CHANCE MEAT MARKET. Christian church Notes Last Sunday was a most beau­ We have opened up a lCe-t Market] in the b u ild in g " " " * tiful day in many respects. A formerly occupied by the Halsey Meat M ervices of a carnival com­ well and Ralph Matson. brother, our friend, our deliverer. pany of a high order which no Mr and Mrs Taylor left the MZ A n imber of our people attend­ doubt will add much to the pleas­ following day for Seattle.— ure of thosw* attending the fair. ed the Billy Sunday meeting at Brownsville Times. the Albany Chautauqua last Sun­ In com m ent.rig on the quality of George A rnett and Miss Lena the carniveJ secured, the La day p m. The official board will meet Grande Obsiit ver in a recent is­ Jackson were united in marriage 99 next Monday evening, July 26th. sue comment» as follows: by Dr W P White in the recep­ tion room of his offices in the "The Grea ter Alamo shows is A full attendance is desired. First National bank Saturday at sa y s the G ood J u d g e Bro Clemo will fill his regular the biggest and best organiza­ 10 o’clock in the presence of a appointment next Sunday morn­ tion of its kin d th at ever visited large number of intim ate friends. 1 find men are taking [.a Grande. T'here is no compar- ing. The newly weds left for Port­ to the Real Tobacco 1 ison between th e offerings, the In the evening the union ser­ ('hew. general better tnent an J a ttra c t­ land and way points on their vice will f»e held in the Metho­ iveness of this, w a r ’s attractions wedding trip. They are to make The good, rich taste dist church and the sermon will heir home on a farm near Shedd. and|tliose of a. few vean; ago. lasts so much longer be delivered by Bro Phillips. Mr and Mrs A rnett have a wide To write of <>ach of the score that you find it saves circle of friends in th e county of attractions, is impossible. Not Construction of Halsey and you money to use an objeciionulrio show is on the a ho extend congratulations and Tangent Roadwork now this class of tobacco. ground. T h e thriller is the autc- wish them a long and happy at a Standstill. Any man who uses drome w here to ¡lie Ixirraine and married life. th e Real T ob acco W H McConnell and E G Pugh Because funds are not availa­ her qu irtett.» o f reckless riders, Chew will tell you i ble. no work will be done by the including F c m est Roberts, make are two of the Linn county Jer that. state highway commission this the hair stan d up as they race ir ey cattle breeders who bought ve ir upon the section of the Pa­ automobile and motorcycle stack at the recent G G Hewitt Put up in two sty le t sale at Monmouth. cific highway between Halsey around the enclosure. and Tangent, according to Coun­ Mrs J B Clay was an Albany RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco "And tlien there are twenty ty Judge Bilyeu. who is in re­ shopper Monday. or more .nteresting shows, and W-B CUT Is a long fine-cut tobacco ceipt of information to that e f­ the ever popular riding devices, Eva S Stokes was the guest of fect from the Commission at among which the merry-go-round friends in Albany Monday even­ B L -jpuajuEEtarb ^>a*grTir. k , Salem. seerus to be quUe capable of ing and Tuesday. * I have a new shipment of Milf& $ Feed, Holstein, Sunny Brook. i m Alfalfa Meal and so forth. 5z_ o. w. FSOTi “ G o in g A il A r o u n d w «