PORTLAND IS the Commercial Center of No th America on the Pacific Coast, w|,«re the gre«te»t river of the West pour* H. turbid flood into the sea. An Ideal Home City. A Center of Education. lltlY A H OM ESITE NOW while prices are low. Yon will live here some day, COUNTY, OREGON, HALSEY, LIN N VOL. s, NO. 41 .. EYE I' $1.50 PER YEAH , ■ *HALSEY NEWS NOTES W e H ave EVERYTHING O ptical - -ILLY 1 ——— | S T R A IN ) ALSO ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE Is the Cause of Many ■ Hl'M AN ILLS 'Ll If your eyes give you trouble, or yourjl I glasses are annoying See I's WE CAN R EL IE V E VOL' Momhinweg says advertising pays. Last week he advertised lor wire strechers th at had been loaned out and two have retu rn ­ ed and he is looking for the oth­ er one any day. Mrs Ella Wallace and children of Howard Reeves of Portland, vi sited over the week end with Jam es Rector and family, re ­ turning Monday. Lost Monday afternoon, a parcel containing a white dress kirt, somewhere on the Browns­ ville road. Finder please leave at the Enterprise office. Mr and Mrs Fred Applegate from Yoncalla, visited with Mrs Bassett, Mrs Applegate’s moth- r, and w ith Mrs Marks and Mrs Pike, her sisters, last week. . hey left last Thursday accom­ panied by Miss Myrel Pike, who i 1 visit lei a while a t Yoncalla. Mr and Mrs S R Stevenson ai I their two boys, Mrs Dr W 1 i low ley and Mrs L R Robnett and her daughter Mildred drove down from Eugene Sunday and ¡sited a t the J A Stevenson ome. lhey all returned Sun- lay except Mrs Rowley. R I) BiJveu had a time of it ist Saturilay night. He undet - lock to t'idc the goat at the Odd Fellows’ mall, and of all the kick­ ing and: bucking and butting, you should have seen it. It was hard to tell who would come out best, but like the Irishman who roll' d down the hill with a log, he said, "h e was on top half of the tim e.’’ We are here to serve you. The The dance last Fiiday night best of pork, beef, and fish the vas fairly well attended. country affords. W e keep a line Brownsville and Drifted Snow Consult BEN R1 ESLAM), of lard and compound always on lour at D H Sturtevant's. Bancroft Optical Co. 1 hand. See us before you buy. Subdivision Specialist. 313 1st St. \V. Albany. Phone 461 Glen Charter was an A'bajiy 401 PLATT B U ltlM N »’ark street. The Halsey Meat Market, Carter . isitor Saturday. PO RTLA N U O REG ON . ii Son. W F White and wife were Eu­ gene callers Sunday. DR h . G A R N JO B ST, "For Better Appearance” Amor A. Tussi ng Mrs Ernest Hoover was a Eu­ Try Standard Cleaners and Dv- P H Y S IC IA N AND SURGEOh gene caller between trains Fri­ t rs for ladies’ and g e n ts’ suits, lawyer and notary dresses and overcoats. Telephone 115. Halsey, Oregoi day. Mary Smith and Mrs Southeren B rownsville , O regon E C Miller, Agent. 6-10tf were Albany callers last Fri- Mrs Florence Stew art ha lay. been quite sick but is reported E B Penland, H C Davis and s improving. Peter Gormley were Albany cal' For Sale. A good range fot ••s Friday. Mr Golden from Nebraska, i • !0, ai d a c; tup i tore and pip< H ALSEY, OREGON >r $1. W 11 Robert, on, llnL ey. visiting with P J Forster anu 24tf family. Rodell Stew art arrived in H al­ Arleigh Cummings sold a lean of horses last week to Mr C J ey Saturday night from Oregon Interest paid on time certificates of deposit ity, or Camas, Washington Hillman. .here he has been worKing for We invite your banking business Sidney Smith has purchased a ne w corn plow and he expects ti ome time. 1) S McWilliams and family C. IL KOONTZ, Pres. D. TA YLOK, Vice-Pres. cultivate now to a finish. Chancy Sickles bought a Deer­ nd Master Elliott Irvine of Al- H.M. BONI). Cashier ing mower this week, and the any, attended the S S conven­ hay will have to suffer now. io» at Wateiloo last Sunday af- For Dental W ork—Dr. E. W trnoon. Barnum, H arrisburg, Oregon. I) S McWilliams and family Phone or write for appointmei t. nd Mr Golden w ere Albany call- Will Kirk and wife and Gee rs Friday. When they return- Hayes and wife went up the cal­ d, Master Elliott Irvine came apoia Sunday for an outing. own with them to s; end the B M Bond and wife were din­ /eek end. ner guests with Mi and Mrs H A Renninger lest Wednesday even­ ing. I he baby buggy wheel that was advertised last week as lost OP SEATTLE was found by Mrs A E Whit- back. A Wesley and family went to GET OER PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL Spring Undermuslins will be provided at minimum cost if you1 Beaverton Saturday to attend the birthday anniversary of his participate in this special offering of tine quality Longcloths and I ALSEY, - * OREGON brother. Nainsooks. Mrs Wm Curtis from Ixibanon. who visited last week with I k r Daisy muslin 36 inch per yard daughterinllalsey returned home Flower of the Field 36 inch per yard - Friday. English Long Cloth 36 inch per yard - P A Pehrrson went to Port­ Rangoon Nainsook 36 indh per yard - land last week to attend the The First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon Shriners convention. He re­ ports a fine time. J H Tweedie ar.d wife and sis­ ter and J F Salasb took a trip up Is a g o o l place to deposit your mv nig». t percent interest on sav ings the calapoia river Sunday for an accounts that run three m onths, si» i unitlis or a year. I ulerest pni NEW SUIT? Now is the time to investigate, (all and inspect the New Line ol SAMPLES at reasonable prices. EXTRA SPECIAL. For a limited time ail extra $ pair of pants with each suit order. I). II. STURTEVANT 5-