o tax SEI |m VOL. 8, NO. 43 r IIAI>EY, LINN PORTLAND the C oiiiuiercial C e n te r ot N orth Am erica on th e Pacific Coast, „ .ere t'.e g re atest riv e r of the W est pours its turlm l flood in to the sea. An Ideal Hom e C ity. A C en ter of E ducation. BI Y A H O M E S IT E NOW w hile prices are low. You w ill liv e h e re som e d ty, W e H ave Is Consult BEN RIE3LAND, bverything O ptical e re Bancroft Optical Co. 313 1st St. \Y. A lbany. P hone P»1 DR. Amor A. Tussing h. G A R N JO B S T, P H Y S IC IA N LAWYER AND NOTARY AND te le p h o n e 145. B rownsville , O regon SURGEOI H alsey, O regir THE HALSEY STATE BANK HALSEY, O REG O N Capital and Surplus $32,000 Interest paid on time certificates of deposit We invife .your banking business II. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Yice-Pres B. M. BOX I). ('jisbior i COUNTY, OREGON, < 1 JUNE OF SI.50 PER YEAR INTEREST FROM EVERYWHERE painted so that it looks like a new one .1 W Miller and wife went to We arc* here to-serve you. Tht Eugene Monday to attend the On Jurm 16th, 11)20, a t the res- best of pork, beef, and fish tlu graduating exercises of tho IJ of er.ee of the Christian ministe • country affords. We keep a lint O. Their daughter. Miss Doro­ it Weiser, Idaho, occirred the of lard and compound always on thy, graduates with the A B de­ gree. vedding of Mrs Clara Cross of hand. See us before you buy. The Halsey Meat Market, Carter Mr Anderson from Plainview dalsey, to Poe La Follette oi •Si Son. passed through Halsey Sunday Durkee, Idaho, the Christiai en route to Harrisburg. When ninister officiating. Mr La Fol- “ l or Better /Vppearance” he reached a spot about a half et.e has an alfalfa ranch neat )urkee and the newly marrle» Iry Standard Cleaners and Dy­ mile north of Halsey one of his ouple will make their htme ers for ladies’ and g ents’ suits, hind wheels broke and he had to dresses and overcoats. come to Halsey and get a new here. E C Miller, Agent. 6-lOtf hub put in. The many friends of Mrs La F 1 tie wish her great joy in her There were very few from i East Saturday afternoon Miss iew home. She will be greatly here who did not attend the Pio- Pertha Pvburn and Enoch J Cun­ nissyd from Halsey where sh» ; n >ers’ picnic at Bro vnsville la ;t ningham were married at the n s been known for so mat y ■ week, especially on Thursday, court house in Albany by Judge /ears. On Thursday forenoon it looked Kelly. They left Sunday for The Enterprise extends con rainy but in the afternoon it was Mt Angel where Mr Cunning­ rratnlations to the newly mar fair enough. Friday was a n ’ ham has work. ried couple and wishes then, deal dav. For sale. 175 acres of the many years of happiness to north part of the Gray ranch Mrs Chas Falk Sr Pass s to the 'ether. with house and barn 3 1-2 miles Gr it Beyond west of Halsey. For particulars Brownsville and Drifted Sn w Mrs Chas L Falk sr. was born address Mrs Frances E Gray, dour at D 11 Sturtevant's. in Germany sixty five years ago. Cottage Grove, Ore. 6 24 3t Remember the dance at tin She c m e to hi country when a Mrs Summers Dougherty a r l mil Friday night, June 25lh. t rl. She di id ofdiabet ‘S Sunday, small child, of Portland, arrived Having commenced in th« ■Jun ■ 2), 1920. There are ten chil week before last for several country Monday. dren living to mourn her death, days’ visit with her husband’s Miss Myrtle Pike from Eugene i > at home with her p; re.its this i -‘ v e il sons and three daughters. mother. She left the fore part She was buried W ‘dnesday at the of this week for her home, ta ­ week. Mrs Thos Eacy of Fores' Pioneer Cemetery. She was a king her son Robert with her. Grove, visited over Su iday wit' highly respected citizen and vill R)bert has been staying the past ie greatly ini use I by her many school year with his grand- Mr and Mr. W II Kirk. .riends. m ilher. M rs F II Porter and h«*r twi Mrs Cross Married. ELLEN SBURG PRODUCE CO 111' SI .A TI I. E Spring Undermuslins Cash Buyers of Cream Gl- I OI R P R H E S BEFORE YOU SELL HALSEY, OREGON I he First Savings Bank of Albany,Oregon Grocery Department an Ad in the Enterprise Iit<0 J F Salash has bought the car daughter I ‘ft last week f< r t vacation at Newpo t. Í L The Halsey Meat M aiket put /J a coat of paint on the inside ol heir new building last Saturday For Dental W ork- Dr. E. W Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. Phone or write for appointment Spring Undermuslins will be provided at minimum cost if yon Alva Leeper and wife iron participate in this special olfering of fine quality Longcloths an Eugene were visiting with hi. Nainsooks. parents in Halsey Sunday. Frum and Gibson shipped e | Daisy muslin 36 inch per yard 7 a r of hogs and cattle Wednts-I blower of the Field 36 inch per yard day from Tulsa. English Ixmg Cloth 36 inch per yard C E Gullifi rd returned Satur- Rangoon Nainsook 36 indh per yard day evening from Suntex in i eastern Oregon and has resumed ! ; work on the s ction. F M Hathaway of Eugene, went to Canada some time ago ! and left there J riday with five Grocery Specials Dodge touring tars. Swift s White Soap 16 bars A ear of wood for George White Wonder Soap 16 bars - Liubner landed in Halsey Sun­ day. It was all taken in a short Cascade White Soap 14 bars - ti in v. All Washing Powders 3 packages J H Tweedie and wife, Pet« r Coimiev and wife, and J F Sa iash made a tu p to Alpine Sun­ day. Mrs Chas Folk sr is lying dan­ gerously ill a t this writing, (Sat­ in rday evening.) She died Sun day afternoon. « Mr and Mrs H A Brock, Mrs B S Clark and her daughter Georgena. Miss Ethel Curtis, and Sergeant Major Martin ■ pi nt Sunday v. ith William C u r-; tis and family in Lebanon. The Swift Cream Co shipped ' Ut 37 cans of cream in five days I 1 s t week afier d«*ciuriig a holi- d ly on Thursday. La ALSO ITEMS S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many HUM AN IL L S I f y o u r eyes give you trouble, or your glasses are a n n o y in g See I s W E CAN R H a lE Y E V o f Subdivision Specialist. 404 PLAT I 'I l l'l l .D I \ > l?< Park street. PO R T L A N D O R E G O N . E nterprise ‘WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE’ I ’ a g ‘x>d place to dcpoMl j o u r - l v in g r . 4 p e rie u t in lr r m t on « a v in g . a n o n u t- th a t run tlirn - m onth- -i* i lontli» or a year In te re st paid s in ii-a n n iia fly . How about that NEW SUIT? Now is fhe time to investigate. (all and inspect fhe New Liiie i Oi SAMPLES af reasonable prices. EXTRA SPECIAL Eor a limited time an extra pair of pants with each suit order. w X IW. I). II. STURTEVANT J Jfc