Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 08, 1920, Image 4

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We*have'opened up a Mcat^Market Jin he building
formerly occupied by the Halsey Meat Ma ':et and
will ir.v to accommodate the pul"lie WL». cut Kinds of
meat. T P Patton is helping us for a while.
to gel a new m ow ing m achine and binder, McCormick or P eering
w e handle
repair» (or all make» o( m achines by order but try and keep on hand all repairs
for P eering and McCormick machinery. Hay tools here wire cable is the best
by test as it lias lieen tried
Harpoon Porks and pulleys.
I have for sale one set of second hand light work
Iia rncss.
1 G-inch Eeed grinder. This outfit at a bargain.
Methodist Church Notes
Cross & White
Jonathan befriends David.
A friend loveth at all times,
and a brother is born for adver­
sity. P ro v l7 ;1 7 .
The story of David and Jona­
than stands as the world's g reat­
est classic on friendship. To
God altove and God within his
own soul was Jonathan true,
hence he performed the difficult
feat of being loyal to his father
and true to his friend. Phillips
Brooks has said, "This world on-
, ly begins friendship.
l ship is love boiled down and fla­
vored with kind thoughts, kind j
I words, and helpful deeds. Peo-]
Screen Doors, Screen
Door Sets, etc___
A complete assortment
of Fishing Tackle, G ar­
den H o s e , Nozzles,
Sprayers, Valves etc.
Cross & White
Come in and see what we have.
Come In Early A nd Get W hat You Need. ple w?‘° hav! *arm fri"nd\ are ,
healthier and happier than those
¡who have none. A single real * 1
j friend is a treasure worth more 11
__ than gold or precious stones. ' 1
~ Money can buy many things. 1
good and evil. All the wealth of '
is made for the best of us. Re­ the world could not buy you a
member, poor Ice cream is not friend, or nay you for the loss of j 1
only not so delicious as ours, but one,”
The duet by Gertrude Porter 1
it is positively dangerous an i un­
healthy. We absolutely guaran­ and Mrs Harry Hopkins a t the]*
tee that we do not violate th e laal Sunday morning service was I T
• • a
' mnet nvAflllnnf" ond ivxititry onnio- .¥/
pure food laws either in word or most excellent and much appic
in deed, in compiling our ingre­ ciated by their many friends.
Bro Clemo left Monday for Sa- ]
dients for the m anufacture of
to attend the three weeks’ I
the best ice cream made.
series of ministerial lectures and
conferences on the W U campus. !
He will fill his regular appoint ]
m ent next Sunday m orning.'
The union service in the evening
will be at the M E church and ,
the sermon will be preached by
»tart a saVings account at this bank,
put yon on the real road to real saving.
Bro Phillips.
M r F armer :
If you have a piece in W heat, Oats, Barley, Rye
or in fact any grain, and think it will make iancy seed,
phone us or drop us a card before you c u t it. We wil
p y a substancial premium ovor the m arket price for
good seed but we w ant to see the grain before it is
Murphy Seed Co.
Albany Oregon.
earn interest while you save more.
help build a wall between you and hardship.
make you think more of yourself.
make others think more of you.
turn your ambition into real success.
Notice to W ater Users
As fires are liable to break out
anytime at this dry season of the
year, it is very necessary that we
have plenty of water in the tank
a t all times.
Therefore those
who sprinkle gardens and lawns
will please do so from six t<
I eight o’clock in the morning and
j from five to seven o’clock in the
It is imperative th at these
hours be observed and anyone
found using water out of lours
will be subject to a fine cr the
water cut off.
C O M E A N D A S K US W H Y A N D H O W .
Allwiny, Oregon
We added the "PRI-.’' to paym ent ami w ill loan yon money for ten or twenty
vears No com m ission mortgage, no Life Insurance
to pay on the principal annually,
You can, but do not have
Soe J. M. and IL M. Hawkins, Albany. Oregon.
J I have a new shipment of MilP&
$ Feed, Holstein, Sunny Brook,$
to Alfalfa Meal and so forth.
fh « 'liiip p ln e lion» only on Mon,lav, W ednesday
H Friday Hint Satunlav.
W ool Sticks and Twine now on hand.
I O. W . I R l
- l>
A s a M atter o f F a c t”
says the Good Ju d g e
It will actually cost you
less to use the Real To- f
bacco Chew,
f -
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
The full, rich taste la? a
longer -a n d a sin: 11
chew gives more genui ie
Pur up In iin i styles
RIGHT CUT Is a short ?ut'tobacco
Y\-B CL 1 is a losig tine-cut tobacco
W t-y o to n 'B ru to n w
W A E ast burs
212 W est SigsT .
Tw o S tores
\V E E astbvrn ,
13«, I. von S trek
Eastburn Bros.
« to
THE HIGH COST OF LIVING is not the only prob­
lem th at confronts the consumer: but to Produce mere,
to Earn more, to Ecot omize more, and to Save more by
taking advantage of our close prices listed below.
