M lsey M VOL. S, NO. 47 the C o m m e rcia l C enter ci irth Am erica on th e Pacific Coast, ahere the g-eatest r iv e r o l the West uouis »'» tu rb id flood in to the sea. An Ideal Hom e C ity. A C enter o l Education. BI Y A I lO M E S ll I t N O W w h ile prices are low. You w ill liv e here so lie dav, W e H ave I, Consult B EN RIESLA N D , EVERYTHING e r e s t r a in Is the Cause of Many I ll'M A N IL L S t y o u r ev es ^ i \ e you trouble, or your' glasses ,rc annoying See L's W E CAN R t-L I E V E YOU Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. \V. Albany. Phone 161 DR. Amor A. Tussi ng LAWYER AND NOTARY O ptical -’a.C/r S u b d ivisio n Specialist, 404 P L A T T Ml I L U I N • 1 7 I'.u k street. PO R TLAN D O REG O N. B rownsville . O regon E nterprise HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, PORTLAND K. G A R N JO S S T. P H Y S IC IA N ¡ Telephone 115. AND SURGEOb Halsey. Oregoi THE HALSEY STATE BANK H A LS E Y , OREGON Capital and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invite your bankinir business C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Yice-Pres B. M. B()XI). ( asbier / JULY 22. 1920 $1.50 PER YEAR H C Davis and his daughter, Mrs Jesse Bond, W J Ribelin and wife, Mrs Brandon, D S Me Williams and family, Mrs J C ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE C S tandish, and Miss Gertrude Porter went to Albany Sunday ! to hear Billy Sunday. Mrs Kirk’s Will Filed. We are here to serve you. The The Halsey base ball team best of pork. beef, and fish the played with Cottage Grove last The last will and testament of country affords. We keep a line Mrs Isabelle C Kirk was admit­ of lard and compound always on Sunday at Cottage Grove with a ted to probate in the county hand. See us before you buy. score of 4 to 3 in favor of Hal­ sey. This is only the second court by Judge W R Bilyeu last The Halsey Meat Market, Carter time th at Cottage Grove has Thursday morning. & Sop. been beaten this season. The will distributes her estate, Mrs Jam es Rector went to Tuesday morning, July 13th, which is estimated at the value Portland last Saturday for a visit 1920, a 9 pound boy was born to of $8000, as follows: To Laura Davidson, only sur­ i with her sons-in-law Reeves an I Mr and Mrs Cnäs Mishler of this place. Mother and child are do­ viving child of deceased’s de­ Wallace. A social gathering was held at ing well, and Charloy wore off ceased daughter, Mrs Mary J the home of Mr and Mrs R K some of his excess exuberance Wilson, $200. To Lillian M Kirk, widow of Stewart in which ice cream and by thoroughly oiling the running cake were served which was very gears of his wagon. The influ­ the deceased’s son, $200. i To her children, Emma Wil­ much enjoyed by all present. ence of the smile upon his face bur, Elizabeth Bone, Frank Kirk, I Those in attendance were Mr reaches from here to yonder and Joseph Kirk, W R Kirk, Charles and Mrs Sylvester and daughtei makes us all rejoice with him. Kirk, Effie B Gulliford, and Nel Eunice, Mr and Mrs E E Bass And we don’t blame him for smi­ It is his first born, and lie Frum, ail the remainder of and little son Clifford E, Mr and ling. Mrs E Hover and sun Robert. you fathers who have passed the estate in equal portions. The document nominates Peter Settle, the Misses Agne. through a similar experience Pearl and Grace know ju st how to appreciate his FranK Kirk and W R Kirk as Chandler, Pehrsson, Mr and Mrs Cridei feelings. The poor editor hap to executors of the estate. and son and Mrs Elliot of Har get his knowledge of such things Accident at Alford Station. risburg. and Mr and Mrs Pehrs second handed, but we extend son and their friend Mrs Fugle- our congratulations ju st the Tuesday morning when the bak of Oakland, California. same. north bound train that is due here at 11:55 was at Alford s ta ­ tion, an automobile containing a man, two women and a child at- tempted to cross the track just ahead of the train, but the train of S eattle struck them. One woman was killed outright, the man died be fore the train .«ached Halsey: G El OCR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL the other woman was badly wounded on the head and proba OREGON bly internally and was not ex­ HALSEY, pected to live, and the child was badly injured, having at least a broken leg. Dr Gainjobst and .Mrs John Bramwell got on the I train and accomprnied the wo man to Albany where she and 1 The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon the child were placed in the hos pital. The name on the m an’s acci , dent insurance card was Joseph ! 1» a good place to deposit y o u r sa v in g *. I percent in te re s t oa ta v in g * P Schrimsher, 1017 Ellis St, San account» th a t run three m on th » »1» i lo n th s o r a year. In te re s t paid Francisco. It is supposed that 1 s e m i-a n n u a lly . they were a man and his wife I and child and mother of either the man or the woman. The elderly lady wa9 the one that was killed outright. Het n ”’**7F* !” body was left with an attendant I e whete the accident occurred, to await the coroner's coming. Later information. The wo J L man died near Shedd, and the Ì bodies of the man and woman lU were taken to the undertaking parlors of Coroner C E Fisher. «—J The little boy was taken to the hospital but died a short time INCE the first use of binder twine in this afterwards. country forty years ago, Plymouth Tw ine HALSEY NEWS NOTES ELLENSBURG PRODUCE CO Cash Buyers of Cream ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new A utum n Suit and W in ter Overcoat you 11 w ant to select Flic fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonize with your personality. If you haven’t your copy of “M E N ’S T O G S" from Ed. V . Price Co., let us know today. W c 11 send you one. M. V. KOONTZ CO. E X C L U S IV E LOCAL DEALERS W if i lo C rdcr Clothes Try an Ad in the Enterprise Brownsville and Drifted Snow lour at D H Sturtevant’s. W F Moore was an Albany vi; - ¡tor last week. ) Mr and Mrs Geo Laubner were callers in Albany Saturday. For Dental Work—Dr. E. W. Barnum. Harrisburg. Oregon. Phone or write for appointment. Mrs D F Bern arrived here aturday for a visit with her laughter. Mrs * P Stafford. R M Bam ford left a sack of Bing cherries in our office last Friday and they were certainly fine. For sale—A 1915 Ford, good tires in front and new ones be­ hind. Can be seen at K irk’s garage. Price $4* MJ. T J to n k - w right. 7 152t S has always proved itself to be the twine that bind» and satisfies. It has been found the most eco­ nomical in all grain-growing localities and will save you time, money and worry during the coming harvest. Plymouth Twine is always uniform in quality — smooth-spun, even and strong. N o thin place» to »trip and break while the binder i» in operation. Inspect a bale o f this dependable twine at our store the next time in town and let u» have your memorandum order early to insure delivery. D. II. STURTEVANT