/ The Halsey Enterpri An Independent Ne*v»paper R U B L I-U lto EVERY THURSDAY — . . ■ CIIAS. BALLARD, E d ito r Entered as eecond-ciati« m atter < »ctober 3, 1912. at the post office at Haltey, Ore­ gon under the Act of March . Devoted to the material upbuilding of Haleey and surrounding country and i.inn county generally Stil»<‘i'iplioii rate #1.50 jier year in adxance. $ G LASSES i F IT T E D BY > < } GRADUATE > O P T O M E T R IS T i J 5 P R IV A T E O F F IC E F O R E X A M IN A T IO N S < whether, on the other hand,we are controlled by the naked prin- cip'esof truth and righteousness; | ai whethe. we w .11 defend these principles with zeal and energy at any cost of labor or suffering, or Ixith, and so fight the good fight to the bitter end and even untQ death. H o w ’s T his? 5Ve uff'-r O u t H undred D ollars R ew are r an y case of C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t L»« ured by H a lle C a ta rrh Medicine. H all's C a ta rrh M edicine h a s been taken by c a ta r r h suffert-is for th e p ast th irty five .w ars, a n d h as become know n a s the m u s t r t l l a b k - rem edy fur C a ta rr h H a ll’s C a ta rrh M edicine a c ts thi u the Blood on th e M ucous su rfaces expelling th e pot* son from th e Blood an d h ealin g th e dia- . eased portions. A fter you have tak en H a ll’s C a ta rr h . Me hi inc for a sh o rt tim e you will see a cre.it Im provem ent In your genera) i i S ta rt r Kir c H all's C a ta rrh Medl- r in- a t once and pet rid of c a ta r r h . Send fcr testim o n ials free. i’ f < ill <*■ CO.. Toledo. O h la Sold bv u,i D ruggists. 75c. r ----- Christian Church Notes ' Another Royal Suggestion COOKIES and SMALL CAKES From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook H F N the children romp in hungry as young bears, here are some wholesome, economical de­ lights that w ill not only be received with glee, but w ill satisfy the most ravenous appetite in a most whole­ some manner. Cookies Cream sh o rte n in g ; add su g ar and w ell-beaten egg; beat well and add m ilk slow ly; silt flour, baking pow der, salt and cocoa into m ixture; stir until sm ooth, add vanilla. P u t one tablespoon of b a tte r into each greased muffin tin and bake in m oderate oven about 20 m inutes. C over w ith boiled ¡ting. _ _ . Orange Cakes S cups cu x ar | i cup milk 2 egg» V. teasp o o n g ra te d n u tm eg 1 teaspoon v a n illa e x tra c t o r g ra te d rin d o f 1 lem on 4 cu p s flour 2 teaspoons R o y al B ak in g Pow der -i cup m ilk w 4 tab lesp o o n s sh o rte n in g 1 cup s u g a r % cup Ihortcnlng C ream shortening and sucrar to g eth er; add milk to beaten eggs and beat again; add slow ly to cream ed sh o rten ­ in g and sugar; add nutm eg and flavoring; add 2 cups flour sifted w ith baking pow ­ d e r; add enough more flour to m ake stiff dough. Roll out v ery thin on floured board; cut w ith cookie cutter, sprin­ kle with sugar, o r put a raisin o r a piece of English w alnut in the center of each. Bake ab o u t 12 m inutes in hot oven. Cocoa D rop Cakes 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar le g g 2 cups flour 3 teasp o o n s R o y al B a k in s Powder *4 teasp o o n s a lt 1 teasp o o n o ra n g e e x tr a c t g ra te d rin d o t 1 o ra n g e BAKING POWDER C ream sh o rten in g ; add su g ar slowly, b eating w ell; add milk a little a t a tim e; then add w ell-beaten eg g ; sift flour, baking pow der and salt to ­ g e th e r and add to m ixture; add flavoring and g rated orange rind; mix well. Bake in greased shallow tin, o r in­ dividual cake tins, in hot oven 15 to 20 m inutes. W hen cool cover w ith o ran g e icing. The meetings closed last Sun­ P R IC E S R E A S O N A B L E day . 1 ¡ng w ith a record a tte n ­ F M. F r e n c h a S o n s > dance and splendid interest. ALBANY OREG. J Broth* r Stivers delivered a most powerful sermon on ‘'W here A b s o lu te ly P u re will you spend eternity?” His ; appeal to all to accept Jesus as their Savior was most pressing, COOK BOOK FREE J u s t oft th e p ress a n d finer and the w ondtr is that anyone th a n e v er before. T hia new R oyal Cook Hook c o n ­ co lid resist his pleading who had ta in in g 4J0 d e lig h tfu l re ­ le g g cipes. will b e gent to you not already accepted Christ. U cup milk free If you will sen d y o u r 111 cups flour n am e an d ad d re ss The gospel is God’s invitation 3 teaspoons R o y a l B a k in g BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO. P ow der t > a lost world to return to Him, l i t Fulton 8troet cup cocoa New York City Si teaspoon s a lt and we shall remember Brother Uunapoun v a n illa e x tra c t Stivers’ farewell attem pt to draw a the people of Halsey nearer to Prescription Work the cross of Christ and “ Home.” Every