Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 15, 1920, Image 2

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    The Halsey Enterpri.'■
An Independent N ewiipaper
CHAS. BALLARD, E d ito r
E n tered as second-class m a tte r Oc-1
tober 3, 1912, a t ti e postoffice a t li a i­
se". O regon, under th e Act of March
Devoted to the mate rial upbuilding of
Halt*ey and su rro u n d in g country and
Linn C ounty generally. Subscription
ra te fl.6 0 per y ear in advance
In the m a tte r of the estate of
M iller, deceased.
N O T IC E I » H E R E B Y G IV E N th a t
u n d e r and by v irtue ot an o rd e r «h ly
m ade by th is C ourt on th e first day <-f
Ju n e , 192(, in the m atter of th e est te
o l D avid M iller, deceased, the u n » c r-
•ign«d a d m in istra i j r of aaid estate will
sell at p riv ate sale to th e h ig h e st bidder
for cash and subject to th e confirm ation
of said C ourt, on and a fte r the six te e n th
day of A ugust, 1920, a 1 of the said p ro p ­
e rty h e re in a fte r described, w hich - i t
property is all of the real p roperty in
said county belo n g in g to the estate of
the said D avid M iller, deceased.
All of Block P o u r in C ooper's Add»- I
tion to the town of H alsey, I.inn C ounty I
< >regou.
D ated at Burns, O regon, th is 1st day
of J une, 192o.
A d m in istra to r of above e n title d estate
y Not Have Two Incomes?
J F you can save $ 5 .0 0 a month
\\ here Is It?
Hulsey is practically without
fire protection except a tank of
water, and not a very large u n k
at that. No hose, no chemical;.
no anythini
Halsey she til'd'Have at least a
chemical tank and an abundance
of hose with a v dunteer tire de-
pirtinent. A fire starting any
place in town could easilV be
tanned into a very destructive
holocaust with a very littb wind,
and with two or three buildi iv
burning at once the whole town
would be practically at t ie n e t -
cy of tin flames. The Enter­
prise called attention to tl is
when tlie present editor took
charge, but nothing was tone
about it and probably wont Ie
done now.
But when a fire comes it wi 1
be too late then to make prepara-
. ” 11
8% Gold Motes
o f fo u n ta in States 4 P o w e r Co.
Though I bestow all my goods
to feed the poor, and have not
love, it proiiteth me nothing.
1 Cor 13: 3.
In our ministration to others
we are not to forget that money
is not the only thing of which
petple are sorely in need. Some
n *ed love and sympathy who do
n >t need money. Our Lord was
o le of these. His own heat t
foil of love, found comparatively
little companionship in the n.o e
or less sordid minds of even the
noblest of the fallen race reprt-j
sented among his apostles. In |
Mary, he seemed to find the
depth of love and devotion
which was to him an odor of
sw eet incense, of refresh met, t.
of re-invigoration, a tonic: and
Mary appreciated, more than
did others, the lengths a, d
breadths of the M aster’s char: c-
ter. She not only delighte I to
sit a t his feet to learn of him,
but also delighted, at great cist,
to give him some manifestation
of her devotion, her love.
Fire Protection
A become a profit-sharing investor in the
Our Sermonette
There are in several parts of
the town evergreen blackbtny
bushes growing on both sides of
the walks and in some places
even growing up between tl e
boards of the waiks until a per­
son passing is liable to tear his
clothes badly. Especially is it
hard on a woman’s clothes. It
ought not to be so. Every proj -
erty owner should see to it that
the bushes are kept down so the
footmen can pass along in safeb .
you can
You will receive a substantial cash income regularly every
six months.
No delays.
No expense for collection.
This is a high-class investment opportunity for the worker
—dependable, trustworthy, on-the-square. No red tape. Your money back
with interest if you can’t complete your payments.
Here is something that a wage earner can handle and get
on just as good terms as the biggest capitalist—a good paying investment in
a large, soundly managed business that is growing all the time,
As long as a utility company grows it needs investment money to build
extensions and additions. W e put the money of the w age earner and the capitalist alike to
work in public service needed for prosperity and development.
Act in yaw awn interest. Come in and see us or mail the
coupon. jiuri ut unce on the road to financial independence.
Investm ent D epartm ent
Mountain States
Power Company
Bylicsby Engineering and Management Corporation
In q u iry Coupon
___ 1920
In v e s tm e n t D e p a r tm e n t
Mountain States Power Co.
Please send m e your in vestm en t liwrature.
N am e
...... __..... -
- ...
E ngineer» — M an ager»
IL M. Byllesby & C » . , Z % V S
tion to light the (lames.
Every house in town should
nave a a >.
