ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINN VOL. 8, NO. ÔU COUNTY, -------- T H E OREGON, AUGUST 12 $l.;»0 PER YEAR 1920 KHALSEY NEWS NOTES * HALSEY STATE BANK W e H ave 1 i. EVERY THING O ptic a l Y ALSO ITEMS HALSEY. O REG O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 Oh’ INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE E Y E S T R A IN X Is the Cause of M any HUM AN IL L S Linker’s Master Ixxk Installed We are here to serve you. The X II i u i i r h i - c u r ,OU li.'ul.l. . i a best of pork, beef, anti fish the J y mr g 1 ia»ea are annoy nig . East Friday R H Martin ot Ta- count ry affords. We keep a line \ SE E I S . We can R elieve You. X Interest paid on time < ertil’n ites of deposit oma. Wash, Inventor of the |ard anj compound always on > Bancroft Optical Co. $ We in \ite w i r banking business .l|S Isl St. W. Ylbany. P hone 4i.l 4 Tankers’ Master Lock, was here ■ hand. See us before you buy. tnd installed one of his locks in ' The Halsey Meat M arket, C arter C. IL KOONTZ, Pres. D. TAYLOR, Viee-Pres he vault of the Halsey Bank. & Son. Bring your Grain, Vetch, and This lock is an automatic, aux- P. M. BOND. C ashier L E Walton transacted busi d o v e r seed to ) liary locking device which holds ness at the county seat Tuesday. ill bill’s and l»olts of safes and Miner Boyd left Tuesday for PREPAYMENT KARA! LOANS vault doors in locked position Harper, Kansas, where he will for cleaning. Quick and satis* when combination box, or lock atten j H arper College during factory work guaranteed, We added th e " P R E ” to payment a n d w ill 1<> n you iininey fur ten o r twenty wjnter. He will spem’ a The I). S. Landon years. N o c-onimigeion m ortgage no Life Insurance. You can, b u t d o n o t have case, has been forcibly destroyed by those seeking unauthorized POUp|P of weeks visitinglw ith hi; place, to pay on th e principal a n n u ally access. friends and relatives at lndepen- Oregon. Halsey, S e e d . M, an d 1!. M. H a w k e s. Albany. Oregon. This Iqck works automatically dence and po rt|and. when the combination box is | Mrs 1) H Sturtevant left Sun PORTLAND tampered with, hut on an en- ,lay wjlll her oldest and young Is th e C om m ercial C e n te r of No,III 4 4 .4 .4 .4 .+ 4 4 4,x4,4v4 i 4 4- 4 + 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 tirely new principle from any oth est daughters for Salem, for e A m erica on th e Pacific Coast, 4 ers now in vogue, in th at it con .isit with hpl. sister. Mr Stur- i vliere th e g re atest riv e r of th e W est 4 trols the cornp'ete bolt mechan lpvant with his second daughter pours its tu rb id flood in to th e sea. An Meal Home City. If you want to buy or II Farms or City property 4 ism, holds all bolts and bars j |eH Tuesday for Portland to a t­ A C enter of E ducation. 4 SEE BLY A H O M E S IT E NOW tacked in position until releasee ; tend (he m erchants’ convention. 4 w hile prices are low. the one who knows the com Mrs S turtevant joined him at 4 by Yon will liv e here som e day, Salem and went on to Portland. 4 bination. Consult BEN KIESLAND, It is the latest and most per On their return Mrs Sturtevant 220 West 1st Street Albany, Oregon. Phone 87. 4 feet invention out, and we con­ Subdivision Specialist. IN H 127 Park stre e t, 4 gratulate the directors of the will stop over at Salem and finish * 104 PL A P I O T R III T L II.D AND OREGON. her visit. 4 Halsey Bank in taking steps to +>444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 secure the maximum protection for its many depositors. i T. J. Skirvin ALBANY REALTY CO. Extracted ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon Honey i 'Always At Your Service” ss FINE Cheaper than sugar Price 2€ 1 to 25 eta N. I. Sneed, Ha! ey, Oregon Brownsville and D rifted Snow Hour at D H S turtevant’s. Misses Ida and Amanda Mitz- ner were Albany callers Friday. A good range for sale or trade. Inquire of W Robertson. 7-29 tl Dr Garnjobst and B S Clark were Albany callers Tuesday. For Sale A Jersey male call seven months o!d. subject to reg c ter. D II Sturtevant. Miss Showalter arrived last Thursday for a week’s visit with Mrs B M Bond and others. A Wesley and family arrived ast Friday from th e ir w eek’s outing at Cast adia. F o r Dental Work Dr. E. W Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointment. F M Maxwell and family T o r n th e g o ld e n g i.n n in to g r a in , o f g old by fu n d s in th is stro n g c o n s e rv a li e i • ,1 ilu lio n . P o u r tier c e n t p a id oil .livings. d e p o sitin g y o u r su rp lu s E v e ry th in g m odem in h a n k in g . W e b a s e a tec. l.ln n C o u n ty five per cen t Bonds in d e n o m in a tio n s of ilOO 00 a n d S500 00 each w hich we will sell w hile th e» last The First Savings Bank o( Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Is a goo I place to d e p o sit y o u r sav in g » . 4 p e rce n t in te re s t on aaving» account- th a t ru n th re e m o n th s, si» i n in th s o r a year. In te re st paid se m i-a n n n a il) . from Coburg, spent Sunday at Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you’ll want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonise with your personality. If you haven t your copy of “MEN’S TOGS" from Ed. V Price £? Co., let us know today. We 11 send you one. M. V. KOONTZ CO. E X C L U S IV E LO CA L D EA LERS I’ry an Ad in the Enterprise the .1 M P orter home. Jas Rector and wife and three grandchildren Ipft Wednpsdai for Cascadia for an outing. Mrs I. E Walton and her son returned last Saturday from New ixirt where th»y had been for a week. John Andersen and wife from Eugene, spent Sunday with W I White and wife. Mrs Anderson is a niece of Mrs White. D S McWilliams and fami y left Saturday morning for a ten or twelve days' camping outing at McCreedie Springs. Mr Roy and family, recently from Tillamook, stopped over a day last week with their uncle, Boyd, en route to California. For Sale A 3-inch wagon near­ ly new. Apply at the Douglas Taylor farm. Lester Bentz, Halsey. ’ • 7-29 I t Rodney Savage informed us that he hsd a couple of calves to die last week from black-lei , So the farm ers had better be careful and take measures to protect their young »lock from a ' similar fate. 4 INCE the first use of binder twine in this country forty years ago, Plymouth Tw ine has alw ays proved itself to be the twine that hinds and satisfies. It has been found the most eco­ nomical in all grain-growing localities and will save you time, money and worry during the coming harvest. S Plymouth Twine is always uniform in quality — smooth-spun, even and strong. N o thin places to strip and break while the binder is in operation. Inspect a hale o f this dependable tw ine at o u r store the next time in town and let u> have your m em orandum order tarty to insure delivery. I). H. STURTEVANT L I . __