CHANCE MEAT MARKET. ^aivauon Army îxaucre vuii* rider Pcripcning Prive. azv men. ■ a i » Elects officers the Congressional Directory. It occupies less than six lines At a conference of the local Members of the Linn county Salvation Army campaign com­ democratic central committee of type in that direcrory. It shows Senator Harding to mittee with representatives of I met at the court house last the state otgaiiization held late -1 I hursd iy afternoon and organ- be a modest man. - He — is what ly. the postponement of the Linn ized to carry on the work of the former Governor Frank B Willis H. W . CHANCE & SON j of Ohio, described him to be in county drive until some more op party I) S Smith w as elected chair- n°m inating speech; “ In per- portune time was discussed; NOW IS THE TIME man, C C Bryant secretary and sona' character he has the digni- and unless the campaign devel­ to get 1 new uiowing macnine in.I binder, McCormick or D eering w e handle ty, urbanity and breadth of vis­ tceasurer and A K McMahon. fv ops more support and interest, ' repair» for all makes of machi es by order but try a n . l keep on hand all repairs ion of McKinley. Like th at oth­ fo» Deering and McCormick machinery 'la v tool« here w ire cable is the best such action will be taken within, state committeeman. er great Ohioan, he is one of the a short time, according to the | On the executive committee by test as it lias been tried. Harpoon rks an.l pulleys. announcement of those who p ar­ we noticed the names of A A common folks’ best loved fight- I have for sale one set of second hand light work ticipated. l u s a u i x of oi n ro w n sv iu e , S □ M ft, ; 'ng republicans, who believes in Tussing Brownsville, harness. “ If Linn couny does not ra is e 1 Garland of Lebanon, and C J the efficiency of representative ” " of - ' « Shedd, ••• government under party spon­ J e-inch Feed grinder. This outfit at a bargain. and • w its quota, there is a possibility Shedd sorship. That modest, dignified, that the pure use of the Bishop Wright of Harrisburg. Come in and see what we have. substantial citizen; that aggress­ Scott sciiool at Yamhill as a boys' Harding & Coolidge. ive, sane, cool headed leader of Come In Early And Get W hat You Need. and gil ls’ farm school, a move­ men; th a t typical Am erican.” m ent which originated in Linn Last Saturday evening the The republicans hope to march county, will have to be given republican convention on the to victory with this modest Ohio up,’’ said Commandant R C 01- tenth ballot nominated Senator . ltor editor and Governor Calvin L denbutg of Seattle. Hardmg of Ohio, for president. Coolidge as the standard bearers Hon F J Mille/, of Albany, is the person who originated the and Governor Coolidge of M as-1 of their party. NO ONE WILL REFUSE sachusetts, for vice president a plate of Clark’s ice cream. Its idea to buy the Yamhill property. NOTICE OF APPOINTM ENT OF W arren G Harding, of Marion, EXECUTOR delicious flavor so pleasing to the At a recent convention of Salva­ Ohio, was born in Blooming Notice is hereby given that the under palate, appeals to everyone’s tion army workers at Portland Grove, Morrow county, Ohio, order V of I vuv the VVUIliy County cour Court VIHU, signed ----- by 7 an -^'■1 he pointed out the great good taste, young or old. If you November 2, 1865; lie has been a of Linn Coilll*y, Oregon, has been dp that could be accomplished and doubt this, try some yourself. newspaper publisher since 1884- p,Jln,etl execut°r °> the last win and One trial will convince you and aft. r his speech Judge Stapleton is married; was a member of the Rós« dX ^. ‘ you surely will acquire a liking made the motion to make the persons hay. 15th and 76th Ohio general as- mg claims against said estate are re­ F > for it. Sold by the dish, or by purchase. lin s was unanimous­ semblies as senator from the quired to present them within six the pint, quart or gallon to take ly carried and accordingly the m onths from the date of this notice, thirteenth district, 1889 to 1903,1 state organization of the Salva­ home- with the proper vouchers, to the under­ and Lieutenant governor of Ohio tion Army took steps to s, cure signed at his residence at Halsey in it. It has apportioned the sum in 1904 and 1995; elected to the Linn C ounty, Oregon. of .