now will fit us to meet and con­ NO ONE WILL REFUSE quer him a« we did last tear. Your pastor and superintend­ a plate of Clark’s ice cream. Its delicious flavor so pleasing to the ent ask that all the members pa'ate, appeals to everyone’.; will realize that their faithful- ess will be put to the test du tas'.e, young or old. If yoi doubt this, try some yourself ring the coming months and they One trial will convince you and are counting upon your continued you surely will acquire a liking co-operation and as good a show­ for it. Sold by the dish, or by ! ing as last year. the pint, quart or gallon to t a k t , Remember the services next Lord’s day. Start right with home. the Bible school a t ten and a t­ tend everyone during the day; you will be well repaid, the church strengthened and encour­ aged by you presence, and the cause of Christ exalted by your A DOLLAR BILL faithful observance of His day. W IL L «tart a siv itig « account at th is bank, C E topic, Common mistakes VV1I.L p u t you on th e real road to real saving. in daily living. Prov 24: 27-34. W ILL earn in te re s t w hile you save more. On Sunday next, following the W IL L help build a wall betw een you anti hardship. W IL L m ake you th in k m ore of yourself. morning service the ordinance W IL L m a te o th ers th in k m ore of you. of Christian baptism will be ob­ W IL L turn v our am bition in to real success. served. And at 2:30 at the river C O M E A N D A S K U b VVHV A N D H O W . at Biownsville a special baptis­ 4 '/ O N h. k \ LS h S . mal service will be held when ALBANY*STATE BANK. several will be baptized. A cor­ A lbany, O regon. dial invitation is extended to all to J»e present. CLARK’S CONFECTIONERY. c $ CHANCE MEAT MARKET. We’have opened up a M eat'M arket in the building formerly occupied by the Halsey Meat Ma 'ket and will try to accommodate the public with ail kinds of meat. T P Patton is helping us for a while. H. CHANCE & SO N N O W IS T H E T IM E to g e t a new m ow ing m achine a n d b in d er, M cC orm ick o r D eering w e handle rep airs (or all m akes of m achines by o rd e r but try a n d k eep on b a u d all repairs for D venug and M cCorm ick m achinery. H ay to o ls here w ire cable is the lied by test as it has lieen trie d . H arpoon P o rk s a n d pulleys. 1 second hand S tover 5 h o rs e p o w e r engine in good ru n n in g o rd e r. P le n ty o f w ire cable. 1 G-inch Peed grinder. This outfit at a bargain. Come in and see what we have. Come In Early And Get What You Need. G. W. MORNHINWEG We have a Varied Assortment of Aluminum Ware at very rea­ sonable prices. Also a stock ot Granite Ware. Do not fail to try our Rockers, Diners, etc. We are also prepared to serve you with a stock of General Hard­ ware. Methodist Church Notes PREPAYMENT EARM LOANS W. SUNDAY SCHOOL A shepherd boy chosen king. years. No com m ission m ortp ige, uo Life Insurance. . You can, h u t do n o t have The spirit of Jehovah came to pay on the principal annually. mightily upon David from that day forward. 1 Sam 16; 13. See M. and II. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. David is here announced as the God-anointed, future king of Is­ rael. “ The successful Christian life j is growing in its contentment Mz Mz with God, and life; growing pa- Mz I tient, loving, unselfish, humble, Mz i efficient, sdf-:ontrolled. ” Mz The missionary society had at * interesting meeting at the church /h ( 'Intppihnr done <>nl,v on M onday. W ed n esd ay SP ! last Friday at which Miss Mor- , row, the returned missionary 7$ Eridav and S aturday. j from India, gave a very interest- \Vot>l Sacks and Tw ine now on hand. $ I ing address which was directed especially to the Standard Mz I ! more Bearers and the younger soci­ « The mite box opening at Mz eties. this time amounted to $17.00. V/ The public address bv Miss tir W A E a stbv r n W E E a stbvsn , Morro.v Sunday evening on the 212 W es t F ir s t . T w o S to r es 1.36 L yon s t r e e t . great needs and importance of 15 fhe work on the foreign field was a splendid appeal from a trained IS mind and a devoted worker for IS Buy y our g ro ceries ot us for CASH, we set th e pace o th e rs follow . Rend th is price list below a n d d o n ’t fo rg et th e place. the cause of Christ. The ad­ G ood H ard w h eat F lo u r, notie b e tte r, sack 3.50, b a rre l - - . « »13.50 , says the Good Judge dress was delivered in a quiet ,kkio pounds recleaned w hite beans, 17 p o u n d s for l.oo winning way that is bound to I Yc;t n o t only get com ­ Fancy S au tiaiu old potatoes, 15 p iu n d s w hile th ey la st - 1.00 « wield for good in the lives of all j A good blend Coffee. G o in g S trong, 35o pound. 3 p o u n d s for plete tobacco satisfac­ • l.oo l ’e tite prunes, ju s t in, 2 p o u n d s 25c 9 p o u n d s for 1.00 w h o hear her. The offering for /ft tion fr< m a little of th e Italian prunes, very nice 15c p o u n d , 7 p o u n d s lo r . 