H alsey E nterprise VOL. 8, NO. 4«, HALSLY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, PORTLAND A Center of Education. BI V A H OM ESITE NOW while prices are low. You will live here so n e day, Consult BEN RIESLAND, HALSEY NEWS NOTES everything O ptical EVE ALSO ITEMS S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many I . H U M A N 1I.I.S II y o u r eyes g ive you trouble, o r your glasses arc a n n oying See L’ a W E CAN Kt- 1 .IE V E YOU Bancroft Optical Co. S ubd ivisio n S p e c n lit . 404 1*1.AT T B l’ I L D I N • 12/ Park street 313 1st St. W. A lbany. Phone 461 PORTLAND O REG ON . DR. Amor A. Tussing h. G AR N JO 3S T, P H Y S IC IA N AND S U R G E O I' LAWYER AND NOTARY B rownsville , O regon I te lephone 145. Halsey, Oregoi THE HALSEY STATE BANK HA LSEY . OREGON Capital and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on time eertifn-ati's of deposit W e invite vour banking business C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. 15 l»20 W e H ave Is the C o m m e rcia l .C e n te r o f N o rth Am erica on th e Pacific Coast, «here the greatest r iv e r o f the West pours its tu rb id flo o d in to the sea. An Ideal Ib>me C ity . JULY I). TAYLOR, Yiee-Pres B. M. BONI). C ashier OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE À 1 Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you’ll want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonize with your personality. If you haven’t your copy of "MEN’S TOGS" from Ed. V. Price Co., let us know today. Wc 11 send you one. M. V. KOONTZ CO. e x c l u s iv e local dealers Try an Ad in the Enterprise Daniel Wesley had the misfor­ tune to break one of the bones of his left wrist last Sunday. He was climbing onto lunie box­ es and fell with the above tesult. Mrs G Mitzner and her daugh­ ters Ida and Amanda left Tues­ day for Newport where they will spend several weeks. B M Bond and wife and Mrs M C Bond and her daughter X| O bituary We are here to serve you. The best of Dork, beef, and fish the Isabelle Caroline Pearl was country affords. We keep a line >orn in Ohio Jan 9, 1920. When of |ard ar,d compound always on t small child her parents moved haud. See us before you buv. o Missouri and in 1855 crossed T h e Halsev Meat M a r k e t C a r t e r " 0 Ila w e n .t t 0 ( a s c a t^*a S u n d a y , h e . H a in s t o f l ™ ™ S R « . « s l o Hdl‘e> Meat Market, Carter . T h e y put , u tin in a whole day of it he plains to Oregon. She was on' for they left here at 4 a m and married to Henry H Kirk Dec F H Porter attended the meet- returned at 8 p m. 28, 1854. They settled on a ing of the Linn County Fail- M rs M arsters fell Tuesday of farm a few miles southwest of Board in Albany last Saturday. last week and fractured the Brownsville, afterw ard moving Roht Andrews and wife from bon >s of her right shoulder. It to the old home place where Portland, former residents in was caused by her tripping o v tr ihey lived until in 1903 they this vicinity, attended the funer­ some baling wire th at was en­ moved to Halsey where Mr Kiik al of Mrs Kirk. tangled in the grass. She is get­ died July 13, 1910. A letter to Jas Drinkard from ting along as nicely as could be To this union were born twelve his brother stated that his fath­ expected. •hildrcn, eight of whom are now Henry Seefeld and his daugh­ iving, viz; Mrs J P Wilbur, er, W J Drinkard of Klondike, Portland, Mrs C H Bone, Wino­ Oregon, had had a stroke of par­ ter and his brother, W H See­ na, Wash, Frank, Halsey, Joe, alysis and is lying in a critical feld from Causey, New Mexico, d ove over to Corvallis Saturday. Eugene, William, Halsey, Chas, condition. W H Seefeld, who lives in W H Seefeld tells us he had n 't Athena, Mrs Ellie Gulliford and New Mexico, says that the oil seen his brother for 26 years, Mrs Nellie Frum of Halsey. fields are being devoloped in hi; H ■ arrived here a couple of There are fifteen grandchil dren and four great grandchil-1 section of the country, I w o ! weeks ago. He left the fore dren. derricks have been installed in part of the week for a week or She was converted and joined one place and others near then ten days in Portland and Seattle, the M E church when quite an<^ bie prospects for oil are sup- and ihen he wdl stop a few da 8 small and has lived a Christian P°®®d to be very good. on his return. e v e r since. . ■■ ii — The funeral sermon w as, preached by Rev F S Cfemo. the pall hearers were John Rebham from Brownsville. Geo OK S E A T T L E Lauhner, E B Penland, W I White, D H Sturtevant and M E, Gardner. The flower ladie3 were Mes GET OUR PRI' T.S BEFORE YOU SELL dames Sneed, Brandon, D T ay-! OREGON lor, Lauhner, Frum and Gormley. | HALSEY, A large concourse of people i followed the remains to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rrownsvllle cemetery where they - - - - were laid to rest. life Got Yours Yet ?• $1.50 PER YEAR ELLEN SBU RG —■bie—» PRODUCE co Cash Buyers of Cream Brownsville and Drifted Snow flour at D H Sturtevant’s. C H Koontz’ family left Tues­ day for Newport for a month or two. Glenn Chance, John Greenley and Clayton Gaub went to Cor­ vallis Saturday. There will be a dance a t the I pera house Friday night, July 1.6th. Everybody come. Mr Mayberry of Portland, I came up last week and has been ' buying stock wherever he could And it. For Dental Work .-Dr. E. W. Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointment. Master James Rector went to Jefferson Friday afternoon, re­ turning Saturday evening with his grandfather. The hall game that was sched­ uled for Cottage Grove last Sun­ day was called off on account of the death of Mrs Kirk. Mrs T M Boyd and daughter from Oakland, Oregon, arrived here on Monday for a visit with her sister, Mrs L Boyd. For sale—A 1915 Ford, good tires in front and new ones be hind. Can lx* seen at K irk’s garage. Price $400. T J Conk- w right. 7-152t Mr and Mrs Chas Kirk left Wednesday for their home in Athena. They were acccmpani d bv Mrs Florence Green, who will spend the summer in Athena. An extra fine young Jersey cow and calf for sale, very gen­ tle and easy to milk; calf is ten days old. Apply to Mrs L Arndt. Tulsa Station. 7-82t The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Is a good p la te to deposit y o u r saving«-. 4 percent in te re s t on savings aeconnts t li. it run three m on th s si» t n in th s o r a year In te re s t paid s e m i-a n n u a lly . INCE the first use of binder twine in this country forty year-, ago, Plymouth Tw ine has always proved itself to be the twine that bindj and satisfies. It Iras been found the most eco­ nomical in all grain-growing localities and will save you time, money and worry during the coming harvest. S Plymouth. Twine is always uniform in quality — smooth-spun, ev«n and strong. N o thin places to strip and break while the binder is in operation. Inspect a bale o f this dependable twine at our »tore the next time in town and let u> have your memorandum order tarty to insure delivery. D. II. STURTEVANT