>40,990 with which to make United States Senate November Dated and first published th is 17th the purchase, the funds for 3, 1914. His term of service will day of fune, 1920. Clive P. Stafford, E xecutor aforesaid. i which were to be obtained in the expire March 3, 1921. Amor A. T usiing, A tty, for Executor. The above is the modest present drive. A DOLLAR BILL 6 17 to 7 15. Mr Miller was present at the W II.I, Start a saving- i. count at Uns bank, conference and a fte r it was over \\ 11.1, put you on the re d road to real saving. , he said; W 11.1. earn interest white you save more. "I feel keenly the apathy that W 11.1, help build a wall between you and hardship. W 11.1, make you think more of yourself. s.ems to ex tin Linn county as, W 11.1, make others think more of you. to the Salvation Army campaign. W 11,1, turn your am hiti on into real success. The Yamhill property is adm ira­ C O M E A N D A S K US W H Y A N D H O W . bly adapted to ju t such a use as •» '< <>N s WINGS. the Salvation Army is planning ALBANY STATE BANK. to make of it. At this time es­ Albans Oregon. pecially, there is great need for such an institution in the state Screen Doors, Screen for orphaned boys and girls par­ Door Sets, etc. ticularly, many of whom, if left PREPAYMENT FARM LOANS to themselves atraj from the A complete assortment We added the "PRE" to paym ent and will loan you money for ten or twenty paths of right years. No com,nisston mortgage, no I., e Insurance. You can, but do not have ; The Statement Was made fol­ r Wcjhave opened up a L e u t’M arket in 'he building formerly occupied by the Hal-ey Meat M a-tet and will try to accommodate the public w .. ..inds of meat. T P Patton is helping u., for a while G. W. MORNHINWEG CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. Cross & White to pay on the principal annually boo J. M. and II. M. II Albany, Oregon. -- --- - * of Fishing Tackle, G ar­ den H o s e , Nozzles, Sprayers, Valves etc. low ing the meeting that about 80 per cent of tlie state's quota ¡has been taised. Linn county ' has barely reached 25 ner cent of it s apportionment. Fair Officials \ Lii Lebanon to D term ine Quota. H l^f* 'Kr, chairman, and A ‘ Schmitt, secretary, respective- ly of tin? Linn County Fair Asso- \ |/ dation, went to Lebanon last A __ __ < ’h o p p in g ,' »¡till;» , » 111 X <>n Monday, Wednesday \ i F r i ' l> «*'. •¡ng. where they m et' °-a * wi ll the t iiizei: of that city foi Friday and Satnrdnv. W jth e purpose of arranging the) A Wool Sacks and I'w. it now on hand. W quota of stock to be subscribed : w i by its citizens. l he meeting was a harmoni- Wk OUS one in every way and Leba- w ron citizens in their action «¿7 showed a determinati >n to give x t ie fair it most earnest support. | — ---- —— Republican County committee Organized La3t I hursday afternoon the Republican county committee say» th.? G ood J u d g e ¡met at Albany and organized \ OU will 8070 i tor the coming two years, m o n ey by u sin g j p H Bodine of Albany, was the Real Tobacco -e’ectid for perm anent chairman. Chew. T h e fu ll, Mis- Lelia Mitchell of Albany, rich tobacco taste p e rm a n e n t secretary, and D so long, you don’t I a; .or of Halsey permanent W » .J n 1 ' 'resit chew nearly rensurcr. so often. At y W L Marks of Albar y, s «‘ »Her chews, too, and was elected member for Linn ir»< re genuine satisfac­ ounty ot the state republican tion. central committee, and Rex W j*nv m an who uses the Davis of Harrisburg, member of Re .I Tobacco Chew will tie congressional republican tell you th a t. c mmittee. On that executive committee Fur op in two styles of fourteen members we notice RICH I Cl T is a sh o rt-cu t tobacco the names of W I) Porter of W-B C l I’ is a long fine-cut tobacco S dd, ‘ Mrs Kate Porter of Hal- sey, and Mrs E tta Sawyer of 1 Brownsville. I have a new shipment of Mill $ Feed. Holstein, Sunny B ro o k ,| -.y, \(' Alfalfa Meai ant so forth. \f, i 1 O. W . FRU M ' x o u Can B ank o n It” Cross & White .. Newport ARE NOW ON S A L E 'O regon's old favorite resort! '»it \ aqnm a Ilav—ta rg e N.itatoriiiin—Ample Hotel Accommodations and camping facilities. I illamook County Beaches I oi tied list m ile, due west of I'orUand lietween Ne.ih-kah kie Mountain and N etarts Bay. t hese I’caches include Garibaldi Heaches resorts, Neali-kah- nie, M anzanita and nay Ocean. I rater Lake (open juiy 1st* <>ne of tlie natural wonders of the world. i l l the heart of an extinct volcano. A lake Other A ttractive Outing Phtees D i ' t l ' o i t 'B re.tenhu.h Hot Sprtngs Mt. Jefferson C ountry) M. ( roiiit’ I lot Springs, •loMiphmo C ounty f a x e s biiaspi M ountain R osorts C olum bia R iver Boache« .Oregon » Marble Halls) Mt. Rainier National Park Yellowstone National Park • «lacier National Park “ Oregon Outdoors” New Summ er booklet contains general inform ation on note. T i c OrrRO" Hotel ami Camp rates. s,"u",er E’c— Inquire of our local agent for fnther particulars. Southern Pacfic Lines JOHN M. SCOTT Gcnrrtl PaMeuger Agent