detail of expert worl - Our pastor resumes his duties manahip, every re e ttta ry n. i < xt Lord's day and hopes he chine and the closest inspectii t may count upon every member wedding insures the kind of work you to keep up the spirit of the re­ are much indebted to the kind I) twson-McCulloUgh Misses Mae and Maysel Mc­ which took place Tuesday p m. want. Our completely equip , id vival which, beside adding th ir­ hearts and willing hands of the Neil visited a few days with Mrs A very enjoyable W C T U G McNeil. plant gives you this service. teen to the membership, has ' committees for all their prac­ institute was held at the farm Mrs Will McLaren and Mrs stirred us all up to further e f­ tice work and floral decorations. j home of Mrs John Archibald Chris Eagley spent Wednesday The offering was $6.66, forts. near Tangent June 11. Those afternoon with Mrs Essy Bass. The League held their regular , , . B ro.htr Robertson, who has business meeting at the church attending from Platnvew were Mr and Mrs N E Chandler been superintendent of the S S ( D p t o m e i r t & t Mrs Kay Brewster, Mrs Hugh were visitors at the Pehrsson for over seven years, plead for a on Wednesday evening. ‘ A L B A N * Q R £& The Misses Helen Pearl and Churchill‘ Mrs Gordon Pike, a n d , home Monday. rest and in his stead Brother Mrs DM Bonar. The E R C class held their Walker has been elected and ¡Gladys Pierrot from Portland, ;Harold Albro, The straw berry carnival a t ; picnic in the covered bridge Sun- were welcome visitors a t last M anufacturing Optician. i will assume his duties July 4th. Lebanon was well attended by-day, it being too rainy to ven- We hope that the members and Sunday’s services. Plainview people. ujre any further. Our pastor will begin a series friends w ill em tinue to bold up Anna Heinrich spent the latter Mrs Lu Barnes and sister, of van ' his hands in an effort to make of sermons next Sunday morn- Seattle, are visiting at the home oart of the week with Louise While You A re th S S a power for good in the ing on the Prophet Elijah, which of J W Morgan en route home Robnett. They are attending we shall do well to hear. community. the picnic at Brownsville. from a visit to Los Angeles. The baptismal services which Plainview Items. Mrs L E Walton and son were held at the river at Browns­ Pine (¡rove. Miss Lottie Morgan, who is ' Jam es returned from their visit ville were most impressive and spending her vacation at the Ellen Chandler spent the lat-1 in Portland last Tuesday, They everything went off very well. Despite a drenching rain there home of her parents, returned to ter part of the week with home were gone about a week. They report a fine time. was a large crowd at the place Albany Monday to attend the folks. to witness the nine candidates willingly obey Jesus Christ in A welcome in lerin ol p .«trail this sacred ordinance He has tic un fine instrum ent" await* >ou. ma le part of His plan of salva­ Your favorite musical r«imposi­ tions will have an intensifie«! ap­ tion. peal. you will find, when played Next Lord’s day topics are) upon our “ Paul’s peculiarity” in the fore-' r. ' Ï Ï i Upright Tin nt s : noon and “ Lessons from great I Grand Pianos z ■■■ Si -*,) tragedies” at 8 pm . Everybody Player Pianos is heartily welcome to all of the Phonographs services of the church. •— a ft f t your character reflect* his iniag* Or,in plai t language, in ever;, trial he awakes t<> . e what in fluenees cnntrtl our actions, whether they In* influences of pre ent advantages, or worlds policy, or j err n il friendship or earthly lows, of hurl at !, e wife, orchildr.n, or love of ea3e. or love of peace at any cost; c; Methodist Church Notes SUNDAY S t HOOL The Lord our shepherd. The Loni is my shepherd; I shall not want. Ps 23; 1-6- The Psalmist here describes bv means of familiar figures, the condition of perfect safety in ihieh re ts the soul that fu y tru -ts in God. 1 a ’ we may come into such ' mmmnnion with the I/ird, and that we may help others into such communion, as fully to r e c ­ ognize him as shepherd and ho-t, is the highest purpose that can prompt us in the study of this Psalm. TIRE UY satisfaction when you buy tires. Fisk Tires meet any comparison, any competition. Then there is the assurance of the Fisk Ideal. B ’T o b e i h r b r » l concern in the world to w o rk for anrl »he «quarr«! c o ir »i n in ejiijtcncc to do buaincis w ith ,” N ext time — B U Y FISK from your dealer "Oil * .ml. niir livlp in ages past, Onr hope for vc-ir» too.me. Be tin , ii out Kutilr while life «hall last, \n.l out eternal home. Watt*. 1 he Children’s ,Day exerj ses p e ed off very ph a- antly last S n a.v evening. All on the program carried their parts through with much credit. We cöffö™ uo'"""