1.0O the work was $24.00. Real Tobacco Chew— S tan d ard pack T om atoes, can 15c 7 Cans for . . . . 1.00 Next Sunday will be observed! But it co; 11 you less. S ta n d ard pack strin g beans, can 15c, 7 c an s for 1.00 as Children’s Day. In the m orn-! The rich tobacco ta : e R oyal C lub Coffee, 3 pound can 1.60, 5 p ound can 2.60 ing there will be a special ser- i W h ite N avy Soap 10 .bars <.5c, L e n o x L au n d ry soap 22 bar« la ts so m u ch longer • 1.00 G ood solid cabbage, ju st in p e r p ound . mon on this theme. In the ev en -' - 05 th en the okl kind—- New peas and potatoes, 2 pou n d s 25c. D ry o n io n s p e r p ound - 0,5 ing at 8 o’clock the children will j you don’t have to have P le n ty of asparagus, rh u b a rb , hom e grow n lettu ce a n d straw b errie* render their program. a fresh chew nearly as Good C ream ery b u tte r, e v e ry day p e r pound 55c The committee in charge are often. We still ham le th e o n ly o rig in a l B u tte rn u t Bread using their time and labor to j W e buy E g g s cash o r trade. Any m an v. ho uses th e make this a success. Come out I Two Big Stores. Albany Two Big Stores. R e al T o b a c c o C hew and encourage the children in will tell you th a t. the cause they are putting for-| P u t up tw o s ty le s ward. We added th e “ P R L ’ to p a y m e n t and will loan you money for ten or tw enty Jr . sii. •¡J I have a ...... new shipment of ----- Mill j# Z |> ........ 1 Feed, Holstein, Sunny Brook, m Alfalfa Meal and so forth. $ w Yours for a prosperous year. Cross & White O. AV. F R U M « * East burn Bros. B e a r t h is in M in d ” 4S $ 4 is s IS RIGHT CUT la a short-cut tobacco V -B CL’T Is a long fine-cut tobacco Christian Church Notes The much welcomed rain that came last Sunday morning inter fered with the success of oui children’s day program as fat as the attendance was concerned. A»m t sixty were present and w e sur»* thoroughly enjoyed the items provided by members ot ti e various classes. The pa­ geant pr< renting the claims ot the foreign field was splendid anil most appropriai»'. Splendid audiences attended both of the -ervices of th»> church and were well repaid by the two ..rinomi Brother Stivers brought us. The meetings art' growing in interest and definite results are living seen in the con­ fessions atnl other ¡.ilditious to the (ueinbeiship ot the church. Do not miss any of the ling services for they will do much to help you in your every day life. Brother Stivers speaks straight from the Bible, of which he is a splendid student, and has no de­ sire other than to exalt Christ and the truth as it is in him that men and women may do what is well pleasing to Hun. W hatever we may think re­ garding the religion of Christ, i here is one thing certain, we shall lx? judged according to our obedience to His revealed word ■>r disobedience as the case may be: it therefore behooves us not to miss an opnortunity of hear­ ing what He has to say. Come every night. The Bible school is about to face the dreaded monster “ sum- merslump" and only preparation As Others See Us. Ilv M artin <5. C h riste n se n .) I lie n e t Burn ex p ressed the wish th at we C ould see ourselves as o th e rs see u s But t i n t wish lias no advocate in m e_ l lie i j t n (ruin th a t fo rev er Iree ns! F or th en a th o u sa n d views W ould p in and m e confuse. And n O rder« 77 M iil O rd ers will be lilb at filoso prices. Picnic h a m * ................... .. 5 pounds p ure la r 1 10 pounds p ure la r d ............... Bulk lanl. per p cuud 3 pounds < risc o _____ •» pounds C ribco. _ . 9 pounds C risc o ___________ pou n d s v r i s c o .. __ . . . 1 pin t W esson o i l . 1 qu art W esson oil . . 2 quart* W esson oil 1 p in t M arrola o i l ___ 1 q u a rt M a/zola oil 2 q u a rts Mazzola oil 1 gallon Mazzola o i l _______ 5 pounds W edding B reakfast 27c i l 30 2 5.5 78c 1.1« J. 1 > 3.15 60c 43c B»»c 1 55 4< c 75c 1 45 2.00 »vrup............................ gut 10 pounds We filing B reakfast •y m p 5 pounds M arshm allow sy ru p Ito ***c 1 *-i 10 jmunris M arshm allow s y ru p Oly tuple flour _____ . _______ Sl.Sfl 3.75 Cru5ru fl-jur_165 c now D rift flo u r. ............ I* in c i t - f l o u r ......... . . . . 2 K elh aiC4. - ......... . _____ 3 40 A 27c 12 Kellogg*........................ I 59 2 Post T im s tic s ............... ........ 12 Tost T o a stie s........... .. 27c 1 Roman m eal ........ V ucle Sam** H e a lth Food . 3 Royal C lu b ewffce 3 pou n d s M J a coflee........... G allo n p e a c h e s .. ............... G d lo u apple* G allon p u m p k i n . . . . . . . . ._ 2 can s pea« . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 c an s c o r n ........... ........ . 2 can» to m a to e s.« ......... ........ Del M onte tom aloe« J L BUSICK & SONS tfc 1 4S J 5Sc wv 35c 35c JGc 2Uc