Snowfa'l ‘H ardw heat’ flour, per sack $3.30, bbl $13.00
Valley flour, soft wheat, per sack, $2.90, bbl
Olympic flour, hard wheat per sack $3.75, bbl
Siam rice yood quality, 2 pounds 25c, 8 1-2 lbs
Japan rice, fancy, 3 pounds 50c, 6 1-2 pounds
Oregon clean white beans, 4 lbs 25c, 18 lbs
Small Na-’y beans, 4 pounds 25c, 17 pounds
E xtra Standard tomatoes No. 2 can 11c, per dozen 1.25
Standard Oregon pumpkin 2 cans 25c, 9 cans
Italian prunes, clean stuff, lb 15c, 8 Ibt
Royal Club coffee 3 lb can $1.55, 5 lb can
Great American coffee, try it, 3 pound can
Bilk Caracal coffee, 1 pound 35c 3 pounds
Dry onions, white or red. G lbs 25c, 25 lbs
New Oregon cabbage, pound 5c, peas 3 pounds
Barrel of Prepared m ustard per bottle
Red Cross blueing, pint bottles 3 for
Tommy Springer’s baby has
been quite fUk for a week <r
Harry Commons’ baby is also
' reported on the sick list.
Road work commencing about
1 a mile north of Shtxld is in prog­
ress. The Pacific highway is to *
We buy eggs for cash or trade. B utternut
be connected with Corvallis by a t o
fresh every day.
graded road.
Two Big Stores
Two Big Stores.
T BSprenger has purchase! a
! new Ford.
?$$€€€€$$$€$€$€€€$€ €€€
Carl Hill and Rtland Marks of
Halsey, motored to Eugene Mon­
I l k p-<xliiec«l (4'*s.D2M for road funds lb ; average oil well cost i-to.ooo.
since Feb 2«., P»P>.
Salem dehyd rating plant is to lie e n ­
John Halverson and family
Portland American C m Co is to erect larged.
' from Portland, are visiting witl i »1,500,«00 plant building.
Two portable bu ild in gs authorized
Salem bricklayers had to increase erected for the Alderbrook school at As­
| relatives in and around Shedd.
The band from this place fur their scale I ) $10 lor eigh t hours liefore toria.
adm ission to tri-state conference.
12oo acres valuable wheat land sells
nishel music for the Albany
The Dalles gets a new C itizens Nation tor $ loo,000 at I'uiapine.
Fourth of July celebration.
al (tank paid up ft >ck flMI.Oll».
Road between T angent and Albany to
Salem is boosting west »ulc ,w r 1a-
neut litg liw i .
Rcvds|Nirt i- b ringing city water »ev­
Oil prospectors have locate«! platinun
m iles at a cost of fl> 0 '««).
deposits near G ,1«, H ill,
More than JOO.DOo pers >11« now occupy
j The Enterprise Electric Co 1» to ,’.e
. rosperous hom es in what wer • Aincri
.e lo p 1300 horse power hydro-elect tic
ca 1 deserts and prwtuce annual crops
. .«iwer aliove Lake Wallowa.
vorth $100,000,000 from land which <•
Portland Masonic Tem ple Associatioi
hort lim e ago returned nothing.
pays f 130,000 tor a kite.
Eugene proposes to «levelop cheap
II,«»1 River will »pend lio o o to coin
«>wer for factories.
,dete the Lost Lake highw ay.
E x te n sile im provem ents are to be
Rainier is to have a new bnsines
tid e on the lower Coquille at Ban Ion
building 50 X "0 with a basement
Clat’ kanie 1« to have a inolern fire
Mountain Stales Power Co is Innldin,
root hank build in g.
a 23,«Mi gallo < oil tank and putting i,
At Scappoose a contract has licen
tfO.ikSi on repair work on it , plant a<
warded for an addition to First N ation
I Bank
Large modern vault and axfe-
Grants Pa»« has let a contract to irri
i deposit boxes to be installed.
gate 10,000 acres tr, m K, g ,e m e r
C orvallis gets airplane mail « e riic-
, Pori,an«! ha» .AM) h .uses planned fot
Streets aie to be im proved and a new
itu m td i.le .oustri etion
ewer system built at Pendleton.
O «gun gasohue and distillate tax
H igh price of labor and material make
State Wide Prosp -ritv
In- graveled.
W uik I i . is bc-giiu on a freight r< <1
r o n Pendleton into the John
I Lay
Springfield power plant is I x w g en»
lary ed.
Oil has been struck at l.a«ximb.
Tile governm ent has ordered large
purchases of silver lor San Franci-<0
and Philadelphia m ints at f l pet oum e.
Montana, Oregon, W ashington, and
Idaho form Northw estern Reclam ation
•so-iation to promote projects in th< se
Fro«pec Is for a ready m arket at good
prices are ex cellen t for prunes, a p iles,
an.I potatoes accotding to reports Irotn
some of the larger m arket cities.
W H McMahan and wife from
Portland, came up Saturday ar d
returned Monday afternoon.