<5 U H alsey VOL. S, NO. 42 HALSEY, LINN PORTLAND th f Commercial Center of North America on the Pacific Coast, where the ¡jrcitest river of the West pours its turbid flood into the sea. An Ideal Home City. A Center o( Education. BI Y A H O M ESITE NOW while prices arc low. You will live here so r e Any, W e H ave Is everything O ptical EYE S T R A IN Is the Cause of Many HUMAN ILLS If yo u r eyes give you trouble, or your glasses are annoying See Us WE CAN R EL IE V E YOU S3 ERPRISE COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 17 I0'}o X $1.50 PER Y ÍA R X HALSEY NEWS NOTES ALSO ITEMS OF INTERES! FROM EVERYWHERE X Joe Kirk from E rge e ie , visited | in Halsey with his m i(»hi her over |Sunday. Earl Carey has gone to Brownsville where he has em­ ployment with Max Sawyer, road supervisor of the Browns­ ville district. The City Council met last Mon­ day night and appointed Eldon Cross as councilman to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resig­ nation of George Hayes several months ago. A petition was presente I asking that base ball be prohibited in the city limits on Sunday. A fter a heated dis­ cussion the petition was turned down by a vote of 3 to £. The baseball game th at was scheduled for last Sunday was called off on account of inclem­ ent weather. ----- —— “ For Better Appearance” Jas Porter was an Albany call­ We are here to serve you. The er last Thursday. best of pork, beef, and fish the Brownsville and Drifted Snow country afford? We keep a line Consult BEN RIESLAND, dour at D H S turtevant’s. of lard and compound always on B a n cr o ft O ptical Co. Subdivision Specialist, Henry Seefeld was a Eugene hand. See us before you buy. 313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone IG1 404 PLATT BUI 1.OIN • 127 Park street. caller Monday. lhe Halsey Meat Market, Carter PORTLAND OREGON. The Misses Hartzog from «& Son. Crow, were visitors in Halsey Mrs C E Gulliford *n" DR. h . G A R N JO aS T . ’ the latter p art of last week. Kirk and family w en1 A m o r A. Tussi ng For Dental Work—Dr. E. W. callers Tuesday. P H Y S IC IA N AND SU RG EOh Barnum, Harrisburg, Oregon. LAWYER AND NOTARY Notice. Please return wire Telephone 145. Halsey, Oregoi Phone or write for appointment. stretcher borrowed Irani Morn- BROWN8VILLE, OREGON R M EcKerson of the Amazon hinweg’s Implement store. Tire Co, was the guest of Harold Mrs Chas Bone, who was vis­ Stevenson over Sunday. THE iting here for some time, re­ Miss Mae Clemo, who has turned Sunday to her home in been teaching in Salem the past Winona, Washington. year, returned home last Fri Bom to .’d r and Mrs E B Bass d».v. an eight pound hoy, Thurdsav, HALSEY, O REG O N Sergeant Major Martin of Van- j une jy jp-jq Mother and fry Standard Cleaners and Dv- couver, B C, and Miss Ethel Cur child doing well. I ers for ladies’ and gents’ suits, tis are visiting at the Clark frum , Gibson and Overton dresses and overcoats. E C Miller, Agent. 6-l()tf home. I shipped two double-decked cais Interest paid on time certificates of deposit Harry Davis’ father and > of lambs Sunday morning from H W Chance has been on the W e invite your banking business brother Claude from Albany, S Tulsa on the O E. sick list for some time. were visitors in Halsey last Sun- The Halsey base ball b'am Quite a number from here a t­ C. II. KOONTZ, Pres. I). TAYLOR, Vice-Pros. ¡day. i went to I-ebanon last Saturday tended the straw berry carnival Miss Helen R Lee of Eugene, and defeated the Lebanon team at Lebanon last week. B. M. BOND, Cashier w e s a w e e k e n d guest at the J with a score of 4 to 3 in a ter Cleona Smith returned from VV Miller home. Miss Dorothy inning game. Dallas last Saturday after a was also home on a visit. Ray Deane and family of Co­ week’s visit. I have 200 fu!: blooded White quille. who were visiting for a Miss Eleanor Bennett of T an­ Leghorn chickens two months week in Oregon City, arrived in gent came up last Thursday and ' old for sale at 45 cents each. C Halsey Monday evening for a visited in the Robertson home. A Curtis, Alford station. 6172*. visit with Mr Deane’s sister, She returned to her home Tues­ A " Harold Stevenson left Tuesday VIrs C P Stafford. day. r- ¡noon for ("amp Kearney, a t San D ego, Cali, where he will be in - - -, \ the R O T C camp for six weeks Mrs McPherson has resigned her position as local agent for OF SEATTLE the Ellensburg Produce Co and her son, Leo Jenney has accept­ ed it. The Halsey Boy Scouts took a GET OCR PRICES BEFORE YOU SELL Spring Undermuslins will be provided at minimum cost if you hike last Saturday night out to participate in this special otfering of fine quality Longcloths and muddy where they camped over HALSEY, OREGON Nainsooks. night. They returned Sunday morn. Daisy muslin 36 inch per yard 40c Amos Mishler and family and Flower of the Field 36 inch per yard 60c Chas Mishler and his wife left English Long Cloth 36 inch per yard 50c .the fore part of the week for Rangoon Nainsook 36 indh per yard 45c I lie First Savings Bank of A lbany,O regon California where they will make their future home. Johny Standish left Monday noon for his home in Montana. His brother Lyle of Portlai d. Is a giKxl plate to