food Supply.— More adequate su­ i the quality is fine. pervision of railroad s; utilization M rs W H Robertson and her of waterways. and Commercial.— E x ­ 301 Broadalbin St, Albany. : daughter, Donna, spent last tols Financial federal reserve act and mer­ Our wonderful roots and herbs week in Independence and Alba- chant marine. Would extend fa­ culties for excbuuge und credit und ire found in the China prepara- j ny. They returned Sunday. stim ulate foreign trade. Mrs Davis of Albany, visited ions and have stood the test of a National Budget.— Favors a na mitnlillshed by twenty nine nations, | the fore part of the week with tlonal budget system. Would re­ housand years to cure Catarrh, and bearing und deserving the cot. tempt of the world, would submit at her son. Harry Davis, and her duce arm ament expenditures on \sthm a. Lung Trouble. Cancer, entering league of nations. entirely new project. This act w.-.uh i daughter, Mrs Lyle Chance. {htuniatism, Blood Poison, Ner­ Republican Ungcneroslty.— Repub­ either he regarded ax nr rant marines« vousness, Stomach, Liver and or altem pted International boaalsm. The City Council was to have licans failed to recognize that America bad su v ed the world or "These are fateful times Organize, vaslblllty. - Opposed Ihst our pisiform reference to reserve Mr and Mrs D H Pierce and to “soverni»»M by p a rty ;’ pledges tlons Is vague and Indefinite, fts mean family of Albany, Mrs Clarence sen Ice Io the people as a whole. Ing, In brief. Is that we shall stale Education —Federal government Simons of Eugene, and Miss Ce­ should not eocroacb on local con­ our Interpretation of the covenant sx a m atter of good faith to our assn Funeral Directors and Licensed cil Shepherd and her friend, trol, bat rather should create an elates and as a precaution against enlarged public Interest. Mrs Howard of Spokane, spent Embalmers any misunderstanding In the future Campaign Contributions. — No The point Is Hist a fter the people shall BROWNSVILLE and HARRIS­ Sunday at the R K Stew art narrow dividing line between the have spoken Hie league w ill be In tbe legitim ate and the Illegitim ate, BURG, Branches at Halsey and home. hands of Its friends in Hie senate, and underlying purpose only determ in­ P H Y S IC IA N AND SU R G C O h Amor A. Tussing1 PEACE KEYNOTE OF COX SPEECH OF ACCEPTANCE E. L. STIFT and SON * MACHINES. DENTISTRY LIBERTY BARBER - SHOP. MOVE BY TRUCK Chiropractor I. 0. 0 . F. X RAY BARBER SHOP E. C . M IL L E R W illa m e tte Valley C om pany. SWIFT 8 CO. Halsey Station. Cash b u y e rs ol ( ’ream Eggs an d P o u ltry . L .W . BYEHLY, A g en t W. J. Ribelin Dealer in Real Estate. Phe Hing Wo Chi­ nese Medicine Co. We Are Ready w ith w onderfully styled su its and coats; sty les c reated by crack d e sig n ­ e rs in th e in dustry, styles th a t are l ight. And th e r e ’s rt •al saving in values too for even th o u g h th is is a "first ol th ere th e season h as been no RURAL CREDIT LOANS C'a n \ as (i loves lor H op P ickers, BLAIN CLOTHING COMPANY. W R IG H T & PO O L E Sweet Home. Frank Kirk, Rep­ resentative for Halsey, Phoel66 ing Quaker Steel Pipeless F urna­ Ind ustrial Peace.— W e want a ces. The healthful, modern, change from tbe world of yester­ Albany. Oregon. economical way to heat youri day, from tbe eld Industrial world We are at the "forks e f tbe road." V A LU E F IR S T home. Re-called “ return to tbe normal" means "reactionism ' MARTIN LUDWIG Plumbing and Tinning. There were two big trucks of Second and Ferry Street, Dayton, O., Aug T.—Ie hie speech of oak wood rassed through here acgsptsBca today Go’ vrser James M Albany, Oregon. last Monday en route to Eugene T o Be C o n tin u ed F. M. GRAY, Drayman. Wc received notes fn m Bran­ don Center but as we were ju st j ready to go to press when we received them we will have to) All work done promptly and hold them over until next week, i reasonably. Phone No. 269. I