f Ä s ts v -t ALSEY ENTERPRISE H A L S E Y , LINN VOL. 3, NO. 40 PORTLAND W e H ave .rth ¡5 the Comm ercial Center ol America on the Pacific Coast. , e'c the greatest river of tile West pours it» turbid floo*1 il,to lhe sei An Meal Il'tn e City. A Center of Education. ItVY a I1OMKSI I E NOW while prices are low. Vent will live here so-ne div. Consul*. BEN RIE3LA JD, Subdivision Speciali t 404 1’LATT BVILU1N • l.’< Park street PORTLAND O REG ON . O ptical EYE S T R A IN Ì j la th e Cause of Many HUMAN IIJ.S ilf y o u r eye» give you trouble, or your glasses are annoying See Us WE CAN 1<‘ LI EVE YOU Bancroft Optical Co. ‘ 31 ' 1st St. W Albany. Phone 401 h. G A R N JO 33T , Amor A. Tussing P H Y S IC IA N AND SU RGEOb lawyer and notary Telephone 115. OREGON, AUGUST Halsey. Oregot ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE ~ -------------------- -------- ^ X Brownsville and Drifted Snow lour at D H S turtevant’s. A good range for sale or trade Inquire of W Robertson. 7-29 t Tel Poiter was in Albany Sat urday. Mrs Ida M Cummings was a bu iness caller in Halsey t r i ­ day. For Sale -A Jersey male calf seven months old, subject to reg- ister. W H S turtevant ------ ♦ - ♦ ■■■— GLnn (hanee Is Granted a Di­ vorce. ------ T H E ------- HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY. OREGON Capital and Surplus $32,000 I n te r e s t paid on lim e < <-i i i I n-.t t • - of d e n o s ¡t YYe in\ it'* v<»ur b inkinc l»n-iin I). TAYLOR, Vice-Pros II. KOONTZ. P re B. M B()NI >. <’iishier $1.50 PER YEAH 5, HL'O HALSEY NEWS NOTES everything DÎT. B rownsville , O regon COUNTY, We are here to serve you. The best of pork, beef, and fish the country affords. We keep a line of lard and compound a'ways or hand. See us before you buy. The Halsey Meat Market. Cartel & Son. Miss Delphi Hsr zog and her sister from Crow, were Halsey visitors Mon lay in their new Dodge. For S a 'e —A 3-inch wagon near­ ly new. Apply at the Douglas Taylor farm. Lester Bentz. Halsey. - 7-29 2t Ethel Quinby is attending summer session at D A C. II W Chance and J E True were business callers in Albany Friday. The Gourky & Co threshing outfit started threshing th :s week. Mrs L E Walton an d son J as. Sunday tor a week or ten days vacation at New port. They were joined at Albany by Mrs W alton's sister Mazie Crayton of Portland. F o r Dental Work—Dr. E. W Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write lor appointment. ♦ - — E xtracted lloney FINE Cheaper than sugar Price 20 to 25 cts ' , Finding that the defendant had run away with another man. as charged by her husband in ALBANY STATE BANK, of Albany, Oregon his complaint, Judge Percy L Kelly, yesterday afternoon i» ■ircuit court, granted a decree of iivorce to Glenn Chance, of Hal Turn the golden pram into grain*- of gold by depositing your surplus f n n Blanche Chance. tunds in tint; strong, conservative institution. In his order gianting the de­ Hour p e rc e n t paid on Savings. 1 very thing modern in banking. cree Chance is given the custody We have a few Ltnn County five per cent Bonds in denom ination« of of his 2 year old son, Harry Lew­ and $500.00 each which we 1 »ell while tlicv last is Chance, and the child’s moth­ er is enjoined from intermed I ling or disputing the authority ■ f the lather over him. In the complaint the plaintiff barged that his wife left him on June 20th last to go to L;n- of si: \ tti . f . co.n county to reside with A V Holgate. Letters written by ! Ho gate to Mrs ( hanee and th* • ote w ritten by the defendant i C E l OCR PRI< ES BEFORE YOU SELL notifying her husband she hac I OREGON gi ne away were introduced as , HALSEY, evidence. The couple were married at Albany in September, 1915, and had lived in Halsey during their married life. Sat Herald. “Always At Y our Service” L E L I. E N S B U R G PRODUCE CO Cash Buyers of Cream '.-A./- < r (* . ‘. P S Editor of Enterprise de Combat. © Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you'll want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonise with your personality. It you ha n t your copy of “MEN'S TOGS" from Ed. V. Price &\Co., let us know today. W ell send you one. M. V. KOONTZ CO. E X C L U S IV E LOCAL DEALERS nder Gofbes Hors On Tuesday, July 20, N 1 Sneed invited the editor of the Enterprise to go out to Muddy to act as swimming instructor to some small boys. In coining out of the pasture the editor came ahead of the car to open the gate. The gate was one with old fashioned hinges: a wire tied to the top of the gate and gate post. When Mr Sneed’s auto got half way thru the gate the gate tipped and the fender on the hind wheel caught the gate and Knocked the editor over and shove 1 him the length , of the gate brusing his shin up j considerably and sp ra y in g the | left knee. It went on all rigid for a week when all at once the lower part of the limb ai d the foot began to swell and ache. He went to the doctor, who told him a blood vessel had been broken on the inside and th at he must keep off the limb as much as possible for i a while. So he at once sent out the rig nal of distress and Elliot Mc­ Williams, who had be-n rustica- i ling on the farm of W rn Dunlap j for a month, came back to Hal ey and resumed work in the ot- ce. I he editor now has a cot in the printing oflice and he lies there and w atches lhe world move and Elliot sets the type. If the paper is not up to its usual standard, ju st t barge it up to a crippled limb f nd excuse us , ry aa Ad in he Enterprise.!,’£22 The First Savings B