I dder attached
to it ■ l it Lie roof m Id be
reache I eusny, and tnere should
be a faucet attache 1 to a water
pipe reaching to the roof und in
every story of a building. Of
course the lattei | ar ol our sug-
gestions are personal m atters
and are up to each one individ-
ually, lu t the city as a city,
should take active steps at once
to fight any (lame that might
g •! started.
Preveiting Fires on a Farm
Experience has shown that
fire prevention shou'd le univer
sally practice).
The farmer,
however, Uiould give special a t­
tention to the cumulation of fire
hazards and the adoption of pro­
tective methods. This is true
for several rea.-ons. In the first
place his house, barn and out
buildings are usuallv constructtd
of combustible materials; being
more or le s isolated they are sub­
ject to lightning ttrokes; kero-
sene and gasolene a re likely to
be sto re t a b o u t the premises and
used tor light and power: he
must till his barn with hay,
S t r e e t N o . a n d C it y
T e le p h o n e ___________
straw and fe -d which are subject
to spontaneous combustion and,
last but not least he is usually out-
side of the protection of a tire
department. Too often a fire
ones started in a farm building
results in a total loss, while the
o vner stands sadly by with his
family and his neighbors, and
wishes that he had taken some
of those precautions which he
had been considering.
T h . r . 1« m ore C a ta r rh In th ia aectlor
n f th e c o u n try th a n a ll oth er disease-
put together, and fo r years it w ag sup
po aej to be in curable. Doctors presort bet
lo cal rem edle». and by co n s ta n tly fa ilin g
to c u te w ith local tre a tm e n t, pronounced
it in cu rable
C a ta r rh ta a local disease
(trc a tly influenced by c o n s titu tio n al < on
ditlona and th e re fo r« requires c o n s titu ­
tio n a l tre a tm e n t
H a ll'« C a ta rrh M e d i­
cine. m an u fa ctu re d by F . J C heney A
Toledo. Ohio. Is a constitu tio n al
rem edy, te ta ke n In te rn a lly and a< te
th ru the Blood on th e M u to u a Surfaces
a t the System O ne H u n d re d D o lla rs r e ­
w a rd le offered for any case th a t H a ll's
C a ta r rh M s Heine fa ils to cure
Send for
Circulars and testim o nials
F J CH ENEY A CO., Toledo. Ohio.
Bold by D ru ggists, 75c
H a l l e F a m ily P llle fo r constipation.
Pine Grove
Everyone was well pleased
with the ram whifh will be a
great benefit to the truck gar-
Miss Ella Chandler returned
home from Corvallis Saturday,
Mr and Mrs Becker of Eugene,
visited Monday with Mr and
Mrs N E Chandler.
Mr Eagley w .s a Sunday vis­
itor with Mr Heinrich.
Freddie Heinrich s|»ent Sun-
day with Ralph McNeil,
Mr and Mrs Grant McNeil and
family visited Sunday w ith Mr
and Mrs Bob Stewart,
’ ’
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends for the kindness and
sympathy shown in our late be­
reavement through the sickness
and death ot our mother. Mrs
Isabelle Kirk.
Also for the
beautiful fltral offerings.
Mrs J P W illur
M rsC H Bone
Mrs C E Gulli or J
Mrs 0 W Krum
Frank Kirk
Joe Kirk
William Kirk
Charles Kirk
■ ' ----♦ ♦
Henry Zimmerman and wife
were Albany callers, Mondty.
They were acconpanied by .Miss
Miss Marie Sneed return ‘d
Sunday evening from her visit
in Portland.
Mr and Mrs Ed Simnierman
were Albany callers Tuesday.
County Assessor J S Van Win­
kle arrived in Halsey Saturday to
attend the funeral of Mrs Kirk.
Miss Gertrude Porter is assist­
ing B S Clark in the store this
John Gormley is building a new
barn. Gardner and G a is 'e are
loing the work.
A New Hudson Speedster was
lelivered to Mr and Mrs Ceo
Latibner by the Highway Garage
"f Albany Sunday.
Harry Hopkins from Eugene,
visited in Halsey Saturday even­
ing and Sunday, returning Sun-
da yevening.
The Rebekahs of Brownsville
to the number of about 40 came
over list t hursday night and init­
iated three members for the Hal­
sey lodge, a fte r which afea^ t w as
Mr and Mrs Chas Kirk of A the
na. Mrs Chas Bone of Winona,
W ashington, Joe Kirk of Eugene,
and Mrs J P W iib u ro f Portland
A in ,ia Zimmerman who will v is -, were here to attend the funeral
it here a week or two.
* 1 of Mrs Kirk.