H alsey E nterprise E j-V O k $1.50 PER YEAH JU LY HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, S 2 d ) . To Miss Blanche Forster of Eu­ gene, spent the week end with tbe Commercial Center of North her parents, P J Forster and EVERYTHING America on the Pacific Coast, wife. O ptical kU.,c the g rcitest river of the West The Halsey has«* ball team ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE pours US turbid flood into tlie sea. E Y E S T R A IN crosses bats with the Cottage An Meal ll».ne City. X d ro v e team next Sunday a t Cot­ 1» the Cause of Many •\ Center of Education. IIVMAX U.I.S We are here to serve you. The UVY A H O M ESITE NOW NO 49- tage Grove. If y o u r eyes give you trouble, or your best of pork, beef, and fish the glasses are annoying »hile prices are low. Report of the condition of A F G am jobst and wife from country affords. We keep a line You » il ' b ve liere 30 ,16 THE HALSEY STATE BANK WE CAN K M J EVE YOU Salem, drove up Monday morn­ I Halsey m Ihe state of Oregon, at the of lard and compound always on Consult BEN RIEi LAND, ing to visit their son, Dr Garn- Bancroft Optical Co. lose of business June 30tb 1920. Snhlivision Specialist, hand. See ys before you buy. 313 1st St. \V. Albany. Phone 461 jobst bnd family. They were RESOURCES 4.U PLATT BV11.1)1 N ’ I ’7 Park street. The Halsey Meat Market, C arter accompanied by A J Engelhart. — I Loans anti discount Í17-. 722 32 PORTLAND O REG ON . & Son. )verd rafts secured and ' wife, and children. Mrs Engel­ - - - - 13.62 unsecured Miss McCrary of Portland, was hart is a sister of Dr G am jobst. DR. h . G A R N JO B ST, 5,360.00 kinds and warrants the guest of Miss Gertrude Por­ They returned Monday evening. Amor A. Tussing stocks, securities, judgm ent» 150.00 P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEOh ter Sunday. 3.335 4S A Wesley and family, M E tanking house lawyer and notary 2.910 70 Miss Marie Stew art of Eugene Gardner and family, 1 E Gard­ •urniture and fixtures Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregoi hie from approved reserve Miss Mildred Stew art of P ort­ iner and family, J A Stevenson B rownsville , O regon 57,09«- 29 banks land, and Mrs Marion Pike of and family and their grand­ 9,81.7.59 .'ash on hand Harrisburg, visited the latter daughter, Mr and Mrs Ribelin, 12.5.5, Total Resources THE part of the week with their Mrs Brandon, and Robert Miller L IA B IL IT IE S mother, Mrs Florence Stewart. ¡and wife and Mrs Young went « 20,000 00 apital stock paid in The 1 O O F installed the fol 'out to Hctzler’s grove and spent 12,(KO 00 surplus land lowing officers last Saturday the 5th. Mr Hetzler and family fn d iv id ed profits, less ex- HALSEY , OREGON night: Fred Cary, N G; T F Hill­ took dinner with the picnickers. 3,406.03 penses and taxes paid man, V G ;F H Porter, rec sec: Chas P Poole was in Halsey Individual deposits sub- John Pitman, treasurer. Tuesday a fter the body of Percy H4I.44O.43 ject to check I The team belonging to Royal Hume, who died in Portland, Demand certificates of 3,454.92 Interest paid on tilin' e«»rtifieat*M of deposit deposit Mr Hume was well Wright got frightened here in July 4. 56.154.62 I l ime and savings deposits known in Halsey, He was born Halsey last Saturday evening W e invite your banking business $255,4.5«». 00 I'otal Liabilities from the shooting of Roman and raised in Browniville. He STATE OH O REG O N ) candles and ran away. The was buried Wednesday morning C. H. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Yiee-Pres. County of Linn ) hack was broken up considerably in the Masonic cemetery under 1, H. M. Bond, Cashier of the above but no one was hurt. B. M. BOND. Cashier the K P ritual. PORTLAND W e H ave HALSEY NEWS NOTES HALSEY STATE BANK Capital and Surplus $32,000 named bank, do solemnly swear that tin above statem ent is true to the best oi my knowledge and belief. (Signed) B. M. Bond. Cashier. CORRECT—Attest: C. 11 KOONTZ D. IAYI.OR P. M. BOND Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me Hus fclh da) of Julv. 1920. E. Walton. N otar, Public. My commission expires 3-5-24. Your Book of Correct Styles Before placing your order for your new Autumn Suit and W inter Overcoat you 11 want to select the fashions that please you and the woolens that harmonize with your personality. If you h i.c n ’t your copy of “MEN'S TOGS" from Ed. V. Price 6? Co., let us know today. W eil send you one. M. V. KOONTZ CO. E X C L U S IV E LO C A L D EALER S Try an Ad in the Enterprise ELLEN SBURG PRODUCE CO OP SEATTLE Cash Buyers of Cream GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL HALSEY, Brownsville and Drifted Snow Hour at D H Sturtevant's. 0 W Frum shipped a car of hogs Wednesday. Leo Jenney and Rodell Stewart spent Mondav at Eugene. Warren Walton shipped a ca* of hay Monday. For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointment Mr and Mrs W A Cummings' spent a few days at Cascadia Iasi week. J S McMahan was called to Crawfordsville Tuesday to look after his cattle. Mrs Harry Hopkins of Enum claw, Washing on, visited the latter part of last week a t the F H Porter hom*». Barnet Sneed and family r f Marshfield, visited at the N T Sneed home for a short time Sat­ urday en route to Ix*hanon. The Rebekahs will initiate sev eral candidates Thursday even ¡¡ng, July 8, and the Brownsville lodge is expected to put on the work. Among 80 men drawn in Port land for the federal grand jury ¡we noticed the names of R E Stewart of Halsey, and M S Coot of Shedd. Alfred Savage had the misfor tune to get his arm caught it the cog wheels of a silo filler last Saturday, lacerating his arn very badly. For S a le .-A good range fo< Sit), and a camp stove and pip« for $1. W H Robertson. Halsey fi 241 f For sale. 175 h m of th< north part of the Gray rand with house and barn 3 1-2 mil«- wpst of Halsey. For particular address Mrs Frances E Gray I l Cottage Grove, Ore. 6 24 3t - - OREGON The First Savings Bank of Albany .Oregon ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ Is a good place to dtpoM t your saving*, -I perceut interest on savings accounts that run three months, si* Months or a year. Interest paid sem i-annually. INCE the first use of binder twine in this country forty years ago, Plymouth Tw ine has always proved itself to be the twine that binds and satisfies. It has been found the most eco­ nomical in all grain-growing localities and will save you time, money and worry during the coming harvest. S Plymouth Twine is always uniform in quality — smooth-spun, even and strong. N o thin places to strip and break while the binder is in operation. Inspect a bale o f this dependable twine at our store the next tune in town and let us have your memorandum order early to insure delivery. D. H. STURTEVANT »